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Veigar Edition

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No fun allowed

i got honor 3 after bantering about killing muslims though

Who's ready to see the mallet man smurf today?

They are going to refund ip spend on runes at the end of the season right? S-so I can waste ip on useless runes for the lulz r-right?

which league girl would you do XTC and shrooms with?
Id choose Lulu, she seems like she would be fun to trip with.

Jinx is excluded from this question, she only enjoys heroin and crack.

>riot gives me free champ and skin
>can't unlock

Gee, thanks.

Does he still build the mallet after rift rivals?



Yes for the IP you spend this season, they'll probably jew on the rest. So go crazy my man.

xth for best couple in Valoran

I think it's been long enough for us to decide. Is Kayn OP, balanced, or trash?

>This hardstuck shitter thinks he has the ultimate climbing strats in his pocket

>tfw no pentakill Sona gf


Depends on his champion.

He started to play meta champs because his team was too heavy.

If they win today they lock in 1st place




Assassin is trash, Darkin is a real champion, so going with balanced as long as we understand assassin doesn't exist.

>Silver surfer calling someone in diamond a shitter

Classic lolgen

He's ok


Who cares

>tfw eternally hardstuck Silver
I've been playing since season 2 and never got higher than Silver 1. Feels really bad.

reds win


Depends on whether or not they go Kayn or Rhaast.

If they go Rhaast you lose.

xth for Syndra

Go stormraiders Rhaast and watch the enemy team suffer.

can we start gayposting earlier today pls

xth for CLIMBING!
NEVER give up!

Usually games are decided when a team than dont have a lee seen fight a team with one
The team without one wins

You're not hardstuck. You're right where you belong.

You always brighten my day with these posts, bless you

Jinx is cuddly and cute

what about you

2nd part because I'm dumb

I deserve Plat at the very least.

i cant be the only one that would enjoy sharing some pills and potions with my waifu

>Kayle and Karthus walk into a bar
>everyone dies
>Free drinks and endless sex to themselves, amidst piles of corpses and hours of reciting poems to each other likely mid-coitus

Hot damn that one sentence is probably the hottest fanfic ever written

Play on a plat account and see if you belong there or not

i had a good streak from b4 to b2 but i took a break and LOST focus!
now im back in b3 but if i keep my MMR high i can jump up to b1!
i can DO THIS!

You deserve a foot in your ass.

>SKT Bang penalized for telling people to work harder
Wtf is wrong with them?

He doesn't seem even that interested in league anymore, every time I tune in he's playing some surival MMORPG thingie. He wants to play Udyr and playing Udyr hasn't been too fun for a while, now that Janna is meta it's even worse.

And that's why you're Silver.

Thank you autistic Leona main! I'm taking your words to heart and doing my best!

>Win game with Janna
>Get S
>I literally only used E, missed every Q and used R poorly
Finally a champion for braindead people like me!

quick i need a top character i can solo carry my ass out of silver with

dont care how boring



How many games have you played this season?



Maokai for late game , Pantheon for early.

Try Riven or Yasuo

Trynd is pretty good at that, Pantheon too. For complete braindead, Malzahar.




If you deserve platinum, then you should have the skills and game sense of a Plat player.
Which would mean unless you play 10 games a month at most, you'd have climbed to high gold by now.


All you gotta do is press E.

are you going to start posting about climbing to gold when you reach silver and so on?
>winning 4v5 without being able to get ascension because some troll took it and teleported out of the map

pretty sure you'd get flamed for picking janna top

This big guy is breddy gud. Had a 1v2 then a 1v2 for a quadrakill at one point.

Name one champion more fun to play than Jhin.

I'll wait.

>be adc
>fed leblanc
>fed talon
what do, and I mean both not one or the other

Old Rengar



I get uncarryable teams in around 70% of my games though.

play adcs with dashes or blinks so you can reposition after assassin jumps on you or dodge their skillshots (lb chain, talon rake)
or build MALLET
t. rekkles

>be support main
>decide to play jg in normals
>get jg
>every fucking champ select chat

Is that what non-support mains have to go through?

> be the strongest person on the team all game
> roam top and bot constantly and help them deal with being behind
> deal with the fed twitch every single fight through shen and lulu peel
> get almost every turret on the map
> our toplaner who otherwise did nothing much all game steals baron at the last second when they make a desperation baron call without their jungler
> top gets 3 honours
> i get 0

i unironically believe you user, silver and plat are the deepest pits of hell

>no malzahar ulti duration nerf on the pbe


Nobody wants the slut role.

then you're the fucking problem

you have 4 slots for retards the enemy team has 5, over a large amount of games you will inevitably climb if you're better

the fuckin mental gymnastics going on in ur head lol

>implying the CLIMB ends
user if others can CLIMB out of silver so can i!
im actually going to get a leo skin for that climb though!
personal motivation is KEY to CLIMB!


he's a little on the strong side but he's not OP. a lot of his strength is down to duskblade being retarded

Mb if i play support in meme modes i can get honnors

we do need some better skins


That's assuming matchmaking has a perfectly even chance of putting the retards on your team and the enemy, which it doesn't because it always stacks my team with retards who feed and stacks the enemy team with semi-competent players who I can outplay but can't hard carry against. The matchmaking is really, really fucking bad.

Will Nuke "Gas the kikes" Duck win today?


>Arcade Malzahar
>Expecting nerfs

>He wants more dyke skins
kys my man.
He's garbage right now tho.

>Karthus returns to Kayle's world to help her with Morgana
>The two of them literally kill an entire army and fuck on the corpses
>Morgana is just watching it all in disbelief.

>dealing literally no damage
>'assassin' form

just listen to yourself, I can't imagine a more stereotypical hardstucker silver lmao

If Annie Bot or Sneaky were playing in your game, do you think you;d have lost 90% of those games you lost?

>Admitting he has a 30% winrate
>thinks he deserves Plat
Nigga you deserve Coal VII

iron solari skin + control ward is freelo
anivia shouldnt be allowed to do this

>this delusion
Man I'm glad our matchmaking system is working as intended


>If Annie Bot or Sneaky were playing in your game, do you think you;d have lost 90% of those games you lost?
Yes. Doesn't matter how good you are, if your midlaner feeds the Zed who then proceeds to one shot you every fight, you can't carry.

Let's increase Thresh's Q cooldown to 60 seconds at all ranks.

That's fair, right? :^)
