My friend (already a millionaire) just hooked me way up in the chain with Bitconnect...

My friend (already a millionaire) just hooked me way up in the chain with Bitconnect. Should be making $100k a month soon. What whip should I pick up to skkkrrrt? Thinkin Rari or Lambo. Butthurt jealus poorfags need not apply.

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Mclaren so you don’t look like those other fags who just rent off Turo

Just get a 1k civic with 10 k in handling mods.

You should pick up a noose for considering a Lamborghini or Ferrari first

Yeah I normally don't like German cars but that 720 is lookin niiiicccceeee

saged, hidden, etc.

3k civic with 999997in mods

buy something that doesnt show your pleb tier taste.

Matthew 7:6

Buy some better bullshit stories to post on Veeky Forums.

Trying so hard to unload his bags he's on Veeky Forums




the bitconnect scam is over pajeet

you were already exposed

Bitconnect is a scam. You're not getting shit op

>it's another bitcoin LARP thread
It's always NEETs LARPing over the idea of never having to work because of magic investments. Don't listen to them, just pic related and move on.

APR stage II Audi S8

>another NEET larp thread

your fake money isn't going to get you a lambo you faggot. get a job.


He's right OP. For that amount of money Aston Martin is definitely the most prestigious patrician-tier brand.

the fact that noone here got your joke proves that cuckcoins are gay

Absolutely patrician tier
