League of Legends General - /lolg/

lulu loves veigar edition

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>we will never get PAX Jax chromas

Friendly reminder to eat out your support

xth for Syndra

no fuck you fag i want bard's dick

Can any kind user supply me with the "How to be a support" Game image macro with the Janna background? I offer cute ADCs in exchange

urf this friday!!! are you excited

And Lux loves ezreal!
Best couple in Valoran btw

I want Kog to jump on top of me for cuddles!

God I want to suck Soraka's cock until its completely dried out!

Sorry only delicious unicorn pussies

here you go :3
reminder to everyone that this is the only way to play janna&co

Oh believe me, I'll give her unicorn pussy a good fucking. Right after I'm done tapping that fat cock of hers.

comfy bfs~

hello lolg Riot Goyimancer here

We've decided that Fiddlesticks is going to be our next big VGU after Evelynn.

This time around we really want Fiddlesticks to inhabit everything that is terror and fear as opposed to the unscary comedic potato sack he currently is on live.

Our question for you is what direction should we take Fiddlesticks new Voice acting in and could you supply us with some example quotes!

Thank you kind user. I need to play a few of these supports for my chests so this will be a nice game to play on top of League. Thanks!

>every post has an image so far

fucking fags

xth for breast metal waifu

What are the quintessential filler champs I need to get a roster of 20 so that I can play ranked? Preferably cheap and 2 for each role. I'm mostly going to adc but I suppose I need other champs if I am forced to play off role.


anyone else this its stupid Riot refuses to make child based champions?

I mean so long as you establish that the kids are bad asses or have great power on par if not more than the people theyre fighting theres nothing wrong with it.

There are tons of animes and shit that has otherwise young children engaging in combat or risking their life (pretty sure that was the entire point of Madoka Magika the anime the whole Star Guadian skinline is based off of).

this is actual bullshit and Riot are huge pussies. Nobody actually feelsbad when they slice Annie in half as Darius because "OMG I JUST KILLED A WIDDLE GIRL :((( ". Shes just a fucking dime a dozen champion.

>perfectly winnable plat 2 match promo to plat 1
>232 cs at 20 minutes, 5/2/3 draven
>yasuo support who i had no quarrel with at the time starts flaming the team and AFKquits the game
>jungle starts feeding and trolling saying we're wasting his time even though he's 70 cs at 20 minutes and hasn't done a single dragon
>top can't splitpush to save his life
>mid keeps freezing lane even with baron
>red team takes the advantage and wins

why does this keep happening to me? what have i done wrong?

>it's a noone focuses soraka, buys bramblevests or mortal reminder episode
>with special feature: vayne with 150 cs on 35 min whines about how everyone steals her kills
I want to end myself

No one likes kids

>Oh believe me, I'll give her unicorn pussy a good fucking. Right after I'm done tapping that fat cock of hers.
This guy gets it.

Garen, Annie, Warwick will cover top/mid/jg for 450 ip each, ashe/sivir are good 450 adcs and tristana is FREE with her riot girl skin. Soraka/Janna/Blitz for cheap supports. Alistar is free with his skin as well. And Garen has a free skin too, damn.

cats can't drink from a straw, can they ?

I feel like it depends on whether this is your first ladder season or if you're setting up a smurf. If things like ease of use and familiarity aren't issues, you can look at this table to see the cheapest options for each class.


>All Random Urf
>where the games are decided by RNG in select

>what have i done wrong?
You played League of Legends

wtf am I supposed to do with this shit??

How to carry from jungle?

Get buffs, run into lanes, take free kills

You don't.

Enjoy being the second less impactful support.

>lanes pushed to enemy tower
>teammates doesnt know how to bait
wat do

Does veigar work in the top lane?


Figure out where the enemy jungler is going to show up and meet him there.

Why is Urgot allowed to have:
> Damage passive based on the enemy HP
> A semi dash that allows him to escape, or at the very least, make some space between him and an enemy
> A 25% remaining HP long range execute
> A build that allows him to be tanky as hell with next to no impact to his damage
> A skill that allows him to continuously and automatically allows him to attack a turret
> A late game that allows him to wistand 4+ champions targeting him with no problem

Does Urgot represent everything wrong with Riot?

collect keys half as often as before but get 2 at a time instead

Jungler will just walk into your lane and murder you merciless

You just described Garen but with range and dash

I applied for the free stuff. Got the alistar already, and I guess the trist/garen should come soon. I was planning on using trist anyways because she seems strong. So thanks for the reminder

Leveling a smurf but I just need good generalists for other roles. Warwick seems solid.

That's lame, it's just going to get in the way.

It's better when it's off

solo queue is starting to fucking depress me. no matter how hard i try, i always end up with a feeder/afk/complete retard on my team. this shit is absolutely demotivating. they need to add some new report category for "retarded" and then put those people in a separate queue to ruin each others' games.

Solo queue is where everyone takes turns being the retard that the rest of the team hates

Garen has a clear weakness to CC and dashes. Urgot does not.
Garen ult is based of the enemy missing health. Urgot passive is based of the enemies current health.
Garen has E is only strong if you can keep the enemy inside the spin. Urgot can keep enemies inside his active area for as long as he wants, unless the enemy has a dash/hard cc.
Garen can't execute enemies reliably unless they are extremely tanky. Urgot executes anyone with 25% health left. At a distance.

mb spam nunu for the next 10 to 30 games, hmm

you only need 10

play Garen/Darius and Kayle Top, first two are your tankier champs with simple playstyles, Kayle is your magic damage one with good matchups but a more specific pick for the situations when no one on your team is AP

Jarvan/Vi and Amumu for jung, both have tanky and damage builds and good ganks ones just AD and the others AP

TF and Annie Mid, TF is your go-to since all of his match ups are "ignore enemy laner, gank a lot" and annie is a more safe pick into matchups you wont be comfortable with when you just start playing him like zed and yasuo

adc Id go with Caitlyn/Jinc and MF, first two for a classic adc playstyle and MF for the meme cheese lethality build that within the right comps can pretty much mean a champ select victory

for supports you probably want a classic heal/shieldslut like raka/janna and then a tankier one like braum/naut/sion

pick 2 for each role and nothing more

Alright kid I'm going to tell you a little secret:

Just because Urgot has all those things it doesn't make him good.

10 picks and 10 bans means 20.

Why are tanks allowed to deal the same amount of damage as carries?

Oof. Thanks for saving me the heartache user.

lol you must be shit at sex

Because Riot thinks you're a sucker

Because they fall behind once the carries get 4-5 items.

all 10 of your champions will never be banned in a single game stop being stupid, that mindset is fucking bronze tier stupid

Are you okay user? You've always needed atleast 16 to even enter ranked. You need 20 now to queue.

>get second penta ever
>still lose
>just like I did when I got my first penta
I don't even know how I did it; I never play Ekko, and assassins are my kryptonite

You literally can't queue for ranked without at least 20 champions because of the possibility that you're last pick and all 19 of your champions are picked or banned, dude. The game actually won't let you.

>A skill that allows him to continuously and automatically allows him to attack a turret
Literally means jackshit, what about it?
Also all his damage is in that passive, that's why

>it's just going to get in the way
It's not a word puzzle down there user. It's all pretty clear cut.

you need 20 to queue, you dont need to fucking play 20 to win

hell you dont even need to play more than one considering most of high elo is otps

>Its another "if I green text a champion's kit I can make him sound broken"


>It's better when it's off

elo hell doesn't exi-

>tfw the word 'free' is a buzzword used to generate a valid point
>People literally just use it on shit they don't like


>support lux

you're in a 3-way tie for 2nd most deaths on your team, only losing out by 1 to jinx
you also built wrong

I told him in champ select not to go support lux. He flamed me.

>pick Mordekaiser
>doesn't matter how I lane
>use R on whoever's fed and win

At what point won't this work anymore?

I'm dubious of the notion that the enemy team managed to destroy your Nexus in under 30 minutes, especially in bronze. So you most likely surrendered.

If so, you fucked up. Game was definitely winnable for your team even with bot getting curbed.

With the pentakill skin coming out I kinda want to learn and play kayle top lane. What should I know before jumping in anons?

fuck yi and fuck you

Kayle is boring af

Level 6

We didn't. While tops k/d/a isn't too bad he let Urgot get tier 3. and that + bot being steamrolled means that it's hard to hold mid.

They're comp is very squishy besides urgot so I wanted to go crit yi what would you have built?

haven't played in years

does lol still have the retarded rune system that prevented you from playing competitively until you could grind out multiple full pages?

Learn to kite, then enjoy the freelo.

Kayle top is on the game's treasures because you can give melee mains the bullying their whiney asses deserve.

Quick, how do I untilt myself within the next five minutes?

Ask that question in a few months.

>a kit where you have to "learn" something

which champion has the best lips?

>Healthy enough

Listen to a song that gets you pumped. Or watch something cute.

>Learn to kite
Kiting as Kayle literally loses you DPS.

I'd fuck my aunt and two cousins

just build like botrk rageblade and then health/GA

Forgot to add: recognize and appreciate that you're useless dog shit before you get nashors tooth. The way the lane works is: play like a frightened pussy without nashors, stay away from Darius etc at all times, then when you get nashors relentlessly keep them pushed to tower for the next twenty minutes. Because you naturally push the wave you MUST invest in wards to keep the river and his trip bush warded because I can guarantee you that once you get nashors your faggot juggernaut/bruiser lanijg opponent is going to be begging his jungle for ganks.

Isn't the point of kiting to do damage while keeping yourself alive?

Would on-hit and BOTRK be worth it when they're so squishy though?

Kiting as Kayle is what keeps Darius from E'ing you and then tearing your asshole to shreds.

What skins have the best recalls or emotes yo u can spam to taunt people?

Pool party renekton is one that comes to mind

Thanks mate. Will do!

Last time I played this matchup she built a Banshee's AND a GA.

I wanted to fucking kill myself after that game.

you have 2 sources of on-hit % hp true damage and one source of on-hit true damage
not having rageblade is shooting yourself in the foot
botrk active is also too good on yi not to have


ignore the boy crit is better against squishies