Why are automatic transmissions popular in the US but not elsewhere?

Why are automatic transmissions popular in the US but not elsewhere?

only third world countries have mt

Because we can afford to use them. They're even starting to get popular in Europe too.

As an American, I need to drive with a cell phone in one hand, a hamburger in the other hand, and brandish a firearm with the other hand. That is hard to do in a manual transmission vehicle.

They're actually even more popular (by percentage) in Japan than the U. S

They're steadily gaining ground in Japan and even Europe, who traditionally bought manuals for one reason or another
Americans love their autos because that was the luxury option way back when and why would you not get the luxury option if you can afford it, and it allows you to shitpost on your phone/eat a burger/get your dick sucked while driving, not to mention making the car easier to operate for complete retards

We drive on highways. So it's either cruising in the highest gear at 70mph or start-stop traffic. We stand to gain nothing by shifting manually. It's not fun or more efficient.

What do you mean? Asia's got a lot of them too.

>try to buy a cheap RWD manual shitbox skid car in nz.
>fuck out of luck.

americans are forced to drive and want to be detached from the process as possible

this is dangerous but we call it "comfy"

same goes for other countries. people who don't want to drive don't want to shift either.


We can afford them. The fact that they were advertised and glamorized for so long helps. Manual is awful anyway.

>we can afford to use them.
>We can afford them

>meaning everything

Retard why do you think they're in debt? They got a new house and car.

>TFW wen you realize this is just a meme parroted by Europeans with a superiority complex to justify driving around in some shitty subcompact with a lawnmower engine and a 5 speed

Being in debt doesn't mean anything if your income is enough to pay your bills. I have 10k in debt from financing a car and I'm still paying my bills every month.

Because America loves trash.

because in hypercapitalist society the sole purpose of your car is to take you from your housing domicile unit and deposit you at your local labor center so that you can pay off the loan your car is on, in other words you exist as a marketable security that provides a fixed income to the investor

Americans are lazy fuckers.

So what happens when you lost your job due to a change in the economy? The bank comes for your car and the outstanding amount on the finance because you're upside-down on the loan.
And then the economy collapses like dominoes. AGAIN.

Japanese and Australia too.
Personally I don't like automatics because how they feel, and in bongolia manuals are more common.
>Manuals are only common because they're cheap
On a lot of classic cars the automatic will be cheaper because it's much less desirable.

It's a useless chore. And we work more than you do.

Tiny engines can't handle a torque converter. We pioneered the automatic back in the 30s, it took until the 60s until euros like MB to develop one.

luxury feature that became so common every car has it at some point
also other things like being able to handle more power and deliver more torque (important for land barges)
that and America is the home of the earliest recorded traffic jam

America also had lots of types of shifter early on
like a column shift that operates the shift forks and clutch via pneumatics

by the 1950s pretty much every luxury feature on modern cars was already in place in some form or another
its just that the engines and weight became a problem

Model T influenced American consumers heavily. It had planetary gears, no clutch pedal, but you still chose gears manually.

Because the USA is the greatest country ever.

Because they sap too much power and are therefore unviable elsewhere, but Americans traditionally didn't give a fuck and simply added another liter to their engines. Now that even American cars are fourbangers they're forced to stick to anemic automatics because no one can drive manual anymore.

Because in the US there's no penalty for not knowing how to drive manual. You get the same license regardless of what car you take your test in. In most European and Asian countries, if you take your test in an automatic car you get a restricted license that limits who, what, where, when, and why you're allowed to drive.

20 years ago that was the case but not now. Look at any high performance car nowadays. Chances are it comes standard with a 9 or 10 speed automatic, while the 5 or 6 speed manual is a no-cost "we know you're a nostalgiafag, here's your vastly inferior transmission" option.

Actually it just limits you to driving autotragics, but that alone is reason enough to learn manual and get a full license. Don't know a single person that has an auto only license, pretty sure the only people getting them are physically impaired.

the pedals and levers are a bit of a mindfuck
seemed simple till I tried it
>planetary gears
4 speeds and reverse iirc
but you have to rotate the sun gear in reverse to get a fourth ratio

Do you think that ten speed auto will last as long as a manual that's actuated by your arm?

Chevy tried to tear up theirs in the zl1, they couldn't do it. There are plenty of manual transmissions with design flaws that don't last either. "Simple is more reliable" is highly flawed logic. You can't find a 90s manual transmission for a Dodge pickup because everyone lugged them out and lost 5th gear.

Automatics actually do last longer, but equally they're usually more expensive to repair or replace, lastly because you often have to exchange the entire transmission instead of just a gear or just the clutch or something. Imagine having to throw an engine out because of a connecting rod.

>go test drive no fewer than 6 S2000s
>6th gear grinds in every single one
>find out that retards skip all the way from 2nd/3rd to 6th
>next test drive ask the guy to do a pull to observe this habit
>guy takes 3rd gear to redline and slams it into 6th
>clutches out without letting the engine revs drop

Went and found a Miata for half the price/miles instead.

If you work, why are you all so fat?



You have yet to meet slavs.

Why do they do this??