League of Legends General - /lolg/

Getting along Edition
PT: Eyosongive.us

it turns out she only had 38 kills
30 minutes in paint btw


xth for cutest couple of valoran



>fatt doing something
Steve really must have paid out of his pocket for this

the name serves it purpouse, see your post.

Xth for Riot's balancing team is absolute horse shit and should be fired and publicly executed


That is one of your worst match ups if memory serves, and I'm not a Kindred main to tell you really how to out play him. But bitch basic strats for when you are falling behind is ward better and try and either get objs when he's not there, or counter gank his ganks to shut him down. Also be careful don't go after your marks unless you are sure you will gain more than you will lose. Kindred needs more wards than the average jungler unless you start to snowball.

It's pretty funny, but Poppy's w stops people who take the lantern, or they go through bards portal.

>playing nunu after the nerfs

The guy who killed wow, almost did.
They never actually admited hes overloaded jus that he has a lot of tools and its hard to play against

do you mean iTz purpose?

> all these retards that can't remember a name
the guy was masters top 20 nunu or some shit

Brand is my favorite champion and I won't get to play him for a while

Cutest kisses!

Thanks to the drawbro for doing this

xth for breast metal waifu

>playing nunu after the nerfs

nunu is still good dude, the nerfs are a bit annoying but its does not stop him from doing anything I do on him.

The rework is what will fuck him up to unplayability since the champion has a small fanbase and it will just get galio'd im afraid.

Xth for Poppy!

what have i missed in esports today lads?

Xth for ninja sluts.

I wonder if riot will increase the size of the league next season.
They could just accept nearly every application get 10 million from all of them and just do a format change for na lcs

>gonna post it again since the thread was about done

Make her Q a skillshot. Remove her Ultimate's passive, make her basic abilites the same cooldown (maybe 11 base ->7 at max ranks), and make her auras separate abilities like how Lee's QWE are, which she can place different places. Switch W's aura and active effects (first W cast shields Sona and and ally, aura cast creates a small healing zone).

It is hard for sona to find clothes that fit her bust?

Xth for 2x4s

plat makes me sad.....
be young
be dope
be proud
like a american

>there are people that play akali when kassadin exist

None of today's matches really mattered.
Shyvana was picked by Mike Young but that's really all that I remember.
Most important match so far this week was clg vs dig.
Tomorrow will be neat with clg vs tsm.

is rilaiys good on akali? I hate playing champions with no utility

did anyone else see regi flaming lemonnation in twitch chat last week

>Powerfarming till 6

I used to do this when the "6 by 6" strat was still viable. But now it takes too long, and his clears and sustain are so shit, so if I'm healthy, I start looking for ganks as soon as I hit level 3.

Besides, any game I've ever played where I tried powerfarming, my laners got buttfucked.

Filtering the phrase "xth for" was the best decision I ever made

>Remembering a name like that
>Not changing names

kassadin is boring and not cute
fuck off metacuck


>mfw all the mid laners nerf next patch


good stuff

Come on user we all know that Lux is just shy

>no vaultboy

literally only reason I support TL. I hope they lose.

I am glad that you have junglers right in there with supports because they are basically the same thing and exactly as influential to the game

Did shyvana do well?

in plat 1 promos !

anyone trying to push diamond today? :D :D

For a little bit but they still lost.

>never knew what that shyv face was from till now
Huh? Anticlimactic find but still useful

Those were good times.
But yeah, I know about laners don't understanding to play safe-ish even though I told them my plan at level 1. It's infuriating.
What's your route btw? For reference, my powerfarm is the one that starts with raptors to krugs, leaving the red alive for after I recall. It works better with Shyv, but Noc can pull it off nicely.

At least some of them are probably custom-made; she is rich after all

>Had some god game today
>Got in and won promo
>Got honor level 3
Today was a good day.

She's simply too big.

When was the last time you built a spirit visage and why?

>This is your support on deathcap
AP Sona is to strong.

I hate the new key system. It's so frustrating not having any direct way to get drops. Even when they were random, you knew you'd get them after a game ended.
Now there's nothing to indicate when you'll get keys. There should be a set date where key rewards/capsules are handed out.

I just use the standard routes.

Red > Blue > Gromp > Crab > gank top/mid or go to enemy red

Blue > Gromp/Wolves > Crab > gank mid/bot

Depending on who you're ganking and who your laners are, you should at least manage to burn flash, and he can also solidly countergank once he's at least level 3.

You're on a roll today, aren't you?

Poppy because abyssal and adaptive helm would have been shit choices
Also Darius because muh heals

Last match as Poppy because I couldn't think of anything else to buy (against a magic damage composition + Miss Fortune).

I build it on Poppy too. Regen is one of my favorite stats.

had support garen who fucked around the entire game

still won thanks to our trynda ratting their entire base while we teamfight
how is this shit balanced?

I see what you mean user, but it's hard for myself to go into details as well because i would probably improve if i knew.

I just had a game just after posting this... I was kindred, enemy jungle was xin. I grabbed a quick blue and frog, and then i rushed into enemy jungle to stag red and a possible kill. ( i don't know if the meta have changed but at this time i would normally hide in the grass with the red and let the enemy jungler kill the red while getting low and i could snag both red and a champion.)
Anyway this didn't happen. He spent way to much time killing other camps, so i got tierd after like 40 seconds of waiting and i just took it myself. I was behind a level at this point so starting to gank would be risky in my opinion. I start to casually farm jungle marks. I went for my first crab and it went fine.. But when i was going to grab my second crab xin was waiting for me, and i got brutally raped. And everything just went to hell there. All the other lanes seemd to lose as well.
It kinda feels like hunting marks puts me back on xp and gold??

Ult is also really hard to use in a good way.

remember me

This is your botlane for now.

Wow! This girl is so cute and perfect! And my wife! And not a hobo!

What do you do when you're a splitpusher and you can't win lane, and the enemy laner won't fuck off?

I see we have the same tendency to look out for mid :^)
Yeah, counterganking is fine, that's true and I forgot at all. Ganking is what I don't do often at pre6, tho I recall near a lane just in case. My first clear ends at blue so recalling near next to the blasting plant just in case is worthy sometimes. My second one ends a gromp and it's almost always an instant R to mid after asking him to let them push. Can't say it always works, but it works most of the times and I'm fine with my midlaner snowballing that lead with an early blue (unless he has shit farm / no need for it. Can't trust people who can't farm safely with fucking Ahri)

that happens like 1 out of 10 games though


I want to tongue Tristana's chocolate starfish until she rewards me with a nice big wet fart down my throat.

Who else buying XDDD Brand? I love it.

I miss this on Mundo so bad, SV is good too tho

fuck off generic "xth" shit.

>redditors butthurt "it doesn't look like him"
>muh clarity

this skin is B A S E D

Quick, stoneborn or grasp on Poopy top?

who is this fucking new caster?


whats with the sudden rise with udyr in games? from normals to ranked he's been in almost all of my games these past couple days.

It's my to go MR item on tanks. Besides Adaptive Helm's passive being iffy in a lot of games, I like the components more.

I miss it on every tank ever

or build it on morde as a 4th or 5th item and be unkillable

egel baby

>waifu is strong atm
>win a lot
I finally don't feel lazy so I'm actually playing, and it turns out games are easy.

>Enemy team kills Nashor
>Literally no ward on the map
>Our Teemo goes mid
>They win



>enemy kills dragon
>Our mid is on their turret and doesn't react at all
How do you not see that coming.

You're supposed to take Courage of the Colossus.

>be teemo
>enemy quinn starts inting after losing lane horribly
>my team starts to ignore her
>she starts suiciding against baron
>I start planting one shroom at baron after every death
Sure, she gives no gold, but if she tilts the enemy team after each death, and if the enemy is moronic enough to insult us for killing her... it's killing time again for the freelo.
Thanks for watching. Like, subscribe, patreon.

What I do against do nothing tanks is rush tiamat, push them to their tower and roam mid/farm their jungle, but if you can't jump walls that may not be the greatest idea.

shes not even hot

They should add an IQ test before game installation desu

this is the most infuriating thing
enemy takes an unwarded objective and the guy stays in a dangerous area even if I'm pinging the fuck out of him

agreed, but its Veeky Forums so expect to be flooded with their trash opinions that they delude themselves to be unbiased facts.


You've never eaten ass, have you

I like this thread. Stay positive!

People who end the season in bronze should be permabanned. And those who end in bronze 5 should be euthanized

Enlighten us on the experience of ass


If you're talking about ovilee there's certainly nothing wrong with her looks
More feminine than sjokz too

reply with "you're fucking retarded" if you want to feel heimer's lips on yours just as much as i want