I need to reduce the fuel consumption for my mk7 Gti

I need to reduce the fuel consumption for my mk7 Gti.
Got a new job offer and need to drive 20000 miles a year.
that's 3 times the amount I drive atm.
It's high paying.

Anyway, I was thinking about dropping to 17x7 rims and putting slimmer touring tyres instead of wider sports tyres.
Also using Mobil1 0w-30 instead of 5w-40
Inflating the tyre a little bit more.
Drop in K&N filter for higher flow.

What else does Veeky Forums recomend.

It won't make much of a difference. Any money you could save on fuel would have been wasted making those changes you mentioned.

If your mileage is going to change as dramatically as that, you might be better off finding a shitty little diesel to drive to work and keep the GTI as a toy.

The tires alone will make a big difference, and be much cheaper once it's time to replace them as well.

A decent tune will net you a few extra mpgs.

>What else does Veeky Forums recomend.
drive like a grandma, 500% more effective than anything you listed.

He said he is also going to change wheel size though. Factor in (im assuming) about 1k or something for the wheel and tyre combo and I just don't see it saving him much money overall.

Increased stopping distance, not as much lateral grip though.

not an option since diesel is almost the same price as gasoline these days in Europe and paying for 2 insurances and 2 licence plates is expensive over here.

yea that's the first thing Im gonna do

not if I sell the factory wheels and buy some midrange aftermarket 17 inch wheels

is 500e tho

Looks like driving like a granny is your best option then. As others have said, it makes a huge difference. I'm guessing town driving is going to be at a minimum considering the jump in mileage so you should be alright.

K&N is trash

If the money is enough it doesn't fucking matter. I drive 30,000 miles a year and I drive a v8 mustang. Fuck the police I don't give a fuck about gas mileage.

>job requires you drive all the time
>no gas card
>no car provided

He has to drive 20k a year to get to and from work, he isn't taking a driving job.

>20,000 miles
>avg 60mph
>8.3 workweeks/yr
>in a fucking car

He'd literally have to be getting paid something stupid over what he's getting now to justify that in time spend alone might as well gas and W&T

Hot air intake

only queers care about fuel prices

Yeah I never think about it, cars gotta eat

The Car and Driver test rated the MK7 GTI as getting 36MPG on the highway.
That's not bad.

Slow down. Keep it below 75 if possible.

You realize you can claim all of the extra maintenance/miles/fuel as a tax write-off, right? Look into what you can do, and get in the habit of keeping receipts.

>diesel is almost the same price as gasoline these days in Europe and paying for 2 insurances and 2 licence plates is expensive over here.
Move to America. I drive 170 miles a day and give no shits because gas is cheap and salaries are high.

Drive like a grandma

Get tyres to fit your current wheels that roll better. inflate to 36psi.

leave the engine in stock form, stock filter, stock oil.

You will spend more money modifying for efficiency than you will on fuel and putting thinner oil in will make the most miniscule difference while potentially harming your engine.

This. Study how hypermilers drive.

>I need to reduce the fuel consumption for my mk7 Gti.
Tires are the best first consideration. Super grippy tires have more friction on the road. But you might not like tires that have less friction on the road if you like to push the edge.

Just tape a tennis ball under the gas pedal.


you could try not being a eurocuck

Just hypermile the shit out of it, if your commute is primarily freeway just race to 6th gear and cruise along at 65.

If it's stop and go your basically fucked.

What kind of bullshit place you have to work at that makes you drive 55 miles a day?

Pull out the back seats, spare tire, radio and AC.

swap it for a GTD

buy a MK 2/3/4 TDI


>Pay tax in 2018