Anyone else just throw the cheapest oil they can find into their engine?

Anyone else just throw the cheapest oil they can find into their engine?

Works for me.
£13.99 for 4 liters!

When I had a two stroke I used their mineral oil too, costs pennies.

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Go to bed

isn't even 10 bong in the eve yet lad

I use the cheapest synthetic I can find for my 2-smoke.
It was designed in the 1970s and does not require anything special.
Hell, later they said 1:100 is ok as well, when using some special synthetic oil.

why cheap out on the only thing keeping your engine from shredding itself to pieces?

Might as well not use oil at all if you're that much of a stingy cunt.


the one thing in common between all the cars that made it past 1 million miles is that they changed their oil even earlier than the manufacturer recommended interval and used good oil.

Mobil whatever and every 3k miles
This. There’s a video of smome old lady who has a classic car (dont remember specifically) it is easily 50+ years old. All stock. She’s replaced a few things but nothing major, factory engine. Her secret? Change the oil every 2,000 miles

Here it is, 54 years.

dunno about the video that your talking about but here is one that highlights the point

if that car ever crashed man, she would probably just die with it. video made me feel all warm inside

I use 300v every 600 miles or so cause track and built engine whatre your excuses?

>they dunt make em like dey used to

3k oil change intervals on anything remotely modern is way, way too often. 5000 miles to 7500 miles is about right for most people. 3000 miles is for severe duty, mostly only stop and go city miles and next to no highway use.

7500 miles if you only drive highway, 5000 miles if you do a mix.

bad advice.

follow your manufacturer guidelines at the least but that is just a maximum amount of time. If you want your engine to last then you should be doing at LEAST 3000 miles

Mah brah cars can deal with 5k oil changes just fine

and this mentality is why modern cars will not go to the age older cars did. people are lazy, cheap and retarded

Manufacturer guidelines for anything made in the last 25 years either meet or exceed the recommendations set here.

Go run a blackstone oil analysis, guaranteed that you're running intervals that are way too short.

There is no secret here, replacing your oil on time consistently is just one thing you should be doing. There is so much more to making sure a car continues to run. You should be regularly changing/flushing out all fluids based upon manufacturer recommendations. Changing stuff like filters is also important.

Cars from the 70s didn't last worth shit, kindly fuck off with your bullshit. They didn't even have 6 digit odometers because they assumed you would have trashed the engine by the time 100k miles rolled around.

every smart person can change your oil every 3000 miles and have a car that will outlast you or you all can listen to this retard, save a few bucks and buy a new car when yours shits the bed in 10 or less years

>Manufacturer guidelines for anything made in the last 25 years either meet or exceed the recommendations set here.

what they meet is the minimum requirement with the hopes that you will follow it. It will make your car last just long enough that most people would consider it a good investment but not long enough that the company goes bankrupt because no one needs to buy a new car.

>Cars from the 70s didn't last worth shit

maybe because thats around the time that people like you started popping up thinking that you could get away with the bare minimum. There are still cars around from that era and I guarantee you that they were owned by people like me.

why is this board so cancerous? >interesting story, somewhat heartwarming
>gets triggered by title

3k oil changes? holy shit you guys are dumb as fuck. I don't even consider it until 5k miles, and even then I change it around 7.5k to 9k miles. 300k miles on the original motor on my DD.

The benz shop I work at recommends 10k mile oil changes for certain oils.

Mechanic shops love dipshits like you. We really do man.

people here just hate baby boomers, mostly out of jealousy.
They believe the meme that you could actually sustain the white picket america ideal lifestyle of a house with a family and 4 kids and a car while earning only minimum wage, something that is a literal pipe dream for young people today

the absolute STATE of this board

Every smart person can do a used oil analysis, actually learn something about additives and how that and insoluble content tells you how often you actually need to change the oil.

And if you do that, you'll discover that if you actually buy decent full synthetic oil and use the factory oil filter or better, then you'll be just fine with 5000-7500 oil change intervals. OEMs like BMW recommend as high as 10k-15k miles these days which is really stretching things as far as I'm concerned.

Pic related, it's a used oil analysis and as far as the OEM is concerned this is why a 5000 mile interval was way too short. There's still more than enough additive left and nowhere near enough insolubles left to be worried about. This guy could probably safely stretch his oil another 2000 miles without issues.

So 5000-7500 miles is a good rule of thumb for full synthetic. 5000 miles is on the safe side, 7500 if you've done an analysis or you only drive long highway trips.

i change it myself you mental gymnast. costs me less than 20 bucks

or you can skip the extra cost of a test and change it at 3000 miles. The ONLY reason not to is your a lazy cunt

At this point it's obvious you're just baiting for an argument, but you're just pretending to be retarded so it's not really working. Have a good night.

>They believe the meme that you could actually sustain the white picket america ideal lifestyle of a house with a family and 4 kids and a car while earning only minimum wage, something that is a literal pipe dream for young people today

this may surprise you but boomers started in the same place as the young people of today. but instead of chasing ass and iphones they worked their asses off and climbed the ranks in a company.

then, instead of fucking every bitch they could, the courted 1 and married her

then, instead of rushing off to buy every piece of baby equipment that some parents magazine recommends for your child, they got one (1) crib and that was it

then, they left the wife at home to raise the children cutting out the need to pay for daycare and instantly cutting the workforce down so men could work higher paying jobs by sheer virtue of capitalist labor competition.

then, instead of wasting money on eating out, big televisions, the newest tech, bills for shit like cable and phone data plans, they went full force into paying off their mortgage.

then when the kids were old enough and raised right they were enlisted into helping raise the younger kids instead of left to fuck Tyrone at 13.

TL;DR its millenials fault they are in their sorry state for being so fucking lazy and entitled


>At this point it's obvious you're just baiting for an argument, but you're just pretending to be retarded so it's not really working

>someone believes something different from me so they must be trolling

sure kid

>measuring oil changes by miles
You goys realize oil degrades with time as well?
>not using an hourmeter
shiggy diggy do

>then, instead of rushing off to buy every piece of baby equipment that some parents magazine recommends for your child, they got one (1) crib and that was it
That one crib would have costed as much of as the entire catalog of baby magazine equipment shit.

> this may surprise you but boomers started in the same place as the young people of today. but instead of chasing ass and iphones they worked their asses off and climbed the ranks in a company.

The global economy was very different then. Most of europe went through a devastating war and needed a lot of rebuilding, Asia was still way underdeveloped and not much of a factor, and technology was starting to make production a lot more efficient as well as products to the staples of everyday life. Basically, demand was high and american manufacturing didn't have as much global competition, so it thrived. That's no longer the case and will likely never be the case again.

Comparing the 50s economy to that of the modern day is an absolutely apples to oranges comparison without consideration of the global economy.

>That one crib would have costed as much of as the entire catalog of baby magazine equipment shit.

it would have costed the price of the wood cause the guy would have built it himself.

>Comparing the 50s economy to that of the modern day is an absolutely apples to oranges comparison without consideration of the global economy.
>muh globalism

this is not a valid reason any person to not be able to find a way to prosper. manufacturing is not as big as it was but now is a better time than ever to enter business for yourself. you legitimately have unlimited access to global markets as long as you are willing to put in the time and effort.

Not to mention that the global economy has led to development on a scale never before seen, trades are the new manufacturing.

He's right though. My husband and I live like that, and we've saved so much money by living frugally, even when he was just starting his career. For so many people being broke is a lifestyle choice.

Our cars aren't flash, but they don't need to be. They're reliable, in good condition, and will probably last as long as that woman's in the video above.

Been changing my Celicas oil every 9,000 miles full synthetic for the 8 years I've had it. 254k miles no problems

6 months for conventional, 1 year for synthetic. Most people drive enough that they run into mileage instead of age-based constraints.

its 3 and 6

BMW spec is 1 year for synthetic on the normal schedule. 6 months is the severe duty cycle. If you're driving a decent amount on the highway and getting things nice and hot the oil won't break down in a year from low mileage.

your correct, should have specified. for the german cars its 1 yr or 10000km usually.