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you couldve prevented this from happening user!
but you can NOT prevent the CLIMB from happening!

Lewd Yordles

I hate you all for not making a thread

Kayles Q is now a skill shot that can stun
Kayles W is now a decaying shield
Kayles E is now a toggle;
Melee form gives resists and cleave
Ranged form gives extra range single target dmg
R now has a .3 cast time, but effects nearby champions within a small range,

passive: same

>Berserk lets you transcend the attack speed cap
>Berserk lets you transcend the attack speed cap
>Berserk lets you transcend the attack speed cap

Best couple

xth for Syndra

best girl

Give me one good reason not to build 100% crit. And don't say "it's not optimal"


expensive items and less flexible build paths.

Kog'maw is going to be meta again

its not optimized

>Cant play bot, because you have to play some retarded psychological game with your autofilled "know it all" support so he doesnt go afk when something goes wrong
>Cant play mid because late game adc>late game mid
>Can play only two champions at top without falling asleep
Is this how it ends? Will I never get out of Plat V?

Not optimal

You need 4 items to do it. So you miss on either sustain or armor pen.

>>Cant play mid because late game adc>late game mid
>not playing a utility mage

you're locked into getting 4 crit items unless you're trynd or yasuo. that means that you lose out on at least 2 of boots/armor pen/qss/lifesteal/ga

Looks like you need a qt duo

>be autofilled support
>playing sion because it's my go-to for support
>get a twitch that's bitching non-stop
>he backs
>I end up 1v2'ing the enemy bot
>Burn enemy adc and support's sums
>he comes back
>I back because 5% health
>he gets 1v1'd by a summonerless adc who has the same items as him

JFC Gold is hell, user.

Tell me your ign, rank and region bitch boy


it unironically viable on twitch

Have you read The Art of War yet?

>change programms update pattern from every 2 hours to every 2 days
>still updates after 2 hours

dont give up just yet!
there is ALWAYS something to improve upon!
you have already made it this high with all all youve learned, now we just need you to find that one flaw thats tripping you up the most and RID you of it!
you can DO THIS user!

hey, climbanon
how do i get more optimistic

>no one even bothers to ban ornn anymore and no one picks him

holy shit what a realsease

>new runes are going to be fucking bonkers
>still waiting on the new money making rune bandit equivalents

>Release ugly champs
>VGU ugly champs
>Wonder why nobody cares

At least Kayn was cute enough to be relatable and liked. Why won't Rito learn

>Tfw Swain will have the Noxian sex appeal and you know it

But what role of these three do I fucking play? Im good at all three but cant carry for shit no matter what I do on lane

You aren't good in any of them if you can't carry


>want to play ranked
>never know when I'll have to leave the computer

Stats from yesterday

Anivia or Vel'Koz or Xerath

Do you realize that mostmidlaners peak midgame intead of late? That's when you have to roam and apply pressure not late game when you just flash one shot the enemy carry

>find the SUNSHINE in your life
well the key to optimism (imo) is humility and honesty, at least when it comes to League of Leggings!
for me, its realising i am awful at the game and using that as my basis for judgement!
if you accept that you have a lot to learn it makes the game less about winning and losing and more about LEARNING!
yes, vayne fed the lucian 7 kills, but hey! you were able to correctly position yourself when your jg ganked and helped him shut down bot lane!
that way even if you fail a promo series or drop a rank you still are trying to reach for the goal of becoming a better player personally!
no feeder can take that from you!
the elo will follow if you get better!
so dont worry user, if you put your mind to it, im sure you can CLIMB!

counterpick poppy

no one is banning him today anymore

>17k games
>33% winrate
hoo boy
what were ekkos stats?

why are you asking a support leona one trick that took a month to get out of bronze for advice.
Seek positivity from that shitter, nothing more.

that's his winrate

ur nice

Ornn is just weak as shit, his laning is pretty good with the passive cheese purchases but outside of that hes just garbo

fixed it for you.

I didn't even bother to open the pic desu

Here you go fampai


>893 Aatrox games
who did this?

I wanna cuddle Jinx

>people who want to play new champs can barely play the game overall
I could have called that

what abou frozen mallet rush on Ornn

he is really bad, not even pro player are bothering

Could this work on an ap support like brand?

that's yesterday, right?
i meant on release

nah, IBG

but he needs hp
his base hp is awful for a tank

R8 my ornn page
9 ad marks
9 scaling mana regen seals
9 scaling mana regen glyphs
3 Armor quints

Oh sorry, don't have that.

>ban Orrn
>faggots get angry

his everything is awful you doofus.
>75 armour

>he is really bad, not even pro player are bothering
Playoffs are played on 7.16 and he won't be enabled for Worlds. It would be a waste of their time to even think about him.

>No mr on a tank

it could, but once they realize you're made of paper gl getting any amount of poke in. Better on someone with a reliable speedup / more range if you're taking it botlane.

no you dont you miss on boots
the problem is you cant get that much gold unless both teams are retarded

b-but he spits fire!

>one guy wants yasuo
>ban it
>anger lvl90000
best feeling

I will FORGE the mr!

>I'm very sad because my dog died

>pick shaco support
>adc bitches
>proceed to ks him and carry the game
remember kids, fuck shitters

How much armor/mr should I have when I get hp items like mallet?
I usually stop at ~120

if your asking me, i would say focus on the one that you have the most fun with, that way you are more actively searching for IMPROVEMENTS!
it sounds like you know that you need to get better, now its just figuring out the specifics!
dont worry user, your gunna be all right, just take a deep breath and dont stop till you become stronger!
>leona one-trick
>have a negative wr on her because shes weak af right now
user i got out with taric

I love Lissandra!

>don't ban ornn
>enemy team picks ornn top in to darius

get out of solo queue

what the fuck are you even building to end up in a situation where you're asking this question?

>the shield
leona is incapable of shielding her allies without an item. Please tone down your shitty avatarfagging.

>enemy laner picks ornn
>you absolutely destroy him and he leaves after 20 minutes

she is lesbian


should I pick fill even when it says I'm autofill protected?
>thinking you know where you should be
roles aren't different, if you think that your team is going to lose because you don't help the other roles. Can I really play Lux in ranked?

It depends, normally armor is more valuable than mr unless the enemy team has multituple sources of magical damage if you're a tank so you want 2-3 armor items (>150 bonus armor), if you're a diver just build full damage with stoneplate and GA


Guess that champion

why would anyone care about an adc lol

lf male gf add "the nite" on na


ugly ghost lady

>implying leo doesnt imediately rush FotM/Locket for this very reason
congrats user, you are the 4th one to point this out!
you know your Lego Legendarys!

Do you have versions of those pics for silver -> gold and gold -> plat?

>Enemy Jungle is Ornn
>He comes top lane at 40%
>So you split him wide open and chop the enemy laner up in the process

>Essence Thief
>Gain 1 permanent max health when enemy minions die near you. Range: 1400

what the fuck

if they make one that's like veigars passive I'm going to be pissed

also imagine this thing vs old yorick

>rushing fotm/locket
>in current meta
no wonder it took you so long to get out of bronze.

Do I play Poppy because I'm good at her or Maokai because he's OP?

Gonna go for Jhin.

>Ornn kills you once during a gank
>shittalks you constantly
>you kill in a 1v1
>enemy jungler ganks again
>you kill both of them


This is the guy that did this.


>MFs who aren't walking ult bots and make a conceited effort to constantly proc their passive and even empowered Qs during fights