League of Legends General - /lolg/

Soraka is a Janna counter edition.

Old thread: >Very Useful Links


>Pentakill 2 - Grasp of the Undying Album

>7.15 Patch Notes


>Champion and Skin Sales


Join us in the /lolg/ Official Stream, find the link on Eyosongive.us

I love Riven! My cute and perfect wife!!!


>lolbabs find this attractive

These are the same people that feed top and blame their jungler I bet.

How do I decide between shiv/rfc/pd

My dick feels pretty supported by Soraka right now

5 decides my new main and new name.

xth for breast metal waifu

Best ass in the game!

i want to violently rub poppys ears

Main Lulu top
IGN: Lulululululul

if u take warlords u always go rfc shiv

if not who cares just pick what looks good pd is my favorite

Main Jhin
IGN Four4444IIII

>Urgot bans

Lmao why? He's fun to play, but he's not that good.

I haven't seen a match this bad in Y E A R S.
Jax even fucking d/c at lvl 2, but apparently I was too late to save everyone else from dying. I didn't even get a chance to play the game.

I'm going back bottom lane. Can't risk this shit anymore.

report heimer

let's post clips of us playing our favorite assassins!!

>when a riven out of all the champs call you braindead for stomping her with Garen

Uhhhm... All you have to do is weave autos into skills and you think your champion with five dashes, a stun, a knockup, a steroid, and an execute is hard?

I don't always feed top, but when I do I blame the enemy jungler

best poster in this general

Don't forget to push your side lanes before doing objectives folks.

>lose 5/5 games today
>pick teemo



Everyone needs pd to prevent minion bs

How can single couple be so absolutely best?

i dont know what she means by this

>best sona skin isn't available

>Enemy mid lane is pushed up to our 2nd turret
>Nobody comes to help kill him
Just why

Guqin or Muse?

I have both but I think Sona's visuals are shit

who's the best katarina in the world?

Show me a more League of Legends picture than this

Post things that make you smile/laugh/happy
Probably got fired from a job I was coming to enjoy over a misunderstanding and got done with a ranked match where my team didn't remake for some sadistic reason and I had to deal with the pain of slowly watching a helpless lane get taken. I just need something to smile at right now

she needs a nice strong man to make her a mommy, user

Silent Night




Stay positive!


Gotta love champs that do insane amounts of the 3 types of damage, magic, physical and true


>late-game hypercarry shits on someone 1v1

Who would have guessed?

Rune Prisoner

are you kidding me?

that one is trash lol

what kind of misunderstanding causes one to be fired?

Replace Lucian with Vayne and you have full LCS BIG PLAYS team.


If Poppy were real, I'd kiss her on the lips. It would be my first kiss.

chill out there, buddy

Reminder Kayle x Karthus is a canon, pure ship

Champion: Janna
IGN: cumsloote

>when you're playing ww and the enemy laner leaves the trade at 10% and thinks he can back under tower safely

god i love tristana so much

Fuck off riot shill

I love Ms. Buvelle!

Do you love someone user? Tell me about them! Why do you love them?

I love myself because I am the only person that makes me happy

Champion: Sion
IGN: Undying Autism

>Dyrus gets carried be a godlike Aatrox OTP on stream
>so impressed he adds him to the friendlist
>gets into a select
>notices the OTP was also in queue and is now in select but isn't on his team
>bans Aatrox
>someone dodges
fucking Dyrus

welp looks like my grind times been cut short so I have a bunch of free time to spend on league

comfy bfs~

When the fuck are they nerfing kassadin?

He's going to be such cancer with all the other mid laners gone

Misunderstanding in directions I was new at the job so I was still learning it. One supervisor had told me to package a product one way. The next day a different supervisor told me that was wrong and taught me a different way and today another supervisor came and told me that was wrong and taught a different way on how to do it. So to me at least it just came off as a bunch of conflicting teachings where I was constantly changing for whatever my supervisor said. Any mishap I've had already happened and I thought I was set in everything and understood what to do. If anything I thought the main problem listed was a minor one but I guess that was the thing for them to up and fire me without so much as a warning. It was a comfy job too and one that I was just getting the hang of.



>TFW you outskill your opponent

Just pick an ad champ or someone with hard CC.

It's very easy to make kassadin useless

When the fuck are they gonna gut Rammus? This little shit has gotten out of of control with new thornmail

>silver 1 with 200 games

fucking middle management

is it better to be plat 2 with 400 games?

asking for a friend

trip on nate

>nerfing kassadin

>get into a lobby 3 times in a row as adc
>every time is a dodge
>next lobby autofills me to supp
>no dodge

Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

I played against garen today
That champion isn't balanced

I wanna TOUCH Lulu's EARS!

>you're alistar and urgot ults you

no, plat with 2 million games is still better than silver

But it is?

I wanna touch her butt.

>nothing happens because I already quoted in the teamfight to soak damage and they can't get me below the threshold


I love Riven because she's fun to play and cute

>tfw jungler
>tfw champ pool is always the same shit
>tfw want to try new champs in lane
>Can't hit minions

I hate this feel, I locked myself into this cancerous role

>go into promos
>magically everything goes to shit
>lose horribly
>fuck it
>play Kayn Mid, team flames champ select "muh meta"
>rape enemy Kassadin, proceed to rape botlane constantly
>evolve into red boi
>further rape issues
>now silver 2

life is good

>survive Urgot's ult and walk away because Kayle's ult costs no mana for some reason

>rape kass as ad melee champ

you need to be gased

>Urgot ults you because your ult is down
>Butcher skin

Meat's back on the menu, boys!

>kayle and alistar on the same team
is this a protect the vayne comp

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

I love a good team!

>ignite garen

kys already

TP doesn't help me win trades though???

who else >devilish here

to be fair, he picked kass into me

Would you give Sona a hand?

Her poor back needs a break

>you have to win lane by winning trade as a top laner

>needing to recall and TP back as Garen
Nigga you got to be some kind of retard to be pushed out of lane as Garen with his passive

Kayle and Karthus arent pure though
Riot shill


Not even. There is something wrong with you atm. Wanna talk about it, user?


low elo detected

>people still build gunblade on morde