Etherium seems like a very promising project with many startups already building upon it and major ocmpanies building...

Etherium seems like a very promising project with many startups already building upon it and major ocmpanies building their own etherium networks for private internal use.
What could nontheless prevent Ether prices from going up?
Is there a reason why Ether prices wont reach 100$ and beyond in the next few months?

I do see all these projects like golem and iEx.Ec being built on the etherium project but they all use their own internal currencies or tokens.
What is gonna be etheriums own public coin's role and place within the future ecosystem?
I assuem that when buying What is called etherium what is being baught is ether the currency correct?

In short what can prevent ether from rising in price substantially in the next few months?
As in why are you all not taking out loans and investing in it?

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The only bad thing about ETH is the unlimited supply of coins. Which is actually a good thing for its purpose. To be honest, this coin might spike somewhere around 200 but I doubt it will stay there for long. It was never meant to be an investment asset.

>investment asset
bro I bought at $22

Ask yourself what drives the value of eth? Is eth reaching 100$ based on some underlying value or is it based on speculative demand of other players? If you can't answer those questions you should not invest in it.

prospect of the underlying value

>What could nontheless prevent Ether prices from going up?

the fact that it will never be scars like bitcoin

only 24million bitcoins will be ever in existence and the final number will be a lot smaller because of deaths and walletkey losts

but mETH on the other hand already has 90million coins in circulation and it doesn't has a set number but will be released every year ad infinitum

so the question yu bitchface cry about is why does a limited supply cost moar then one that is not limited and is thrown after you to pay for their shitty dapps

here is a list of currently developed ones

it's pathetic

What is the math behind the underlying value? You are purchasing computation time in the future. Is computation time going to be more expensive in the future or cheaper? Does the value of eth adapt to dropping costs of computation?

the value is that if banks or other industry start using it instead of a 4 day transaction it could be almost instant and almost free

Do you think a big bank is going to put any money into something that can be forked in order to change contract terms when users disagree with the terms?

Think of the fucking disaster if student loans had been implemented as a smart contract. Occupy Wall Street happens. Majority forks into loan forgiveness. No fucking bank is going to adopt that system.

Yall fucked up with the DAO.

dam how high did u buy at

They've been saying for months that Ethereum won't be infaltionary or just enough inflation to compensate for lost coins. You'd know this if you actually researched anything at all instead of just repeating what others have said.

Its simple a coin with inflation...This does not mean infinite supply...I think they were talking about a fixed amount every year which means a deflating in an inflation that walsy exists but strives to zero as time goes by.
Al lthis talk about infinite supply is just nonesense an is irrelevant.

I bought in at 20, and I have gained just as much as many of us. But the developers are driven by technology, they are the ones who decide the path of the coin.

Is it a good time to buy ETH now? Or should I wait for it to dip more?

Its speculation and FOMO, people see it as the next BTC and think it will follow BTC to 1000 Dollars. The tech itself may be good and it may replace BTC as the most prominent coin, but that doesnt mean the value of each coin will be more. BTC has a finite number of coins so it is logical it will rise (assuming it is still mainstream). If ETH has infinite coins there is no reason for the value of each coin to go up. It may be the case that you just need more of them.


You are being purposfully ignorant? Also why is that app list pathetic? How many apps are developed on the infrustructure of other crypto currencies? zero?
What exactly is pathetic about the ones in that list? Seems like a lot of infrustructure level apps.

In a blockchain economy banks will have a different role.

wait. i think it will stabilise at 30 dollars.

Surely, banks will just take a back seat and let open source technology replace their profits.

You realzie that this finite number is gonna be reached in a few hundred years? Also if nobody uses bitcoin its not wortt anything even if there is only one coin...
Etherium's coin number is also gonna be steady.
The question about buy computational power seems like the wrong question. its a question of usage...What you are buying is usgae within the etherium system. The more usgae there is in it the more each coin will be worth much like a dollar is worth a lot if a lot of people want to use it and nothing if nobody wants to use it.

No, many area laready working on ways to expand or chaneg what they are doing into other blockchain related activities. Some see blocchain tech as a way to cut costs as their piece of the pie is and has been shrinking of r a while now. they will become much slicker one way or the other since blockchain technology itself is making a lot of what they do redundant...Peple wil be layed off and most banks will transform into online entities for the most part.
Thje smarter banks are already getting into fintek. The smarter ones will survive and expand or change their role within the economy the dumber ones will simply die off.
Look, people are already moving money out of banks and into crypto currency..What do yo think that means? It means local currencies are losing value. Even in my shitty country you can already buy shit with bitcoins.
As in buying material goods without the intervention of banks at all(except for when one trades his local currency for digital currency).

Its already happening...

People are moving their money into it as a speculation on future demand. It's just an expensive, signed database.

People are moving their money into it as a speculation on future demand. It's just an expensive, horse and buggy

Sure but its a paralell process.
Tech improving, word gets around, people buying as speculation and words gets even more around, capitalization increases and buisness start treating it as legitimate. If a coin is being used its being used even if its just hording.
If demand exists it will have a price.
Crypto currency is gonna be all we use in X years, through browsers, through mobile devices..
There are examples of it already in africa where people had no bank access but are now part of the economy because of cellphones and the paying of digital money through it for goods and services.
Crypto currencies just promise to decentralize it so its not n the hands of big corporations like banks vyt rendering the services banks give absolete because of automation.

>You realzie that this finite number is gonna be reached in a few hundred years?

But they are getting harder and harder to mine, so will have more demand than supply (again assuming people still want BTC)

Can someone explain how ether is valuable without mentioning the unrelated blockchain and smart contracts

>Can someone explain how ether is valuable without mentioning the value of it

People think its worth $34 so its worth $34.

>People think its worth $34 so its worth $34.
People think its worth $(X+Y) so its currently worth $(X), but might in the future be worth $(X+Y) or $(X-Z).


If this isn't a sign of the flippening then what is? Any bitcoiners happen to know who Andreas Antonopoulos is?

Beanie Babies were expensive once too.


ETH and all the cryptocurrencies got hacked