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Here To Carry You Edition

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So does Dune Winds finally make Wraith viable as a caster?

first for mommy

Dead thread, dead games. Stop playing this garbage games and start playing the superior and more skillful Overwatch/Heroe of the storm.

I don't have anything better to do until Tuesday. Then I can jump ship to play Kel'Thuzad, Chromie rework, Morales rework, and that incredibly sexy demon Jaina skin with the rippling muscles.

Mommy loves cawk!
don't worry i'll cut and run for destiny 2 on tuesday.

This scrub ass Wukong was bitching in the draft menu because I told him to go off lane. He picked after Crunch, who already called jungle, but Wukong said he didn't have an off lane deck (wut) and made Crunch go off. I picked Murdock. I told the dude that I had a level 13 Wukong, that I know Wukong can't jungle for shit because he can't gank for shit. "I can play my heroes how I want", he says.

Look at this shit. 2 kills all game. Granted 4 isn't anything to write home about, but considering I had to float between left and right lanes because Crunch kept dying and Wukong refused to leave the jungle, it's much better than fucking 2. And at the end of the game, as they had 4 (four) rushing mid, this dipshit was pushing left lane by himself because he thought he could outpace their entire team.

HotS is deader than Paragon

that's a pretty l337 elo friend

>you will never spend so much time with your head stuck between auroras ass cheeks that her cute little blue bush is mistaken as your facial hair

That's what I thought of too

how dead is this game and have they replaced the shitty "buy cards, get really lucky, or get really fucked" microtransaction system that made it so DOA?

i had fun with it for a month or so but then i realized how reliant it was on spending money to be remotely ocmpetitive

Queue times are 45-60 seconds. Not sure how dead that is, but it seems no deader than any other online game I play.

What is worse is his damage to towers

I tried it and it was fun, like playing a long range Gideon or Morgesh, chunking people in 3 hits. Then they killed me and I went back to being barely more than a minion for the rest of the game.

>Queue times are 45-60 seconds.
The only reason I miss wood elo


My queue times are consistently 2+ minutes after my losing streak.
Before that I would wait 5+ minutes for a match

queue times are 20+ minutes once you hit elo cap because epic is retarded
the game has never been p2w its rng2win

But the rng reliance is still there?

yes its arguably worse than its ever been because you need not only cards but also gems now and they removed crafting

Literally nobody on Veeky Forums hit elo cap

Uhhh how is silver my boy?

that's not the cap

Elo cap is 1650

ELO is irrelevant, anyway. Matchmaking doesn't use it. So sayeth Cam.

Is there anyway to change the default/starter deck or must I make one from scratch? Also why does agora.gg take 5 years to load

you have to make your own. who do you want to play/what do you wanna do and we can help

Elo matters up to the cap. After that it is just a numeric indicator of how often you stack.

Oh right. Win a few matches, get paired with dumpsters.
Lose a few matches, get paired with actual competent players.
Wasn't this established in a previous thread by some user who looked into the files for something?

I'm really upset that the multi-shot gem doesn't give extra cleave to melee dudes. I just don't have the gems to make any melee characters playable except for supports.

It was just to even the playing field for console players and shitters.

>walk away for 2 seconds to ward
>carry dies

>carry clearly sees two enemys in front of them
>they dont back off
>"Need help right lane!"

these people are helpless

Thabks, Having a blast with Narbash. I finally managed to agora.gg to load but the decks are generic and not for specific characters or is that how the game is now?

Support is about roaming and getting your mid and jungle fed. Stop worrying about your adc, he is only there to feed you early xp.

alrigth I'm new to paragon so explain this elo stuff to me.
In game I've seen no ranked matchmaking nor any ratings. Is there even ranked matchmaking coming in the near future?
So I assume this third party page kinda pulls elo ratings out of their ass to determine the actual mmr number of players? What is the actual average elo?
And what is the talk about elo-caps?

nothing in game is ranked but it has a hidden MMR it uses for matchmaking that you can check in the data files. sites like agora are basically representations of your MMR so you can jerk off over it. the cap is 1650, once you hit that it still continues to track gains and losses but it doesn't sort matches anymore so you end up playing master league 5 stacks who all have 450 elo on you.

There is a hidden mmr used by epic. Since it is hidden we use a third party tracker. The game roughly pairs you with people of your elo until you hit 1650 agora elo, at which mm doesn't give a shit and will put you with other people above cap. Average elo is silver iirc.

Is there any information on when a "real" ranked mode will be put in?
I've made the experience that in these type of games playing normal gets much more relaxed once a split is made.

Soon™ but probably near 2018.

Any deck can be used on any character now, although obviously some will work better than others. Decks on agora are tagged with the role/hero(s) they are built for.

>help my sparrow go 14-1-8 as narbash
feels good to serve the queen

>went 11-0-4 as narbash

That stun, ult, stun combo it's just so good

i've noticed that his thunk is so much better than i thought it was now that i've started playing him more, it has excellent range as well.

It's low priority for the team right now skins and finishing the current map are more important

I had a 5 game losing streak snapped by a lucky win, and then the very next match after that win we just *barely* won because I clutch Silenced the Steel that was about to ult our team. If that grenade didn't negate his ult, or I had used it prior and had it on cooldown, we would've lost. Instead we wiped their team, pushed right lane, and won the match.

But this fucking concerns me. This is the 7th match in a row that I've been stuck with at least one retard that does one of the following:
>picks support but doesn't use wards ("I'm Wraith bro he has wards built in! xD")
>picks off lane and completely folds under pressure
>is an ASS jungle...I'm talking 2-6 Feng Maos and 2-2 Wukongs
>can't aim
>won't push lanes when they're completely empty
It's like the higher my ELO climbs, the more retarded people get

>It's like the higher my ELO climbs, the more retarded people get
in the last month i've gone from 1224 to 1420 and honestly the people are just as retarded as when i started.

stuns are pretty good in this game

he was better than withering zinx

>tfw slowly, respectfully drawing /ourboy/ over the course of the week to cope with the dawning realisation that there will be no going back on the changes made with version 42
It's a commemoration of sorts, I suppose: something to remind me of that incredible period when I could routinely rack up kda's of 13+ with eight game winning streaks as that magnificent gook bastard.

sounds good

I don't see anybody playing Crunch even though he's the coolest ever. What cards do you put on him?

Yo, so is Khaimera the character that only bad players play, but is actually a really good character in the right hands? Because it seems no one ever picks his E ability first, and they always suffer the whole game, but on the rare occasion it is picked first he's stomping the whole game.

Defend the card system before v.42. Go ahead, I'll wait.

are shitters actually not taking his regen?

If you're talking about level 1, you would get Q first. But yes, you're supposed to max E first.

Actually wow I should start thinking like this. Nice one bud never thought about it like that.

The card system is fine, even though It's functionally identical to the old one, except with the ability to properly manage stats. The balance might be different, but actives, passives and stats are still gained and applied in the exact same way. All that's really changed is the removal of the more useless passives and the restriction on affinities, neither of which needed all the bullshit that came with v42 to work.

>even though It's functionally identical to the old one

There are a lot more active cards with more interesting effects now, it's not just

>press 1 to AoE



There needs to be more blight cards desu

yeah getting pretty sick of rampage and zinx tower dives 5 minutes into the game

So vital waters says it increases all healing cast and received by 15%. Does that mean Narbash has 15% increased healing going out, then another 15% healing added on top for himself? Or would it only be applied one time?

v42 is the Load/Reload pleb filter of Paragon. It filters out the patricians from the plebs. I, for one, don't miss Satori Cloak Kwang.

Anyone else having issues with Sorvukk Initiate? It has only been ticking once and disappearing for me. I am not getting CC'd nor is it a distance issue.

Oh, and no one has had cleanse cards/gems on.


one time, why the fuck would you think it would proc twice?

Neither of them are good. Withering Zinx still doesn't take towers nearly as fast and you can just walk away from her after you nuke her wave.

Will you still play after Destiny 2 releases on Tuesday?

ive never cared about space borderlands

I really want to stop playing Iggy but with an 80% winrate over 20 games (16-4) its kind of hard to say no.

I feel filthy sometimes though.

Yes. I can play this a match or four then go grind in Destiny.
PSN is Lionheart2390 if you want to be in a Fireteam

Whats so good about Destiny 2? Genuinely curious, never played the first one. Is it just a sci-fi shooter? I can see why maybe the console guys would leave since its the hot new game, but why would it affect a moba?

God-tier gameplay, god-tier lore if you feel like reading it online. That's it

>be midlane
>be Morigesh
>opponent is gadget

How the fuck do I play against fadget

I'm starting to hold my own as mori but the sticky fucking fuck mines and their gay range

gadget wins every poke battle against anyone just play like a pussy and wait for ganks

nothing like a good kwang game after some long stretches of shittery

Wukong can still solo whole teams. How was he "nerfed" again?

followed immediately by someone who afks straight from match start

Whoa wtf happened to Feng Mao? My dude was almost unpickable v41 but I just watched my teammate get one early game kill and then dominate the whole match. He would 1v2 or 3 and walk away with doubles. More kills than me, the Countess. Was it the stat changes? Did they buff his abilities?

His ult still looks like it sucks ass though.

they buffed everything about him he's broken like kwang

What is the meta for this game? What kind of characters do I take offlane? is it just like leagues meta?

usually a tank but its the most flexible lane

His shield regenerates other shields
If you have GREEN you can pop your shield ability to actually regenerate the green

He's really good as a tank or bruiser

Most meta would be stuff like Greystone, Wu Kong, Kwang.
Serath, Zinx, Kallari, Rampage, Iggy work too

try to keep this one alive euro friends



>Keeping anything but BLACKED fetishes alive

do I go death/chaos for kwang?

I posted last night, I'm still new and loving Narbash, I'm using the default deck and max out his intellect and then do vitality, I like the mana because you can almost permanently keep his healing on, however all the decks I am seeing for him focus on going full vitality so he never dies but does low healing making most of his abilities a huge cost. Am I just playing him wrong or does it matter? What is a good deck for my fave?

TL;DR: best narbash deck please


Just make a tank deck unless you're playing with friends

In solo people are too stupid to wait around you to heal so they'll back to base as his healing is too slow and most will still back because solo queuers are still too stupid to know when to push

I played against a Plague lord Mallenk Narb a few times that's annoying as fuck because he reduced my healing while having some fore himself also guaranteed his thunks because fucking OP slow arua and that shit with his ult is practically a root.

It's just HALO now for PS4 and finally back on PC where it and Bungie belong

other than that it's just bored-or-lands

Much more balanced and smarter better PvE than Paragon that's for fucking sure

PvP has more than one fucking mode.

Hi guys.

I am an old player from Legacy. I left the game some time after Monolith.

Can someone tell me how the gameplay is now ?

I read of that New Dawn patch.

How is the new card system ?
Player with old card have to refarm all cards ?

How fast is the gameplay ? Match usually have a laning time or it's just Deathballing around ?

Gameplay is shit now, nothing like legacy it's burst dmg CALL OF DUTY extremely low times to kill, you have a new card system with only 3 slots now and you can't really build what you want unless the Affinity you choose has that, Want early game power for your 1st card like Madstone gem? too bad have this useless ass atk speed

all the old cards are gone they gave you all the new ones minus one they have locked away in the fucking vault for some reason

gameplay is extremely fast as I stated before you barely have time to do anything. it's basically TDM with whichever team get the most OP cards and characters online 1st wins


Thanks for bumping my poll user, also good to see some more votes

I normally play with 2 friends so we communicate with healing and they aren't brain-dead. But I also play solo sometimes. Guess the solution is two decks? What is the purpose of a full house narbash? Just holding a lane by yourself? Could you recommend a deck?

Don't forget the universal 1.0 basic attack scaling.