Job interview tomorrow

>Job interview tomorrow

Just accept the fact that it's probably not going to workout.

Job interviews are a fucking meme and you will only get the job if they like you anyways.

Just be urself

What job?
What do you want to know?

Why would I go in expecting to fail? What the hell?

Am I on biz or r9k

Good luck. I've been playing the applying game for about 6 months now. Had about 6 interviews with only one offering me a job with a wage so shitty I couldn't accept it.

I've been in IT for the last 15 years and want out. There has to be more to life than this shit.

Really hoping you nail that interview.

Don't be like me by jittering around, and have something relevant prepared from your past experience that you can explain clearly and neatly. Be prepared to talk about anything on the resume. Have a few questions about the company. Try to lead the conversation like you'll be in there working.
Make it seem like you enjoy working with everyone.

And yeah don't expect to get it..

If youre gonna show up in jeans dont even bother

It hurts when they blow smoke up your ass. It's a numbers game, it'll work out.

Keep that confidence user!

I approach interviews is with a laid back attitude. What happens, happens it's not the end of the world if I don't get the job and there's a gorillion other vacancies available.
But that does not mean you don't have to do your research. Just relax, answer their stupid questions and most importantly, don't go spaghetti. If he notices you sperging out it's over.

I do fictional references for cheap, just in case you need one.

Thanks buds

You've been in IT for 15 years and can't easily land a job? Did you spend it all sitting on your ass and not learning new skills or what?

I feel you user

Just finally got a job offer on Friday after months of fruitless job hunting. Just be upbeat, ask questions, don't try to please them at every turn because you should be interviewing them as well.

Now I have another interview Monday for a senior position at my current job and a other interview this coming Friday for a better job in the field I'm trying to penetrate

I bet I nail both because I have a new job in the pocket already


I'm a neet who has been sleeping til like 4pm everyday

How the fuck do I wake up on time tomorrow

Remember that "tell me about yourself" really means "tell us why we should hire you", which in turn means "tell us how you will benefit our organization". The best answers, then, will explain why their needs will be fulfilled by work that you can do.

Interviewers aren't perfect either: they may just be asking "tell me about yourself" out of common practice. But give them the answer to the question that they're really asking, "how will you benefit us", even if they don't realize that it's the question that they really want answered.

On the flip side, just because a potential answer of yours is true doesn't obligate you to say it. For instance: "If it were the case that we'd take you on but only to do the menial uninteresting tasks, would you still be interested?" Presumably you would truly dislike or even reject such an offer, but even though it's true, they do not need to know that. So don't say it. Instead, consider a response like "What's most important to me is doing work that [achieves X, where X is the goal of the position or organization]. If that's how I can best serve the organization, then so be it."

You're competing for the right to say yes or no to the job, and you can always quit the job. You can't refuse or quit a job that you didn't earn an offer to.

Take Tylenol PM and drink some hard liquor, force yourself to go to sleep at like 9pm

Same two this week hope the don't drug test

>tfw web development agencies don't drug test
>tfw haven't smoked in a year anyway

Thanks, this is good advice.

I have an interview on Tuesday and I'm pretty rusty (haven't had an interview since 2012).

>Had an interview with the finance department last week
>Go full autistic from the second it begins
>Constantly pressed for info, examples, and stories

How humiliating. I had prepared two weeks in advance too


>Job interviews are a fucking meme

What are you? Fucking 12??


Don't fucking suck. Research the fuck out of the company, and who you are going to be talking with. Figure out their culture and their interests in the office - as well as be sharp on your answers. DON'T BE SCARED to be extra.

I was asked to sell a product in my last interview. Everyone picked something stupid on sunglasses or or an umbrella. I fucking sold them time.Guess who got the job

fap before you go

>Guess who got the job

The person who picked the product that was easy to manufacture and sell for a steady profit?

>bomb a fucking interview so bad that I almost got up and walked out
>decide tomorrow is the day I get onto some anxiety pills

fuck the noise


>state of the labor market
>look to get a warehousing job



make sure to kill everyone if they look at you the wrong way

Handshake should be firm, eye contact, smile, no more than 3 seconds. Never sit down first. Lay your hands flat the table in front of you, left hand on top of right. Sit with your back perfectly straight. Put your right leg slightly forward, and alternate when it gets uncomfortable. Maintain eye contact at least 7 out of every 10 seconds when not speaking. Nod occasionally. Raise your cheekbones slightly, not into a smile but enough to look positive. Make sure to use your hands when speaking to emphasize your points.