League of Legends general - /lolg/

counting man edition



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writing in the cool thread



god I love my smell....

>see this enemy bot lane
what do you do

>tfw pretty good chances of becoming diamond by the end of the month as things stand

xth for Syndra

I want Tahm Kench to take me to the local fairs and find me good deals!!

their club name is also literally King and Queen

type "gl hf!" like always?

>Fervor Nami
Rejoice, they're immobile af and she's got the wrong keystone. Just await jungle pressure and snowball off the easy double.

Picking Janna is not a good You upable you are reliable if source roam top lane and cast your W to just instantly thedelete percent and health true damage it is literally cannot be disabled socounr countered by over half the cast despite not having anyb sort of itluwy to get it adjusted to generic drugs therefore
If you're an ADC main also open as a cuckold thesameandandandandand attack damage makes you strongs not nearly ah well important stat compared tobiuet stacking lethality meta gaming and we really should ban him

>2 honor capsules
>Nunu and Volibear champion shards
What did Riot mean by this?

>counting man edition

>Zero mobility Jhin.
>Know that there is a 99% chance of Nami being complete shit.

Jhin is basically unprotected. Jungler should camp their shit.

>Hehe this is an easy series just pick Ezreal lmao we can't lose

don't worry user the ambulance is on it's way

Speaking of Nunu. When will they give him a visual update because he looks so god damn awful?

the sion ult still gets me every time

Kind of sad how bad he is rn. He went from an AD that could do alright in any comp to "wtf I do no dmg" in a heartbeat. Graves also, pretty much doesn't exist.

set up a tent in botlane

Fuck off get dead, mundo picks should be gassed because no he is the cancerous sort the and don't habe to destroy the ADC meta because we all built lethality now except when grivrouz sounds isn't even a skuklcapp meaning you have no defense against any of his lifrsteal even if you did you will still habe to pay immense gold to do absurd amountds of pay immense gold to do absurd amounts of silver hardstuck and a literal hidden auto ass fuck you machine, die

Graves was cancer so that's alright

>Fear from ult cancels Sion Q

Smooth as butter.

good stuff

hey this isnt /b/ kid wanna stop posting now

Nobody misses Graves. He's miserable to play against and boring to play.

as much as i can't stand pixelbutts posting his normal games every thread this is fucking hilarious

look man i know im a worthless cunt, but when shit like this is happening constantly i cant help but enjoy it

Not all thatwasl until I stop playing ADCs mid you havemy cancer champs and Blitzcrank Thenbed with Veigar created an sitons toblend for the lore. Even ifbuoubdo want to post your or epic trolldsce.your actuallku trolldsce.yourb free the French d who gives a shit iblovenit.to iblovenit.TO movement I love it tho hehe I love it tho see I can't make more ekinkeheh without MUNDO fucking die hang out with Death you fat gook

>Tahm gets two stacks and then Q's.
>Doesn't wait one more auto to get the FREE stun.

>Doesn't pop his E early to cash in the shield since Urgot's ult will ignore it later on.

>Doesn't devour Urgot to set up for the Sion knock-up.

Dumb frogposter. Banned from playing my husbando.

Best couple!
Tfw waiting for skins for so long already run out of money for it

I love Camille

friendly reminder to bully anu lulus you run into today!



really really having fun

who is the Anzujaama of league?


>2 days till I decay
>I haven't been playing much except on a silver smurf and arams.
What do, I'm about to int adn ruin the next game I play just so I don't decay. Also how do I git gud again?

>singed and azir bans
normals are a spooky place

now this is AESTHETIC

should've dodged, bruh

It's a shame about Ori and Raka doing poor, but any singed that isn't a OTP is guaranteed to feed their fucking asses off.

Pick a girl League streamer with dyed hair and a flat chest. There you go.

Eve update when

no i mean character wise

Azir is a legitimate ban imo

>strongest lategame champion in the game
>infinite waveclear to stall the game
>safe laning phase

same way u got gud the first time. an mmr dip is inevitable. if u dont want to deal with it just avoid decay for 3 more months.

How do I deal with Jayce Top? He feels too strong at every point in the game and at all ranges, even if I jump on him he can throw me away and kite me or burst me faster.

ugly turkroach with 3 tons of makeup?
taliyah - the makeup part

Stop smurfing, get used to your original elo. Remember how to predict junglers, ward their camps, shit on them when possible, if playing mid play around your jungler. Support, roam mid or top if you've the balls. Top, roam mid, bot with TP only. Simply put, roam and play off the junglers.
Well Idk who the fuck she is so it stands to reason Idk how she acts; so I repeat, pick a streamer with a flat chest and dyed hair.


why tho? scrolling thru her twitter makes me want to vomit

whats your excuse for not being honor 5

yeah im looking for a roach basically

she make me feel good in my special place

honor 5 is for literal cuckboys
honor 4 is where real men are at
not too beta to put a bitch in his place
not too much a cunt to be honor 2/3

I don't play that much anymore. The last game where I was Vel'Koz, was legendary while losing an inhib kind of depressed me. Lee and Darius couldn't initiate good fights if their lives depended on it.

>tfw no roach champion

that would make sense if honor was awarded for honorable behavior

in reality people honor you if you carry

Any of my top lane picks, whatever I pick into him he either murders me or I don't feed, but he gets a huge CS lead and I fall behind.

This. You can tell whose on a hotstreak by the consistency of their loading screen decal shit.

wasnt honor literally timelocked though, unless youre a huge raging cunt

Even if there was, he'd just end up being a void monster rather than an actual overgrown insect.

>Any of my top lane picks.
Which are?

>Team mate is feeding
>"No matter, maybe we can still turn this around"
>Press tab
>They're rushing a Bloodthirster/ Deathcap first item

You mean Taliyah?

Timelocked? The only thing that comes to mind is the limited key fragment and honor capsule drops, but I don't think you're talking about that.

Anyone wanna play normal with on EUW?
Add jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj if interested

There are a few champions where BT is a good first item


no one hit honor 3 for like 2 months and then everyone hit it almost simultaneously, and going from honor 3 to 4 took only another week or two when people thought it would take even longer.

It seemed like there might have been a bug with honor advancement and riot fixed it a while after honor was actually released.

pay a visit to them as always with my friend midlaner, and my fellow jungler and last but not least important, my botlane.

>ferovor Nami


Literally name on
you can't

what's season 5 like


what is this "honors only go to hard carries"
everytime I get autofilled I get at least 1 honor and frequently 3+ regardless of how I played.
Unless you dont literally int and flame supports get all the honor

>another cheerleader segment
guess i'm watching LPL now


You never go BT first on Draven, this isn't season 2 or sumth

I really hope this is something we get in the future.

Oh I see, I thought that was just how long it was supposed to take. I don't see how this relates to honor being awarded for carrying, but thanks for the info.

Are you OK user? Do you need us to call you an ambulance too like that other user?

that's dehumanizing to womyn, user!

I like black guy more than turbodyke, pls keep him on in the future

I almost spilled me drink, ye bastard

why is his nose so shiny

>like black guy more
Quinn, you already have Lucian.

i'm talking about the lpl casters you cuckold loving trogladyte

You have to admit, for a typo it was hella out there. I had to make sure.
>tfw concern for a fellow man gets one treated this way
Me and my bleedin' heart.

His dance was pretty funny

Are you okay? Do we still have Europeans here?

And here I thought you were making fun of him (hilarious, honestly)

>tfw forever suspicious of other people
Why would you care for a stranger?

lucian would never cheat on his wife, you slut

how do i play cancer girl of many balls?
her new skin is about to come out and it's super cute

>Why would you care for a stranger?
Not that user, but i have nobody left to care for

am I to asume the stats on the bottom of the screen are ban rate, pick rate, and win rate?

>5 of them dead
>final push
>our twisted fate ults back to our base to get 3 minions in top lane (we still had a tier 2)
>immediately lose the 4v5 at their open nexus
>enemy team gets baron

>le based tranny of shrugging off nerfs

The world has more than enough pain and misery in it. I'm just trying to make it a little better even if I admittedly chose quite possibly the worst place to attempt such a thing.



>Not WAN STEP AHEAD of being irrelevant thanks to the miracle of scaling % max HP damage