Love Live! School Idol Festival General - /llsifg/ #1383: Smiles and Tears Edition

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Cute canon!

I approve of this thread.

I like your thread, user.

I want Umi to drink my hotdog's water.

Cute hetero OP

Shame that the fags would rather post in the early thread.

Some people like to have fun by being rude

Honkniggers need to die

Which I'm not supporting by the way. They just like to cause drama

If at least Honk wasn't so shit

Wishlist for PDP seiyuu?
I want someone who can do both high pitched and deep voices for /ourgirl/ KasuKasu.

>Pana will never ever get another thread
It's not fair.

For panafriends

cute childhood friends

Don't let the honkniggers keep winning

And nothing of value was lost.

Quiet you.

Go fuck yourself honknigger

Friendly reminder a kind honkfag made this thread

honkniggers need to fuck off

It would be wise of you not to fuck with us. Rubypedos tried, and you see what happened there.

Fuck off, falseflagging honknigger.

B-But I made this thread!
Don't let the falseflaggers fool you!

kys already

Nah, fuck you and the rest your kind.

>going after Panafriends
The poshn menace has gone too far.

Piss off honkniggers

nice flaccid euro banter mates

Time for panafag uprising

Panafags are a pacifist breed. They're to pussified to get confrontational. They are easily trampled over like the ants they are.

>muh europoor boogeyman
dumb piece of shit honknigger

After YouRuby Cuck Set

>reusing images

But they are americans, they've been doing the same shit for like 6 hours already.

And the honkniggers are obnoxious pieces of shit that can't accept their shit raibu isn't as popular and resort to blatant samefagging, falseflagging and shitposting.
Fuck off, honknigger.

I get up early for once and I find this. Apologize.

get fucked, poshn

posff can't read

>muh fat burger boogeyman
dumb europoor

>panafags this buttmangled
Stop embarrassing your chubby comrades.

I bet Breadbug is behind this.

piss off falseflagger

not even close, you piece of shit avatarfagging honknigger

My money's on Josh and his discord shitters.

Do Panafriends even exist?

I know we have at least 4 panafags here.


>only 4

Fuck off avatarfagging honknigger.

You do know you can change the icon back right, user?

I wish Kiab would just give us the stupid 5.0 update already. What's even keeping them?

I'd gladly trade all of your kind for a single Panafriend any day of the week.

You can change the icon but you can't change the reality.

Ouch, that hurts.

>quantity over quality
dumb honknigger

The reality that the shitty icon we have now will be replaced by the superior PDP one?

Name them

Post progress.

>implying I'm a snitch
Fuck off, Josh

>You do know you can change the icon back right, user?
I'm aware. Doesn't change the fact that we have a superior leader now.

>Honknigger is happy that Honkshit will buried even deeper
Can't make this shit up.

Pana4life, that faggot Helios, those are the only two I know of.

Blame intern-kun for fucking up everytime we get an update.



>namedropping P4L
They didn't do anything wrong, please stop.
Can't say the same about Helios though, he's a traitor.

Chika may be the better leader but Honoka is the better girl


Maybe in doing JAVs, multiple experience too!

>all this blatant falseflagging
Someone really wants us to be hated.

Fuck you and Pana4Life. I deleted that shitty Panafag ages ago anyway.