Infotainment systems are the worst thing to happen to modern cars. Prove me wrong

Infotainment systems are the worst thing to happen to modern cars. Prove me wrong.

doesnt bother me. but only because i have physical buttons on my wheel for stereo controls.

>have to go through sub-menus to adjust climate controls

just kill me now

you see those big knobs under the screen? those are for climate control

>he thinks I'm talking about OPs image

most cars have tactile climate controls, or buttons on the wheel for audio, or some sort of speech assist, or etc etc etc. multimedia screens usually hold the advanced options that shouldn't need to be changed on the fly.


Are you defending (((infotainment))) systems?

The one thing /ourcar/ gets constantly dinged for.
Having to use the infotainment to turn on the seat climate controls.

That is not something made better by touchscreens, which should be the metric for their integration.

weird how you changed it from 'climate controls' to 'seat climate' in the space of two posts

I am a different user and was just adding to the conversation, as k agree with the sentiment.

I want to press a button to have my seat start warming. That shit would be annoying as fuck on a cold winter day to have to swipe up, left, left, right, left and click to start a seat warmer.

>worst thing
>what is can bus

unironically this

daily reminder there are no touchscreens in rolls royces or bentleys

Define modern.

IMO the cell phone is probably the biggest problem. Well, that, and the the fact that people older than 65 don't need to retake their licenses exam every 5 years.

Wow. Thank you for this information

>buy a brand new car model 2019 with that shit on
>in 10 years they're all gonna die

How about the lack of respect for night vision. My car has an auto brightness adjustment for night, but outside of the city it still totally ruins your night vision.
And they buried the option to turn it off under a button click followed by 2 (or 3) touchscreen clicks.

I've left my interior illumination on the lowest setting since I first learned where the setting was in the first week of ownership.

they are if you can't add your own, good thing honda didn't cuck the civic where you couldn't
>works with steering controls
>works with rear camera
thank you honduh

or maybe you just want a regular double din radio, civic can let you do that

and for you autists you can even have this

fucking shit the heated seat is the first thing I touch when I get in

Nice just bought a rolls royce

Infotainment is fine if you still have physical controls for things like climate, no startup lag, and no touchscreen.
I think Lexus has the best setup IMO. Looks like they worked out the lag too on the LC system and got rid of the clit pad.


>hnnnnng i want a pure driving experience
get a UAZ and stfu

damn i can't remember that rap group that always had songs about weed and every song was like 4:20 in length on the albums but never actually that length. fuck pretty sure they were white

kottonmouth kings

no wonder i forgot about them god damn

civic gang. love the lack of touch screen bullshit. But why are all my tires at 46-48 psi on my week old lease?

so you need tires sooner

The biggest problem with them is that fact that it's near impossible to fit aftermarket head units.

Cell phones are the worst thing to happen to modern cars. Pedestrians and drivers alike aren't paying attention because they're on their phone. Now we have to have shit car design.

Welcome to nightmare.

>wood effect trim
This looks like a cross between a budget manufacturer trying really hard to be upmarket but not quite "getting it", and something out of a 70's G-Plan catalogue.

>this whole interior
lmaoing at your life

THis actually is a better set up, the ipad can be easily removed and replaced by a newer model when the car gets older, you yougings get a long now. I am gonna get me a mcdrive belly wash, see ya

goddamn baby boomers get off my board

A touch screen in a car is a fucking stupid idea. I have one in mine and it is far more distracting to adjust something when driving than actual buttons. I will never buy a car with one again

>No volume knob
>No feel touch "buttons" instead



am I the only one that gets triggered by this?

Mass migration to FWD is the worst thing to happen to modern cars.

An MFD is that thing from System Shock 2, dummy.

It remembers me a golf cart

I cannot resist chinese cars
I will probably buy that

>what is can bus
A great connecting way.
Don't blame the system for your retarded ass.

All it takes for you to be wooed is a couple of screens, die of a dick overdose faggot

That's why VW cars are better, they still have knobs for everything.

Why? People who drive them are too busy snorting cocaine or something to ever bother using media in the car?

Because the driver needs to drive, not be distracted.
The owner has his phone.

>muh drift
Please stop

that's actually a better model 3

That and traction control U can't turn off

I agree
Fuck electronics
Non-value-added garbage