League of Loloo General - /lolg/

loloo v2 heh!

Xth for Syndra belongs to anyone that loves her!

Which is the fastest way to get out of silver?

Playing a solo lane and try carry or being a shield bitch playing support? I just want outta here as soon as

i wish i was a girl

xth for Syndra
aka me

Win games

>play janna
>press e

wat do?

I do but it's hard to carry some games which is why I'm asking which is the more consistent role to climb with

Aka anyone that loves her. Including me and anyone else in the thread that does.

Vi is my waifu

Jinx is cuddly and cute

comfy bfs~


nah, go away.

Play to carry no matter what lane you are.

Support? Go Lux/Brand/Zyra/Xerath and shit-stomp the lane. If you get a lead, don't even bother building a sightstone and mute your team if they cry about it.

s-same.. :(

dust the Eve and Twitch skins. save the rest for when you have enough dust

Make me.

I'm becoming a girl

Then one you are best at

Hey faggots, if supports are the least impactful role in the game, explain this shit? Don't tell me i got lucky 120+ games in a row.
Yes i know im hardstuck dont bully

is this bait

>Support? Go Lux
opinion disregarded

hopefully if we keep posting it will happen

stop posting fat people pls

Imagine actually shilling out hundreds of bucks for this shit


Here's something more to your liking

Why blur out your most played champ?

haha yea...

Don't need to, she IS my wife after all.

Reminder that if you didn't get this icon it means you were never better than anyone in your elo

i sincerely wish you good luck

The fuck.

>he doesn't shoot j's
You can pick bitch supports and spend 1000 games trying to climb up a division with a 52% winrate or you can go ""support"" and shit on kids, your choice.

When your opponents become smart enough to build lord domick's

Why does no one send NEACE replays of when they're behind? Or feeding? You're silver we don't have to see your ONE game you were as neace said "gifted a shitty lane opponent".

No one is impressed you went 10/4 in a silver game, we're here to learn not watch you get a lucky coin flip.

She is my wife too user.

So the correct MF build is Duskblade>ghostblade>[shiv/IE/cleaver in any order depending on circumstance] right?

I'm not supposed to get boots because proper high level MF play means my W passive is enough right.

More like it shows how long you've been playing

nope, that's not how it works. If you're fine with being a cuck that's alright for me.

xth for breeding tight dragonladies

People used to do this with Trick2G too. Send in their stomps in Silver to act like they're good. Thankfully Trick just stops the replay and tells them to fuck off now.

That's actually my fetish.

1) yes, they do it because they don't want to look like an idiot in front of everyone
2) this still helps them because this is a game they lost and they don't know why, when the coach points out mistakes then they are likely mistakes the player otherwise wouldn't have found.

i hope the next skin is gonna be better than the hec/darius ones, they just don't seem worth it and sivir is nice but it feels like waisting the gemstones

She's been my wife since 2012 user. Willing to share though. You know, since she isn't real and all.

aka you don't count anything. Go away.

Please make the next thread properly, making it random names is a disservice to people who use the tracker.

>was actually talking about more of their "unlocked" series in a thread yesterday
>it's fucking WE WUZ getting it




stop crying you bitch

Would you fuck her while me and her hold hands and tell each other "i love you"?

>he still loses to ribbons

>Ahri figure cancelled
>We get Chrono Nigger instead
Epic just epic

Star Guardian Syndra is a cute! Post cute Star Guardians!

going against a lux mid as diana. what am i in for?

>Perfect mix of Arpen, AD, and crit
>Bonus crit damage on a champ who has skills that crit

What would it take to sleep with all three of them at once?

Lux support is viable!

>woah how could you lose a win lane win game melee carry!!1!

you reek of low elo

>Cho'Gath is the only champion in the game with 2 legendary skins

uhhhh lolbabs???

A shitty laning phase till 6.

after that, you need to bait her Q and blow her up.

Get that Abyssal Mask item. It'll prove useful against her.

nope, not sharing with anyone, Syndra really wouldn't like it.
also this is gone too far, I'll stop with my autism and just make my threadly post from now on. Have a good one.
yes she is!

Exposing filthy yi players is my fetish

>Vi's tits are too big
>Caitlyn's tits are too big
>Jinx's tits are too big

shit image but I'd imagine you'd fucking die.

>also this is gone too far, I'll stop with my autism and just make my threadly post from now on. Have a good one.
Why? I will miss you a lot. :(

Edge of night is better than duskblade on MF since the active makes you cc inmune during ult wich is retardedly OP. Replaces shiv and IE for a death's dance and a situtional item (maw/GA/BT). Your job as miss fortune is to just win the temafight with your ult and let your team cleanup

He didn't block it in the original image either. Check the recently played bit. I am more impressed that you were able to find that account.


It's way easier to get better at not sucking than it is at being good.
I'm diamond and I have only learned how to do the first one consistently

only cute and tight star guardians

Literally just don't feed her and she'll kill herself.

I was never here to shit the thread to begin with, just waifupost my beloved. I've legit become too trigger happy.

>Better than duskblade
Better than ghostblade*, duskblade rush makes you retarded OP in lane because of the on-hit bonus damage.

I fell for the epic capsule meme dudes

I think I didnt do to badly....

>had a lewd dream with a LoL character
god bless my soul

>dont die to her
>actually make her go 0/7 in lane
>she goes bot after hitting level 8 or whatever
>your tp is down
>your team gives her a triple kill
>she becomes unstoppable

without fail. user.

Aren't all of them canon tight since they have to be pure to be magical girls?

>Get the designated waifu skin for my waifu even though it's limited

Maybe these shitty chests aren't too bad
Unrelated but I'm having a blast with leona, can't wait for the ardent meta to fuck off

Promise you will come back when you aren't so trigger happy

Or you don't be a pussy bitch and buy all the lethality items

I'm pretty sure thats no longer a fact for them now, more than sure the first wave was all virgins though.

>mf and ahri
being cummed inside boosts their powers

What about Ezreal? I'm curious what SG Ahri's lines mean for him.

>waiting for the ardent meta to fuck off

Magical girls can have boyfriends though

Well I'll miss you user. Hope you have a good one.

kinda my point, i'm in silver. I want to learn how to not suck before I learn how to get good. And the best way is to watch people suck and NOT do what they do.

maybe you just haven't played against a riven who knows what she's doing so far (not your fault, there are none in silver)
even top 20 challenger riven otps think riven should get nerfed

>my dreams are a complete clusterfuck of abstract, realistic, or simply odd things, that feel like they last forever
>Sometimes I wake up feeling like I've just done a ton of things but it was just in my sleep

I ought to look into those lucid dreaming things

Who are some unlikely/uncommon Champs who can go mid?

>syndrafag shows self-awareness
what is this timeline

I didn't say I'll be gone, I just said I'll stop doing what I did until now and limit myself to the single threadly post.

Any more images from the same artist? That's cute

>1-1 scaling AD shield at RANK ONE



its like that anime where a boy gets power through sucking out breast milk