Guys I'm scared

Guys I'm scared.
Will electric cars take away out right to drive gas powered cars?

My retarded friends doesn't listen to reason. When I try to explain why I don't think EV cars are the only outcome to personal transportation (worst part is not of those fuckers even own cars themselves)
But they just keep parroting all the same stupid bullshit, Tesla faggots usually do.

Worst part is that they have so little compassion for one of the few things here in life that brings me joy - my gas powered vehicles that I spend much of my time around. And they just dismiss it as me being old fashioned and stuck in the past.

Have any of you ever been in the same situation?

You drive whatever you want, I'll gladly switch to electric since it suits my needs better.

There will always be a market for gas vehicles to appeal to enthusiasts and historians. However, there will probably be a price/tax premium attached to the joy of IC.

I would switch to electrics once they are really affordable(I'm thinking 3k Civic affordable) as they suit my needs better, but I don't like what the future is showing us, countless countries on Europe are thinking about restricting ICE cars from circulation in certain places.

The US can't really do that with huge swaths of sparsely populated land.

tiny electric trams seem to be where things are headed
autonomous vehicles and Wireless power transfer should do

its commuting that has killed the car
why even have such a flexible platform if the roads and location of affordable housing enforce such a rigid use of cars

>Worst part is that they have so little compassion
that's just all round
every thing from the colours they choose to the cloths they wear are lacking in distinction or character
even the pastel era was more lively

>my gas powered vehicles
I have the pleasure of having owned the least reliable kinds
>spend much of my time around

>dismiss it as me being old fashioned and stuck in the past.
>been in the same situation?
naw i'm pretty much invisible
normi cant see outside of the obsolescence mouse wheel

I feel you op. All my "friends" are a bunch of soyboys.

>tfw no car enthusiast friends

Should be ok for Americans though. Only we at Europe are fucked.

Are electric cars really the answer with all the issues surrounding mining materials and producing / disposing of batteries? Yes they don't use fossil fuel, but it seems they are just moving the issue somewhere else.

did cars take away out right to ride horses?

everything comes out of the ground you dumb fuck

even just moving the pollution would be a win though you can dispose of batteries and whatever where no one lives
and considering how many people never check their oil and skip on basic maintenance
ev engine are way simpler and probably won't fail as much

In a way.
You aren't allowed to ride where ever you please anymore

the horses are taking our womyn

you can't drive your car wherever you please

At the moment you can.
But what if it ends up like norway where you can't drive anything but electric and hybrids in the cities?

you need new friends.

Why is Tran there?

>Will electric cars take away our right to drive gas powered cars?

In some countries and parts of the US, eventually. Everywhere else? Not a hope.

>My retarded friends doesn't listen to reason.
>But they just keep parroting all the same stupid bullshit, Tesla faggots usually do.
>Worst part is that they have so little compassion for one of the few things here in life that brings me joy - my gas powered vehicles that I spend much of my time around.

It sounds like you're the one who isn't listening to reason, but whatever. Why are they your friends anyway if they don't share the same interests as you?

Where do you even live that you're so scared of electric cars taking over and leading to everything else being banned?

They do use fossil fuels, they just let the electric company do it on the other side of a power line so people can pat themselves on the back for being eco-friendly

Homebrew EVs have their own scene already in Aussieland, but in America the ICE still basically has the only enthusiast scene apart from very small pockets.

To be honest, I think long-distance commuting has stinted the growth of the fully-electric vehicle. Many Americans need to go 70-100 miles a day for work because they live in the sticks, and large-scale energy density for batteries was a risky endeavor.

This. I'm thinking I might try to start a "save the planet, convert to ethanol" campaign to get roasties shilling for E85 instead.
"Did you know that ethanol produces fewer carbon emissions per gallon than traditional gasoline all while being cheaper to produce?"
Please no one tell them that it's basically race gas.

>cars are restricted to roads

Can't drive on the railroad tracks

>Will electric cars take away out right to drive gas powered cars?

No gas powered cars would be considered classics, just like older cars are considered classics, today, and you'd drive them with even less road tax and such.

Normies will switch to EVs anyway because it is cheaper.

But you can drive a classic car anywhere you want. You don't even pay the normal taxes to do it.

How do we get e85 on the landmark?

You never could anyway.

Eventually it will happen. I bet in 30 to 40+ years, the only traditional fuel powered vehicles still on the road will be motorcycles. There could still be some older vehicles that enthusiasts drive but I think you'll see a lot of them with electric conversions. You know good and well that the government can and will tax and raise your insurance on "historic vehicles" eventually so then only wealthy people can play with them.

Main problem right now for EV's is that batteries are pricey and don't have the realistic range, especially for long distances most people drive in the U.S.
But give it time and some country like China will make a new type of battery at a price no one can compete with. Cars will then be little electric shuttles that are super safe, auto-piloted and modular design for ease of maintenance. Like your phones, they'll only last for a few years if that then you trade it in for the newest model.

Honestly it doesn't matter what people actually like as long as there are other people who tell everyone what everyone else likes/wants/has to put up with. Ultimately unless your willing to kill for what you want, to get those people out of the way, in the end, you will lose it. As such, the only way cars can meet safety, emissions, and gas mileage requirements while still being fast is to go electric.

So best case scenario is that car makers will introduce more models with free piston range extenders and smaller batteries, big enough so the average daily commute is done off battery but the overall range is the same. It has to be free piston though or the range extender will be too big and heavy and resricted to only one fuel. This could be cheaper than pure electric. But the only way this is going to happen is if the range extender can actually meet the mpg regulations and I don't know if they can, and nothing will stop the fuel economy requirements from getting more strict.

In short, you suck, you have no power, the people that do hate you and only care about numbers and not difficult to quantity things like happiness. Thats why guns, cars, and every sort of freedom will be taken from you unless you take it for yourself.

>modular design
No, they're going to be built to be manufactured as quickly as possible, maintenance be damned. Only certain authorized people are going to be able to work on them, so why make it easy for anyone else? You're just throwing away lucrative service fees.