Does anyone have any guides like this? It's cool seeing differences acrjavascript:;oss iterations

Does anyone have any guides like this? It's cool seeing differences acrjavascript:;oss iterations

What the hell happened in this post?

Either way it doesnt have to be all generations, just a highlight of differences

Imma bump this just because I have some to contribute.












Oh man the 87 on that Foxbody chart is awful.






Last one

And I realize I saved the small ones whenever I got those ;_; Oh well you can image search to get fullsize.

this is gold

I like this thread.


I should make one for corvairs

Haha I saved them all and posted one! Sorry it's hand drawn but bump anyways.

Oh hey I found another one of onallcylinders

And yeah I get I'm bumping the shit out of this again but I just got home.


