2018 fully loaded Toyota Camry

>2018 fully loaded Toyota Camry
>no android auto or apple car play
Why is Toyota so behind on tech?

Toyota is always behind on literally everything

That's why their shitboxes are always the most boring option and also reliable

Because Tesla has already monopolized the soy boy market. Now close your mouth

>Caring about Android Auto and Apple Carplay
You and your Ilk have ruined cars. I hope you get cancer. Not shitposting or memes or anything, I sincerely hope that a part of your body mutates and grows out of control, subsuming and destroying surrounding tissues. I hope you spend a decade in a hospital bed, suffering like you never knew you could suffer, being shot full of horrendous chemicals and dyes and being blasted with radiation. I hope your hair and teeth fall out. I hope your bitterness and directionless anger drives away everyone you've ever known and loved. I hope you die, alone and unloved in a sterile 12x18 room, weeping into your pillow as your body crumbles and dies around you. If there is an afterlife, I hope it disappoints you.
Fuck you.
Fuck you.
Kill yourself.
Fuck you.

Toyoter were not willing to agree to their privacy terms and negotiated new ones for 2019.

i don't like the iphone on wheels shit either but you sound like an edgy 13 y/o

>useful car tech
>soy boy
(((nice try)))
Can't tell if boomer or millennial lol

Have fun telling Jewgle where you're driving

>branded bluetooth pairing is "Useful", a "Technology" or in any way important to a car.

>>no android auto or apple car play
born in the year 2000 confirmed

Fancier cell-phone integration is not a real selling feature for new cars. The only demographic that cares about it either don't have enough money/credit to buy a new Corolla, or they were born into enough wealth and privilege they'd never be caught dead in anything costing less than $60 grand. Taking the extra steps needed to fit this bullshit into an economy car doesn't amount to jack shit in sales, with the possible exception of one teenager in Utah or Wyoming or Buttfuck, Missouri.

Infotainment systems are the cancer killing the car industry.

Explain to me why you need this bullshit? Why can't people JUST drive their fucking cars without all this bullshit "internet of things" and fucking adding more distractions.

ANY fucking advancements we've made in the ways of safety and efficiency are fucking moot with this dumb bullshit.

Mazda and BMW have the right idea. You have one knob you turn to tune the radio, and another to adjust the volume.
>Hurr durr BMW has car play
Doesn't mean you have to use it.

The 2018 Camry has Android auto now...

I was born into wealth and all our cars cost less than 40k causeitd be a waste of money.
Like my dad offered to buy me a car for 15k I just took one for 8 because I felt sorry for his money.

>no android auto or apple car play
this is meme tech and literally will have either no use or have been replaced by something else. Toyota thinks in the long game, expecting the car you buy to outlast the tech you use.

omg you are MEAN

>>>>>with the possible exception of one teenager in Utah or Wyoming or Buttfuck, Missouri.

Because Toyota is the Debian of automotive industry


What's so great about those things?
Doesn't bluetooth work the same?

Pretty much, yeah.

Yup and a new car without a tape deck was a pos in 1988, and one without a disc player was a pos in 1999, just because something new will come along in a decade or two doesn't mean you should skip out on whats in demand now, that's how you fail as a business.

car audio technology has reached a point where it literally cant get any better, so they add stupid retarded shit like touchscreens and branded bluetooth

A new car without a tape deck was a pos in 1978. And "Carplay" isn't a new feature, it's a set of franchised features that work the same in all installed units. All of the functions it offers are and were readily available for years before. The bullshit isn't the carplay itself, but the fact that all of its functionality was there before Apple started adding a near $1,000 premium to the price of a vehicle.
And people eat this shit up, because they don't know or care what the gizmo DOES, they only care about the brand name.

>android auto
>apple car play
wtf is this shit?

I speak only for Android Auto, but you can use Google maps for navigation, use voice commands for speech to text or calling someone, and if you have multiple apps for audio (e.g., spotify for music and audible for audiobooks). There's probably more but that's all I use it for. It's pretty convenient.

>you can use Google maps for navigation, use voice commands for speech to text or calling someone, and if you have multiple apps for audio
Holy fuck, pay attention to the road you faggot. Do you even Veeky Forums?

Branded Bluetooth pairing. You know how some car decks now will read your text messages, or let you navigate music and make phone calls with voice commands, etcetera? It's been a thing for almost 10 years now. Anyway, Apple decided to make a standardized platform for it, so if you test out the phone connectivity in a wide range of Cars, they're all the same. Android followed suit because that's their whole business model.
Now people who were too young to remember when this whole wave of connectivity was new suddenly think that Apple invented it, and that without Carplay then all the features aren't there.
New cars that don't have Carplay will, 9 times out of 10, have all the same functionality, just without the Apple brand attached to it, but if you tell this to a manicured, balding teenager with a ring of pubes around his mouth, he won't believe you. Then he'll get confused and start lashing out with baseless rhetoric about progress.

My '14 Scion could do all that shit any way.

What sort of mental midget are you? None of those things require you to take your eyes off the road.

As I said, it's just convenient, not groundbreaking. I could live without it for sure, but it's nice to have.

Back in my day we'd lucky if we got an cassette player in the car. Spoiled little fuck, fuck you.

I don't know, user. I love technology. Not everyone understands that.

Oof, can definitely agree though. I hate how cars are becoming increasingly convoluted

>Implying they don't already know

just to add to this, the Mazda infotainment system doesn't feel obtrusive with the driving experience unlike some other infotainment setups where the screen takes up 2/3 of your middle console or even your dashboard. Looking at you, FCA.

Agreed. Even the infortainment screens are retarded and laggy in NEW CARS.

Nice meme but the XSE V6 is the fastest car in the segment

Your point?

>brand new camry
Who buys this?

What does putting a v6 in a midsized sedan have to do with tech?

Read the post i quoted

>useful car tech
>using a locked down special car mode instead of an AUX cord and a dash mount

New cars are mandated to have backup cams. I say just make a conservative, designated screen for it and disregard the car play.

Hahahahha you fucking loser. Do you not own a phone? No internet? No credit cards? No purchase history of any kind? Did you shave some gold off your first bar to barter for library computer time to shitpost?

Google already knows everything about you. Welcome to modern day.

This. Laying too low is a red flag, live behind a normie smoke screen.

Its that kind of pretentiousnes that really makes me disgruntled. Google thinks that they know me, please spare me from that shit.

...You have to be fucking kidding me. Please. Tell me.

The Boomer is mad because his cars got those GOT DANG COMPOOTERS IN HIS FACE

Who cares lol

Then do what I said. Go offline. Go live innawoods. Don't want the furthest reaching company known by the public to know about your stupid life that's irrelevant to them...there's your answer.

Unless you're a meth cooking kiddie sex dungeon owner you shouldn't give a shit about your datalogs IMPROVING your technological experience.


>Google thinks that they know me

Ahahaha I'm too smart for Google haahhaa they THINK they know me, but they don't ;)

Shut up. They have your entire financial history, they know what you've been to the doctor for, maybe not through the confidentiality acts, but if you Google "MUH DICK ITCHES"....they're aware.

They know your favorite foods based on your purchases online, they know your color preferences, whether you're a racist or whether you're cheating on your spouse.

What you paranoid fucks don't realize is they don't give a shit about you, they care about improving the system for those of us who aren't in tinfoil hats.

The whole "you shouldnt have anything to hide" argument is retarded. Privacy is important.

Until extremists take over and you can have your property confiscated for supporting the wrong political party.

WhatGoogle may have missed is... What's life worth living if your not wearing a tinfoil hat?

Ofcourse I would not know any other way now... But I can vaguely remember the day when I was bored out of my mind thinking the "system was saving me".

>mfw this already happens in britain
>mfw no guns allowed if you support the far right because they're terrorists according to the government
>leaving a bacon sandwich at a mosque is terrorism
>this will happen to the US but against lefties, so planting a tree on public land without permission will be a felony

I really want to use that bin and feel better about myself.

penis surrender bin

That would make life easier as well.

Oh my God you're actually autistic please go back to /x/

So have a shittier service because it's a generic system for John Doe rather than gradually tailored to perfectly suit yourself.