League of Legends General - /lolg/

All American Yordel Edition.


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xth for best couple of Valoran!

xth for best ad

Riven is fun to play

>Now has a learning curve instead of EQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ
>"It doesnt FEEEEL like Urgot!"


Jinx is cuddly and cute, I love her.

Exploding Knees doesn't require much skill though.

What is her best skin?

Yasuo mains!

>Learning curve
>Hit 1 ability then press W and click in a circle around your target
Woooooooow. So high skillcap.


Maybe but can we can all admit it's more skill than oldgot

Xth for underestimated pokes

How do you play adc. I dont think I have won a single bottom lane yet. Enemy always seems to have perfect peel from their support

>Hit 1 ability
>He didnt see the people losing their shit because of how difficult it was for them to land one

You can see exactly what happened.

>I am sure to win
>Jumps in on Nasus at level 6
>Nasus just ults, withers, and Q spams

Farm and hit the closest target in fights

god bless the US

1. red card
2. slay belle
3. wk
4. classic
5. kitty
6. project
7. sandstorm/merc
8. high command
9. bilgewhatever
project isn't bad but it's like project yasuo or zed where you just know that player's probably 13 and tries to 1v5 just to die. kitty is cute but it kinda has the same effect. classic is always fine as long as you know 100% what you're doing. sandstorm/merc are just like classic. hk used to be good but not anymore imo

>rework viktor because his hexcore is essential to be useful but is shit to build
>viktor is now good
>nerf him by making his hexcore shit to build while still being essential

I wanna hold Lulu tightly in my arms and keep her safe and warm!

w is like a dumbed down EQQQ with 1/4th the range
oh yea and a dash to compensate but u also slow urself down
fuckin bad champ

>red card
>anything but utter shit
I am disgusted

red card is pretty awful but for some reason people always overrate it because its "rare"


I just came back from like a year break, but didn't it used to give mana regen as well?

Why did Riot gutfuck mana regen for AP champs so hard?

I wanna hold my penis in her tight and warm vagina!

Lulu is for abuse and breeding (without consent)

>tfw you love old Urgot
>tfw you love new Urgot
>tfw this the best rework Riot has ever done

Supports earn trust they aren't given it
Rely on yourself first for warding and be paranoid, E.I look at the map every now and then
Laning is for wave control and csing
Rotate to objectives after taking turret
hit the closest person in team fights and stay behind tanks
if things don't look good run or don't get involved
Being alive matters more than anything
Positioning is everything

You know I always wondered what it felt like to have your penis in a vagina. I bet it feels weird.

back the HECK off!
kill yourself IRL ASAP!

It was a long ride, but I made it through I feel at peace with myself knowing I got out.


Sperm killer puss puss

Letting ambition get married was a mistake

t. project picker
it's classic kat but better

>over 400 games
jesus christ user

But its the truth, and truths needs to be shared

Congrats man. You did it!

Truth is you need to die ASAP

Wk and mercenary katarina are her best

The fact that you put the lowest taste, waifu pandering meme skins at the top outs you a random silver kat player

xth for AUTISM!
you can't compete with my AUTISM user!
NEVER stop being autistic!
praise the ASSBURGERS!

what champ is loadsamoney personified?
does anyone have the jewish tf?

>It's that guy who takes personal offense that some people are worse at League of Legends than him

why are you so rude to me I gave you many cutelu's

Stop being so rude kevin

pic related is lulu after being bullied once again

heres a challenger

I love Sona!

The climb is all that matters. I will NOT give up! You can't bring me down!

outs them as a new player to add onto this

its the one skin they probably don't have so they think its good

>bronze guy with 450 games to get out of bronze pretends to not give a shit about league

it was before nasus buffs and the guy kept trying to 1v1 him whenever he had chance
where is the original leona poster

>Got to plat 5
>Stopped playing ranked
>Only play meme champs and builds in normals and silver smurf because i'm so bored of my main champs I climbed with
I've gotten so shit at the game and I'm scared to play on my main account in ranked. Do I just play 1 game a month for the rest of the year so I don't decay and try for diamand next year?

>Lost Chapter doesn't exist
They didn't.

>let's take tf most valuable contribution and give it to a shitton of other champs
>why pick tf when you can pick taliyah or galio

I'm not him, I just don't understand instead of congratulating him your first instinct is to be a condescending ass. It makes you look immature and insecure. The guy made it, who the fuck cares how many games it took and why does it asspain you so much you felt the need to comment on it? Just pathetic 2bh

These Longzhu guys are kinda cool

There's the one item, but I could've sworn there were way more options available

reminder climbing using supports like janna/sona is not really deserving the elo you got to

>hey look mom, I failed 9th grade 4 years straight but I finally made it to highschool

>tfw u used to be a mid main and kat was your best champ and now u cant play her at all

feels bad man. at least I still got lux I guess

is ryze any good right now?

You tell him man. It certainly doesn't make you look like a pathetic neckbearded autist.

riotniggers killed him

cheap whore

can the bustiest league girl beat this?

>telling others they take things personally
>being thus turbo-assblasted about someone shitting on you for being shit


Is Vlad trash tier right now?

I'm trying to help you. You can't go through life not understanding why people don't like you. Gotta improve yourself man, in areas other than videogame playing. When you're the guy in the room who says Little Suzy's picture doesn't look anything like a cat and it's shit and then you legit wonder why everyone in the room thinks you're an asshole then you need someone to just come out and tell you straight up you're being autistic and need to chill.

You're being autistic and you need to chill man, I'm your friend. Just relax and stop basing your entire self worth on your skill in a videogame and congratulate others on their accomplishments rather than using it as an excuse to validate your ego. Ok?

Hi leddit

not at all

he is sleeper op if anything, if he gets a free lane vs something like galio mid or malphite/shen top he scales and 1v5s extremely hard

he just has some extremely bad matchups like riven top or leblanc mid.

Think of him like kassadin, if you took kass into talon every game he would look garbage, but into leblanc looks insane

You know you just got outta bronze, you didn't earn a Nobel prize.

I wanna have quarter human babies with Shyvana!

Depends on lane. If you can farm and get a kill here and there, you can you just REWQ enemy carry

no, he can bully bad kids in early game and get kills

if the lane is not that good, he can still one shot adc with 2 items and flash

The guy literally just got out of bronze
Literally bronze


So? I feel like I've taken a trip into the autist dimension. You're so socially retarded it's hard to comprehend whatever point you think you're making. Do you really think it makes you look good when you dump on other peoples accomplishments no matter what they might be?

can't believe people actually still use merc, it was the first skin i got but it just doesn't seem right to use nowadays and wk has a nice splash and effects but i don't like how kat looks ig

Defend this shit

This is a +18 site
It's the equivalent of congratulating someone that they finished potty training at 21, sure it's better than before but it's not good

Sure post it if you like, but don't expect not to be shit on, this is /lolg/ my man not reddit

It's part of "fitting in". It is insecurity. It's the same root cause of stuff like this ().

why leddit like cuck9 especially jensen so much?

Coin is balanced

really disappointed by samsung galaxy
such terrible plays and decision making

Don't worry, Katarina's kit is nearly unplayable once you get into diamond.

Dude I've been passively reading and you're definitely being an autistic edgey fedora tipper about it. It's not suddenly 'reddit' to congratulate someone on completing a much-tried-for personal goal. Like you can call him a retard graduating from diapers but be equally prepared to be called a neckbeard hobo.

Hi Summoners,

We recently made some changes to Lethality system to give some power to the AD based fighters. We are currently satisfied with the current balance, but we are keeping eye on any community suggestions.

Please enjoy the game!


I like my Galaxy S4.

>This is a +18 site
Ironic that you point that out since if you're an adult I'd expect you're able to conduct yourself like one. Sperging out about how many games it took for someone to get out of bronze is what I'd expect from a dumb teenager, not someone 20+ who really should have the finer aspects of social interaction worked out and understands it just makes you look very insecure. Like it's really, really not hard to understand. If someone graduates with a Liberal Arts degree do you shit on them and say it means nothing if it wasn't STEM? Do you say it means nothing if it wasn't Ivy League? Or do you just say "Grats man!" and let the dude have his moment? I feel like I shouldn't need to explain this to someone who says they're over 18.

More or less.

holy fuck that thing is ancient. why haven't you upgraded yet?

Karma and Janna rework when?
Janna is just too fucking simple for what she does
Karma is the opposite, garbage outside of organized play

can confirm

kat is my favourite champ ever but I only finally got out of d5 by dropping her

talon is far better for carrying and does everything kat does better imo

stronger laning
stronger roaming
better at being an actual assasin with faster burst killing the adc
even teamfight damage the talon r>w over a whole team with cleaver and situationally a mortal reminder will contribute more than most kats

I will be upgrading some time soon, since battery and usb port are shitting themselves.
It's good enough to shitpost on Veeky Forums, and my bank app works fine.

Haven't played in like 3 months and when playing any other games it's really obvious why this game is so frustrating. The whole snowballing is so massive in this game and I felt literally useless on adc for the whole game. I don't know ANY game where something like this happens, it's just boring. Also riot making recommended builds that are obviously not as good as other in the buy menu is just trolling anyone that is not watching any current lcs

*hacks your bank account*

I'm using a Galaxy Note 3. Don't really see the point in upgrading. I don't play games on my phone or anything else that's processor intensive.

adc is the worst role at the moment. It's a tank meta and you just get shit on because you can't get through the front line

That is some bullshit. How about the fucking supports getting more gold, better items and endless shields? Janna being 57% winrate should tell u something.