How does Veeky Forums avoid getting speeding tickets?

How does Veeky Forums avoid getting speeding tickets?

I drive under the speed limit.

And if I do feel the need to go faster on the highway I keep it within 10% of the speed limit.
I've only gotten pulled over a few times but I haven't gotten a ticket.

If it's 75mph I usually get away with going 80-82

By taking the bus.

this guy knows what's up

If you're really serious, you can get special paints that you can paint your car with, so that the radio waves that the speed detector emits are absorbed into the paint, rather than reflected back at the speed detector, where a computer chip calculates the amount of time it took for the radio waves to reflect from your car and back at the speed detector.

You could also get a device that sits atop your license plates and projects UV light in front of your license plates, which causes interference with visible light reflecting off the license plate. Although this would only really be apparent if viewed from a camera; so a cop, who was there in person, could still see what your license plate says. But a speed camera couldn't

How good are radar detectors?

Remember all the cubbyholes in your area they like to hide in, then slow down while going past them.

That's because speedometers are always about 5 mph optimistic.

I've build an elaborate mechanism of levers and pulleys so that I can retract the rear licence plate into the car, and then fly at very high speeds without ever be identified.

By going too fast for police shitboxes

>tfw drive 10-30 kmh above the speed limit everywhere as default.
>Never got a ticket

Love the Netherlands senpai.
140 - 150 km/h every day

Looking carefully at all the breaks in the median down the highway, and Waze.

My speedo always matches with those radar speed signs though

Police don't use radio to measure speed anymore though.
Most speed guns are LIDAR

>slowing down every 1/4 mile

At night it helps to know what vehicles PD drives and recognize the chassis and/or headlights. As a rule I slow down to the limit if I see a Charger, or a crown vic on backroads.

Basically this. There is a stretch of road where I routinely hit 110+ because they sit about 2 miles up from that.

Getting out of a ticket is pretty easy if you are honest and polite.

>pulled over 6 times, all speeding
>3 by highway patrol
>2 tickets, one was a seatbelt ticket so I didn't get points (thanks senpai)

Also this

You know if you speed up fast enough, those radar guns cant register your speed. It will read as an error. So, if you see a cop with a radar gun, floor it.

nice try sheriff...

i was driving on i-295 last night on my way back from dropping my girlfriend off at school and i drive a ford ranger so the front end looks like an explorer and i had this one guy slam on his brakes the moment i came into his rear view mirror because the cops like to drive explorers sometimes here in new jersey. as soon as i got by him he sped back up to whatever speed he was going before. scared the shit out of that sucker. at least he knew what to look for as far as headlights go

I try this, but I guess I'm too stupid since I can hardly tell. Around here highway patrol speeds everywhere at maybe around 80-95mph, so I just slow down when I see possible headlights going at incredible high speed

I like to glance at entrance ramps- you can sometimes catch the taillights, which are much easier to identify. I'm the same with regards to headlights streaking in my direction at high speeds, slow down, ideally without using the brakes, or change lanes to blend in a bit with a pack of cars, then slow down.

Drive a Saab 9-5. They are invisible to police.

By driving a car that cannot go above speed limit

Motorcycles are well over the actual amount. I'm pretty sure cars have to be pretty damn close to the actual speed.

This. My old F-150 red lines in 5th at 85.

On my bike I wear all high viz gear. If you're not tucked over and obviously hooning it, cops automatically assume that you are safety conscious and pretty much ignore you.

Worst I ever got was one cop pulled alongside me and pointed at his speedometer. I was going 90.

never speed alone. just keep jumping from one pack of cars to another. it's like playing frogger
t. compulsive speeder

Speedos were not well calibrated back when they were mechanically driven, but any modern speedo using the wheel speed sensor, provided that you have properly inflated and OE tires, will typically be within 1% of actual. If it wasn't traction control and ABS wouldn't work correctly.

Being over 25 helps a lot.

Vw made their 2005 to 2014 cars show 10% faster then reality. Only germans can come up with such a clever way to save on warranty work.

>texas DFW area
>on toll road 119, very level and straight highway with excellent visibility
>road is basically clear at 1:00AM
>see a cop parked on the overpass above the road
>"uhhhh" "oh fuck I've heard about this before"
>hidden cop #2 turns on lights, pulls me over, and tickets me for going 84mph in a 70mph zone
>estimated $184 fine

I hate this shit.
If I take the ticket to traffic court, would both cops have to show up?

This. The +/- 10% meme is a fucking lie

I think only one would have to show. I stay the hell away from DFW toll roads because of shit like that. 20 X 820 northbound on the western edge of Ft. Worth has a nice dark stretch with no overpasses and a long straight if you wanna really gas it.

You should have pulled him over for speeding

I know where the cop hiding spots and speed traps are. Only got pulled over twice and record still 100% clean

What if nobody is speeding?

This, best I have done was about half the speed limit. (252 km/h)

Come to Pennsylvania ma niggas! Here, local police aren't allowed to have radar guns. This means the police need to time you between something they use called "speed lines".
These "speed lines" are large horizontal white bars painted on the road. There's usually two about a quarter mile apart. When you reach the first line the cop starts the timer and when you hit the second he stops it. He can then check his time sheet to see what speed you were going. So basically, don't speed in-between the lines. I thrash my cars on all our nice back roads all the time with no worries of coppers.

I had a friend going 80 on a back road that was limited to 30 and he passed a cop going the other way. He slowed down and the copped pulled a u-turn and pulled him over. The cop tried to get him to say how fast he was going and he said he didn't know so he asked the cop what hime recorded his speed at. He said the cop grumbled something about him getting off with a warning and not to do it again and drove off lol.

By not speeding

Uniden dfr7

>where a computer chip calculates the amount of time

That's not how speed radar even works. Do you even Doppler?


>projects UV light in front of your license plates, which causes interference with visible light

What is a filter?

REMOVE CHEESESTEAK remove cheeseteak
You are the worst penn. You are the penn idiot you are the penn smell. Return to Philadelphia. To our Philadelphia cousins you may come our contry. You may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,pittsburgh we will never forgeve you. Quaker rascal FUck but fuck asshole penn stink philly yinz yizn..budd dwyer suicide best day of my life. Take a bath of dead penn..ahahahahahPHILLY WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget 2012 Stanley Cup quarters.pittsburgh we win in 5 games, pittsburgh return to your precious bavaria….hahahahaha idiot penn and filthadelphian smell so i can smell it. REMOVE CHEESESTEAK FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. \NY+CT+MD+MA=kill pennsylvania... you will Stanley Cup/ tupac alive in new jersey, tupac making album of new jersey . fast rap tupac new jersey. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of tupac… you are ppoor stink penn… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a crackhouse
tupac alive numbr one #1 in new jersey….fuck the filthadelphia,..FUCKk ashol pens no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. 2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the penn farm aminal with rap magic now we the new jesry rule .ape of the zoo quaker william penn fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and filthadelphia wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. new jersey greattst countrey

>speed limit

i wish

I only go a comfy 70mph in my ranger on the highway

I have a CB radio and listen to truckers (and sometimes get in on the bantz). I usually take rt 495 in ma/nh to go anywhere and it’s a major shopping corridor so there are always lots of trucks out and they call out every cop they see.

I’ve memorized where the cops set up speed traps on my normal routes. Backroads are a crapshoot, some areas are sure to have cops, others may or may not depending on the time of day.

>radar guns have 3 digits on the display
>Drive speed limit+1000 mph
>Display will loop back around to show that you aren't speeding

You'll understand once you're done puberty

In many states, it's the same fine for 1-10 over the limit. If that's your state, you can always go 10 over and never worry about it. 1-15, 16-20, 20-25, 25+ is a different story and fines go up exponentially.

>asked a cop and a judge
>was going 79 in a 35, but they gave me 80 in a 55 so I wouldn't lose my license and I was right on the changeover.

Stay around 5 over and stay with the flow of traffic. They're gonna pull over the guy who stands out the most, so if you're zipping by cars you're gonna be singled out easily.

>Getting out of a ticket is pretty easy if you are honest and polite.
Your anecdotal evidence is not significant

Honestly no clue. I’m at like 15 speeding tickets

>Car typically driven by middle aged important business people.
>v8 RWD 300HP.
>No tickets after 3.5 years of ownership.

Just don't drive like a retard.

Race only on the track like a white person

By not speeding in high-risk area's.
In 6 years only caught 3 times, all tfw everybody slows down and moves aside when I'm on my bike
I stick out like a sore thumb, even when going under the limit.

Cruise control

>New Jersey superior to anything
fuck outta here


>Cop pulls you over for obstructing traffic as you are traveling at 000mph

I matured and stopped being a degenerate dummy. Speeding is honestly so low IQ and white trash. Derrr I'm so cool endangering my life & getting pulled over & taking online courses to lower points & raising my insurance rates.

Speeding is the dumbest shit you can do. Just stop. Not to mention you're wasting money speeding. My miles per gallon has been to the moon since I quit speeding.

>t. just got a speeding ticket last week

This is a weird false flag, but PA drivers are fucking retarded get out of the fucking left lane if you're doing the speed limit of 55.

Nah the dumbest thing you can do is get hit with a dui. Its expensive and I probably wont have an insurance policy in my name for a decade.

>be 4 years ago
>smoking weed in the car
>cherries and berries
>sir do you have weed in the car?
>well duh, I'm holding this fatass blunt nigga u blind?
>go to jail for dui
>license suspended for a year
>addiction classes
>still need to get to work to pay all the fees
>drive anyway within the 1yr
>get pulled over 3 times for speeding; get tickets
>not a peep about why I'm driving in the first place
>still to this day dont tell nobody about it

I assume what happened is my dui charge was entered into Georgia's records with my hyphenated last-name backwards and therefore incorrect. Not my fault cops are retarded.

The cops mishandled my breathlyzer test, so I just got open container and 3 months plus a couple classes about it. Was lucky considering it had been like a 750 of jim beam in an hour and half.

I'm starting to smarten up after bumping off of something about a month ago and can't remember what I bumped into.

I mean being an asshole and lying is probably going to get you a ticket. It's just much anecdotal as proof of concept lol

radar detector on the highways and knowing where the speed traps usually are. my early 20s when i imported my first fast car from Japan i paid probably $2000 in photo radar tickets on the highway over 1 summer and got pulled over a few times. now i just dont speed as much and use a radar detector

for jamming radar ive heard you can take the backup sensors from the rear bumper of a junkyard car and wire up a few of them on your front bumper facing forward to be constantly on and the signal will jam radar guns. how true that is i dont know

Drive an older car but ensure the exterior is in good condition. If your car looks like a shitbox it will stand out and some cops assume if it is really bad that the vehicle is in poor mechanical condition as well and look for bald tires, lights not working etc if they pull you over. On the other hand if your car is new but has aftermarket rims, stickers, license plate covers, and/or tinted windows you will attract attention as they assume you are hiding something or previously have gotten caught speeding.

I've overtaken 4 cars on a 2 lane country road as they asshole in front couldn't maintain and was dropping down to 70 in a 80 zone and the assholes behind him were all tailgating each other. This was on an uphill but I was pissed so I went for it but little did I know there was a radar cop at the top but as I passed doing about 120 he was pointed at the 2 corvettes 6 car lengths back.

drive consistently do not repeatedly brake and accelerate in traffic or when driving alone. Even when on highways when everyone slows down around police I will maintain speed, weave through traffic using my signals and return to the right lane when possible as the left is for passing. Cops will sometimes follow me but I still set cruise control to 13 km/h over the speed limit as any higher its a fine and demerit points. I've never had a problem and if you think of the cop as a person not a badge you'll be fine. Do you think police like doing 95 km/h in a 100 zone? No they just go with the flow of traffic hoping some moron in a riced civic hits 30 km/h over.

slow down when there is speed cam
roll with the flow when there is a cop

west texas

In my case, it'll do 104 but it's fucking terrifying above 70. works just as well.

Don't speed excessively. I make sure that when I speed I'd still be in the region of cheap ticket and no points on the license if I were snapped.

drive so fast they cant get a read on your plate

Basically don't be the fastest guy on the road, and go with the general flow of traffic. Literally never got a ticket this way, even when i'm technically speeding, because they will always prioritize the guy going 10 mph over me.

Where I live they tested their speed traps at 300+ km/h
The only difference a speed that high makes is a less precise speed readout, but that doesn't realy matter beyond 250 km/h anyway.

I have a hard time not speeding to be honest. I just don't see the point of having to do 55mph when literally everybody's car can handle 85mph. Plus all other drivers are stupid as fuck and think speed limits have no minimums, and cruise at whatever slow-ass speed they want to "hey at least i ain't no speeder!" Fuck you. We spend more and more time in our cars because speed limits haven't changed with the times. This leads to more low-speed accidents in the first place, which leads to congestion.

Liar look up what your cops buy and use its public record all our locals use radar. State troopers do run lidar but not often. Know how lidar works and you can beat it pretty well.


Higher speed limits don't reduce congestion.
-t. german

>Someone else on Veeky Forums drives an L series
My fuckin nigger. How many miles on it?

Not speed?

Sorry nigger it's not mine. Some dinosaur in my condo building owns it and that's the layer of dust that has been collecting on it. I've only been in the building for 2 years and until recently it was never moved. At least until the tow truck pulled it out last fall.

Damn. Its probably long scrapped now. Something about Saturn attracts old people, I rarely see young people driving them.

been driving for almost ten years now never got a speeding ticket. I've been pulled over for speeding probably 12 times. Never got a ticket because I was always respectful and honest with the cop. They always let me off with a warning. Probably cause I just come off as a good guy, and I am white so that helps. lmfao Pic related im always driving something loud, ratchet and illegally modded to fuck.

In the guy from PA and I have to say, that's a damn good representation of people from New Jersey.

Yeah but it could be a lot worse. Even if most PA drivers are slow, at least they aren't fast and reckless. I'm down in Alabama right now, first of all there aren't any inspections so most cars have bald tires and no brakes, and everyone drives like they're at Six Flags on the bumper cars. Like holy shit it's insane. I frequently see people down here driving at night with no headlights or taillights and it's not uncommon to see someone without a license plate.

>nobody here uses Weaze


Only time I got a speeding ticket was when I passed a cop, doing 130 in a 100 zone.

So...don't pass cops on the highway would be my advice.

No it's supposed to be the margin of error. Some Veeky Forumstist pushed it as your speedo is always wrong.

I'm not a nigger.

I honestly wish I knew how I do it. I regularly drive 15 over the speed limit, 30 over on the interstate, and I've only gotten one warning in my 5 years of driving.

Knock on wood. I've been driving pretty fast on the freeways. Average around 75mph.

Go live in a poor county/parish that can't afford to radar all (or any) of their roads.

Florida toll roads are absent of state troopers. I always assumed it was to encourage people to spend the money on the toll road.

Truckers are cool as fuck.

I drive the same routes and roads all the time and know which curve/section cops always hide at. I'm a BMW driver (never go under the speed limit) and have never gotten a ticket

By not speeding and using a radar detector to remind me when I don't realize I'm speeding

Radar detector. Being attentive and watching for places a cop might, potentially, hypothetically, be. Waze. Driving in traffic. Driving an old-person car. Being white. In roughly that order.