League of Legends general - /lolg/

Dawnbringer Riven edition

OT: eyosongive.us

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xth for playing with the worst of the community game after game

Name a more boring champion than Malphite

I'll wait


there's a fucking bunch if you play ap malphite



First for Teemo
Best Pain and Suffering on top lane


xth for Syndra


This is unarguable, Janna's entire kit is 100% passive/reactive playstyle, whoever manages to main her is not fully human

nth for Quake


It all makes sense now, Janna mains are pickles!

Cucking initiators is fun as fuck though

Lee Sin

>miraculous comeback against a fed susan and ww
>q up again
>ornn top and voli jgl
good start to the day

You're trying way too hard to be contrarian. You might not like those champions, but you can't say they're boring.

>omg the outplays

Get cancer tool.

>High skillcap champions are bad!
Why don't you just go play dota and spam Sven if you enjoy low skillcap shit so much?

Cutest OTP, cutest cuddles!

Ithink Iam starting to get the hang of this

Poppy a best.

truly, the bread of the poor man

Janna if you dont have an adc bf to suck his dick after the game

>>High skillcap champions

I wonder.

I would play janna if her portrait was better

Reminder that listening to Synthwave while playing will improve your elo by up to 120%


Shivy a cute

>änything wave
if i wanted to listen to meme music id listen to deathgrips

>tf ragequits 8 mins in because he ulted into 3 solo
>still hold onto the game for 35 mins
>go 10/2
>we beat them every skirmish but at 25 mins they figure out they just win if they group at turrets
>lose game to attrition
>I deserve a loss for this


what's this discount bottle item people keep purchasing?

into the trash it goes


Git gud

popstar Shyv when?

What is the rarest of the new icons? i dont have the friendly one because im a massive twat

I have all of them except honourable opponent. I think Helpful was the one handed out least

Riot needs to tone he fuck down with the useless icon garbage rewards

i wish i was a girl

You have to carry harder Senpai!

I've played zed for a while, and I just can't figure which runes would suit him best, full armpen runes, full AD, or mix?

Such a good girl.

>meme futa op
we're really cooking now lads.

I would normally agree but I like these ones just because they're a permanent way to show you're not a cunt. unlike the honour flairs that go away after 1 game for no good reason

>not fashwave

finally! uwu

I love Camille

I'm going to marry Kizuna AI

I wanna cuddle Jinx

full ad, you get lethality from the items so you don't need more armor shred

lol pussy bitch

ywn hold her small body

>Muh stronk women xD
>Strong women need more representation in video games!
Get lost.

Ah I see you are a man of taste.

How often do they resell the pro team skins?

I'd really like the white Talon skin- it's pretty.

That really made me want to kill myself. Was so happy to get my first ribbon a few years back thinking i was hot shit for getting a helpful ribbon, log in next day and its gone.
I never saw another person have that ribbon too

post yfw the 0/4 ezreal on your team is saying just wait for me to scale after he fed a twitch








Who are you quoting

>hating on based camilla
bet you couldnt even please her with your tiny yordlefucker dick

Yes! Yes! Yes!

all u gotta do is be nice, u can still change

Poppy support still works against fuckos in Plat 2


>H-how dare he insult my tumblr waifu!
Wow I love SJW's now!

>just let me farm
*enemy grouped as 5 knocking down nexus turrets*

How is this fucko in plat playing Poppy support when I can't escape bronze spamming Riven?

Dat fake booty.

You are extremely bad riven player obviously

what exactly about Camille makes her a stronk women or an SJW?

>he keeps going
stay mad waifulet

its a blue build ezreal into master yi + tank engage tanks episode and twitch has already finished his ie-runanns when ezreal has a tear + frozen fist

Because s/he is really cute and you are not!

but you can get up to 84 lethality, which would almost be true damage to the carries unless they got a defensive item.
while full AD might have its own benefits, full lethality compensates with the armor negation.

You know what's good to have? Skillz

probably because you can't actually play the game
>inb4 I always stomp lane
getting fed is far less important than knowing what to do and when in terms of objectives and using your power to affect the game

>inb4 shitter
so i want to get better with ekko again but i have no real idea how to build him in this meta (aka post tankekko).
besides building gunblade/protobelt what are some tips on his build/runes/masteries?

I want to use my power to affect you! owo

>Dog nose
Guess Poppy is just like Taliyah.

a-user kun...

post op.gg

>Not playing Leona
What happened climb user? You used to be cool

Dont play Ekko, abuse Ori

>s5 game is full of b2 players
Yikes, I feel bad for you, my friend.

>futanari milk
>obese orgy

>orianna tears
hell yeah, all orianna players need to kill themselves

>That Jhin build

What did he mean by this?

My sides

>Strong women need more representation
>not sjw
>tumblr art
c'mon man you baiting me?

Looks fine to me. I guess maybe Rapidfire instead of Shiv but it's not a big deal either way

>lee sin is free to play this week

Playing Kassadin and Malzahar, what other midlaners are good for dumb people?


I love this song,while playing Poppy Support

hang on a sec user

>Rakan playing half a screen behind me
>Their Soraka is legitimately walking past the creep wave to auto me and pressure me off the wave
>Sej come bot with no health and starts recalling on a ward in the river bush
>Lane pushes to the bend of the wall near tower
>She walks into the lane bush and starts recalling on another ward
>Rakan walks forward and gets ulted and dies
>"I was warding"

Why do so many fucking brainlets play league?

well, camille is strong
prove her wrong shitter

>Strong women need more representation
the only person who said that was you... (or if it wasn't)

dude just said he liked camille and you went on a rampage

The best argument against normals.

Ain't he dead like Ezreal and Kindred?

so explain why trist should be nerfed.