Is it unethical to put stickers on other people's vehicles?

Is it unethical to put stickers on other people's vehicles?

No, it's wonderful!

It's considered vandalism.

Unethical? Arguably.
Hilarious? You bet.

Sticker + paint = nightmare
If you're going to be a cunt, stick it on their glass.

Yes. You are not to fuck with another man's vehicle.

Or if you do make it really easy to deal with, like using your finger to draw a big cock on his dirty car or chalk on the tires or whatever.

I have custom stickers I put up just for fun, I sometimes put them on semi-trailers, if I can find an unsupervised one. I've tracked them down all over the country on instagram, which is kinda fun.


i've thinking of putting anime stickers on random cars for fun


If I caught you doing that to my car I would legit force you to the ground and skin your dick while you squirmed fag. It's not like you're ever going to use it anyway.

Joke's on you. I've been taking HRT for years and I've already transitioned surgically.

dust dicks can actually bake onto the paint if not attended to

Yeah nah.
Seriously fag, if you honestly believe someone that's going to skin your dick tears your clothes off and sees a puss filled would that they'd just leave you alone you're retarded.
You'd die a slow painful death filled with tons of extreme abuse.

And the more obvious and instantanious damage, the paint damage done by smearing dirt into dry paint.

Shouldn't let the car that that dusty tbqh and I assume if you're going to draw a dick on somebody's car it's your friend or somebody who doesn't care anyway.

Window dicks work, too.

If I still had a dick I'd be erect right now. I love extreme abuse.

i'd get a kek out of it
>not using high quality vinyl

The state of this thread.

Your angry reactions only motivate me further. brb buying some anime traps stickers and putting them on every micropenis pickup truck I see

Unethical, Yes
Illegal, Yes
Stupid. Undoutably.

Literally irrelevant mate.
Shit fucks paint.

Fly to Israel and sneak into Saudi Arabia and they'll make your wildest dreams of slow abuse and torture until death come true.
Your phantom dick will be rock hard mate.

A workmate put a raiders sticker on my car, straight on the paint. It took me like 25 minutes to get off, holy shit i was mad.

luckily my paint is already fucked from
>a tree falling on it
>shit respray
>local gravel dirt and loose tarmac road rock chips
cityfag posers

>My property is in bad condition, I don't care about the condition, that means I can treat all other property the same!

lol ok mr psychology major its just a fucking sticker.

I used to slap those "question authority "stickers on the backs of cop cars when I was young & edgy. Did it a bunch of times, & even saw one still on like 2 days later once.

>I would legit force you to the ground and skin your dick while you squirmed fag
watch that edge, you'll cut yourself

waiting in line for coffee once i saw someone put sticker saying "slow shit" on my moped, i also saw what car they drove into the car park in and i slashed one of it's tires. The sticker used such a strong adhesive that i can only get around 20% off, the rest would need to be scratched off.

Are we even?

Trolly McTrollfucker tagged my truck with a WAT sticker in like 2014 I think and I still haven't forgiven him since. I'm going to drive down to Arkansas and kick that faggot's bike over.

haha totally epic
Veeky Forums is so epic!

rip frolo

>bottle of Goo Gone
>new tire for his car

No. You should learn to take a joke.

Yes, fuck that guy.

you should take more pride in the things you own

Jesus. What sick fuck would stick a Monster sticker on someone else's car?

I'd say two tires would've made it even.

This violates the NAP.

>New tire
>80 dollars
What kind of econobox tier pizza cutter or crappy knockoff tires do you buy? My tires are 200+ bucks a corner.

Ntayrt but
>not getting used tires
I got a full set for 200$ that lasted until the car died

Stfu you little faggot. Name brand summer tires can be had for under $70 online. You’re wasting your money

What if he's a cunt and deserves it though?


>be me, driving to mall
>driving through area notorious for speed traps, so only doing a few over the limit
>3 squids come up behind me
>start riding my bumper
>weaving in and out of lane behind me, revving, being faggots in general
>all three go to pass at the same time, coming inches from my door
>one clips my mirror
>it's flipped forward, unsure of damage
>reach out, flip it back
>continue to mall
>find they've cracked the housing

>but wait - all three squiddies are parked in the corner of the lot at the same mall :^)

>walk over
>kick first bike
>knocks other down down
>breaks most of the mirrors, dents pegs, fucks up fairing

Felt good man.


motofags literally have one chance to get away from you, if they forfeit that opportunity there's no limit to how hard they're getting fucked

Not good ones.

Conflict escalation is a delicate issue that requires care, but I cannot condemn you for a bit of tit for tat. They were absolutely asking for something.

I've always wanted to put a big ass vinyl that reads "LIL TEX" with a cowboy hat on the rear window of one of those massive grocery getter pick ups. Or maybe "HERNANDEZ" instead.

>jokes on you
>i've already gone full degenerate because of my untreated mental illness
yeah user, the joke was sure on him

>Buying used summer only tires that have an unknown history and may have been frozen or excessively heat cycled, compromising the compound and reducing available grip
>Buying winter tires that don't have full tread depth for optimal slush removal and grip in deep snow, and may have a dry rotted rubber which will not stay properly pliable at low temperatures

I unironically consider tires a consumable maintenance item to be replaced on a regular basis. They absolutely define the performance of the car they are on, and should always be the best available.

This. When it comes to tires, you have two options: good or cheap.

No but If I caught you doing it to mine I'd break your fucking kneecaps.

Nigga, I'd have sex with your mother. I didn't do anything!

And it better stay that way dad.


I saw someone with the same sticker over the weekend, the girl in his passenger's seat looked the part to.

>he thinks high quality vinyl is LESS sticky
Fucking lol think before your post next time brainlet


Aquaman pls go

ok child
>giving a shit about muh aesthetics on a shitbox


My geolanders were $120ea iirc. Could have gotten to sub $100 if I'd gotten regular all-season tires.

>have freind in college who smokes like a train
>my mum found some warning stickers from somewhere
>one of them is a big red no smoking sticker
>have devilish idea
>keep sticker in my bag for 2 weeks waiting for the right moment
>it habbens
>its cold and raining and hes the only one of my college freindos with a car
>he gives us all a lift to tesco to get lunch
>in the back of his peugeot 205
>pull out the sticker
>give the finger over mouth signal to friend next to me to keep quiet
>plaster sticker across inside of friends window
>he didnt notice for a week

i'm so glad i live in a freedom loving state where you can shoot somebody for doing shit like that.

You're 5'7 and would get your ass kicked, lol.

Yes. The car did nothing wrong. Take it up with the driver

Fucking faggot. You are a joke

While I agree that tires are a consumable, I'm not hot rodding my shitboxes enough to need the best performing tires. They get used tires, batteries, windshield wipers, ect. I would not buy used consumables for a nicer car tho