Is there anything more scary than leaving your car at a mechanic shop?

Is there anything more scary than leaving your car at a mechanic shop?

Leaving your car in a field.

leaving it near poors

driving it

Leave it on the side of the road

Leaving my somewhat desirable Subaru with a hood scoop without a transponder key somewhere besides my driveway overnight

Leaving it at a lube shop in the hands of minimum wage teenagers and illegals.

Leaving it in a parking spot next to large SUV.

Leaving your kid in the African jungle

>Veeky Forums
>having kids

leaving it in a walmart parking lot for a week

Last time I took my Car to Walmart to get new tires on my WRX bunch of spic workers were driving it stupid fast up and down the road when I walked out to look at it. Never again

Costco parking lot.
Goodwill parking lot.
Walmart parking lot.

Buying RX7s and 240SX's from drift kiddies.

Sounds like you need to find yourself a good, trustworthy mechanic, bruh

I have a few:

Doing 145 MPH in your old jerry shitbox and seeing a cow panic across the road some two hundred yards in front (which gives you about 3 seconds to react at that speed) and suddenly about 20 more pop out following the panicked leader, forcing you to weave through them

Seeing a tiny crop duster flying around peacefully, only for it to suddenly do a mad fucking dive head-on towards your car, and have it pull a damn hard turn upwards about 100 feet above ground level
Legit thought I was going to be Liveleak material or something, I remember thinking "are you fucking kidding me, am I really going to get killed by an airplane crashing into me?"

Driving in a two-lane route, seeing a bike going sanic, attempting to overtake a car but it derps and clips the car's rear corner, sending it barreling down right into your lane (lots of traffic on oncoming lane, deep nasty ditch on the right, all you can do is brake and hang on)
Thank fuck the dumbass rider just slid down the middle of the road, or he would've been roadkill for sure, if not by us, by the 30-ton truck coming behind us

I have too many with trucks to count, so I'll just say that truckers being assholes and overtaking at the last instant while leaving no room for maneuver is a damn butt clenching moment
Not really related, but I tend to throw shit at those imbeciles, usually forcing them to stop and sometimes breaking their windshields (large steel ball bearings will fuck up glass hardcore), once I threw a big bag of potatoes that I keep just for the occasion at one of those assholes. Saw it jackknife onto the side of the road and get buried in mud, was kinda shitting my pants for the next two days

I'll say, Brazil is a beautiful place, but it has little tolerance for retards and people with low luck stat


>being scared of your mechanic
are you going to a fucking dealer?
does your mechanic genuinely look retarded?
if you're that fucking bitched about leaving your car somewhere get a god damned dash cam

Ive been in sao Paulo, sao Jose do rio preto, río and fos do iguacu and never had those problems. Maybe you're the maniac there

Did you report it?

>Maybe you're the maniac there
Naw nigga, I really don't want trouble when on a vacation abroad, so I follow the laws and regulations or, if that is too risky because there's construction work going on or a truck is moving a XXXXXL load, I generally follow the traffic (again, if doing that is the more reasonable thing)

The cow incident happened in my home country tho, but BR drivers are hektik as fuck and tend to leave no damn room when overtaking, and/or overtake when going uphill, or during a blind curve. They really seem to be in a hurry constantly, and take too many risks, IMO

t. Argie who tries to drive like a saint when abroad because you can get shafted hard (and usually with good reason)

Thanks for reminding me OP.

My car is 85 miles away as there are only 2 places in the UK left to service Chevy Volts :(

>not having a non noticeable surveillance dash/interior cam to record jewcanics messing with your ride.

>Costco parking lot.
This, there are so many fucking idiot drivers that go to Costco, especially on Saturdays and Sundays. I work there and everytime I bring my fun manual car, I try to park it away from all the members.