/ss13g/ - Spessmen on a Spacestation

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Last time on /ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station:
>Surfer Girl attention whoring
>Cult gimmicks
>Not much admin/coder drama (thank god)

>What is Space Station 13?

>New player guide

>BYOND client

>Pomf Serbian, main Veeky Forumsstation server

>Test server

>Public server list

>How do I connect to the servers?
Hit the cogwheel in the upper right corner of the BYOND hub and pick "Open Location"

>Veeky Forumsstation forum and logs + Discord circlejerk

>Map renders collection: updated sometimes

>Coderbus, here!
@rizon #coderbus @rizon #vgstation

>Cryo Autism

>Round Stats

>SS13 booru for all your SS13 images!

>How To Install BYOND: The Video Tutorial: The Movie


>OP Pastebin

Other urls found in this thread:

dropbox.com/s/qwh4e2fanb1ydnx/Cult 3.pdf?dl=0

i think he only does both pills sleep when its an important target or something


It is a mystery

i hate this image

Sec tends to be an important target.

Lets start some admin drama

pomf is a fucking faggot

bring nuke back!!

feweh is one of the many reasons of why canada should be annexed, outside of Fidel Castro's bastard

If you annex Canada I'll perma everyone
t. Foster

>end up trying to "improve" it or "fix" it?
Almost all of SS13's design decisions were made for the sake of leaning on the engine.
With a different engine, the same things aren't necessarily good design.

dropbox.com/s/qwh4e2fanb1ydnx/Cult 3.pdf?dl=0

maybe once they figure out how to stop an early outing from being an instant loss

(which seems even more likely to happen now that you gotta build a cult structure)

The best I can come up with is that the four starters pair up into twos, and when a convert needs doing one of them does the actual rune shit, and the other lingers one or two rooms over to intercept people that would walk in on the converty dude.

Take your pills, dear

sure, if people actually know what they're doing they can succeed

but what can you do when someone dumb and/or new gets you outed 10 minutes in and sec hands out the implants besides try to make golem/diona cultists.

More genders when? I'm tired of this binary bullshit

Part of cult 3 is that it's fairly important that at least 3 (and at that point just make it 4) cultists get together to hash things out, since making the first alter is obnoxiously long if you have to use 1 or 2 cultists for it. So the weakest link can be paired with someone that's less shit and they'd be assigned the easier conversion task I guess.

Yeah, even with deconversion removed, Sec is still going to waterboard like mad since holy water would function like neurotoxin on cult.

>get a bottle of holy water and a PAI
>vape away the cult (or at least the cult assistants since they might not be wearing head protection

Assistants are the only people who bother with head protection.

Can someone help me with my DUDE BOMBS

I have the 2 Plasma 1 oxygen to make a tank with >2/3 plasma 1/3 Oxy
>Hook it up to burner
>Burn out all the O2 from the Mix
>Cool down the O2 from two Canisters
>Fill up clean canister with cold O2
>Once O2 is burned out, put a filter down and filter out the Co2 from the plasma
>Put the pure hot Plasma into a empty canister
>Fill a tank of 500 room temp plasma with the rest of the supa hot plasma for compelted bomb

Problem is, I hooked the filter up, turned it on to 4500kpa and set it to filter, but it wasnt filling my cannister at all. When I was shown this on test serb it didnt work at first beforer he fucked around with it and it filled. I seem to be missing the step to get the yellow canister to fill all the way up with the hot plasma. Right now it sits at 117 KPA and just chills there

just use a heater

How do you disable a chemical packs safety? I had like 60 creatine set up to start hulking out hopped up on venom and everything, but got cock blocked.

>trader roundstart breaks into captain's officer
>perma them at the speed of light

>There are still 4 transfer valves, you dont have any bombs! - T. AI
>Sec gives absolutely zero shits about the bomb threat, except for one officer.
>Who cares if the crew dies lol

Use tools on them until you get some messages.

start slapping every tool available at it, and try right clicking and looking for funky verbs. thats basically how to figure out most things in the game.

>decide to do the rest of the doctoring left in the round royally smashed
>as soon as I get back to doctoring, start feeling woozey x100, taking damage, and passing out, and end up kicking the bucket
Goddamn, what did I drink? Or eat?
Or did I get deathstinged from nowhere when I wasn't looking?
>shuttle called over a few 1devs going off
Okay I get that the air memes were powerful and lmao validz secured, but damn.

Dude, I can't give you your demands if your demands are killing people.
At most I can call the shuttle and hope you're lying.

>all the valves were there so the most they could do was random water potas bombs
>at most two people died


oh, hey, someone saved it.
Nothing too exciting today.

>not checking github

fuck off reeeee

>be Cassandre, hydrophonicist who knows jack shit about hydrophonics
>get eaten by the changeling chef not even 10 minutes in
>look away
>hear some shit, notice I'm being put in cryo
>as soon as I get out of medbay get kidnapped by a sec officer
>think I'm going to get eaten again but they were just looking for the changelings
>chef is a big meany and I hope he dies, and he's not here, so I decide to fill in for him so the crew has something to eat
>make a ton of vegan meals for the entire crew then sleep behind the counter with my comfy bedsheet
>read the station news from time to time, there's even an article about my healthy meals
>see my nice collegue which taught me how to make GMOs for my vegan meals is threatening the station
>crew ate everything so put some pumpkins on display and go back to sleep
>suddenly BOOM
>bar blows up, botany blows up
>kitchen is fine but I'm stuck
>leave through botany anyway
>carried to escape in a locker by a nice atmos tech which also finds me an air tank which saved my ass later
>freed from the safe room I was in by some slime person with a crowbar so I can board the shuttle
>have a nice trip in the shuttle near those multicultural vox and slime people
>get on the centcomm beach and play catch with some security guy
Comfy round

>hooked on hydrophonics
it's hydroponics, you hydrophoney

>>be Cassandre, hydrophonicist who knows jack shit about hydrophonics
>>get eaten by the changeling chef not even 10 minutes in
>>look away
>>hear some shit, notice I'm being put in cryo
>>as soon as I get out of medbay get kidnapped by a sec officer
>>think I'm going to get eaten again but they were just looking for the changelings
>>chef is a big meany and I hope he dies, and he's not here, so I decide to fill in for him so the crew has something to eat
>>make a ton of vegan meals for the entire crew then sleep behind the counter with my comfy bedsheet
>>read the station news from time to time, there's even an article about my healthy meals
>see my nice collegue which taught me how to make GMOs for my vegan meals is threatening the station
>>crew ate everything so put some pumpkins on display and go back to sleep
>>suddenly BOOM
>>bar blows up, botany blows up
>>kitchen is fine but I'm stuck
>>leave through botany anyway
>>carried to escape in a locker by a nice atmos tech which also finds me an air tank which saved my ass later
>>freed from the safe room I was in by some slime person with a crowbar so I can board the shuttle
>>have a nice trip in the shuttle near those multicultural vox and slime people
>>get on the centcomm beach and play catch with some security gu
stopped reading there

So you stopped reading before the very last letter?

thats the joke retard

stopped reading there

oh yeah, well read this.
*unzips post*

The absolute worst is when you want to be a serious trader and your other trader just wants to steal shit

Sometimes sec is understanding and I try to be cooperative but sometimes they want to smash up the shuttle and arrest me just because the other guy is being browntide

>dfw cant play comfy lowpop because working on labor day
I didnt even get to spess yesterday on my birthday. Kill me, time is taking too long.

how do i find the pirate/salvage shuttle?

How many more lives will this damned refinery everyone works at ruin???

How long until someone adds refinery jobs to the game???

Yeah, this is primarily why I am not a big fan of having other trader buddies

new to xenobotany is there an upper limit to potency? do I keep splicing until I eventually get an average that is high? what number potency should I be looking for say death nettles and blue space tomatoes?

whats a typical routine to do?

it's always in the corner of z6 so fly around until you find it

or do that telesci trick

It usually spawns southwest in z-level 6

Hint: check Z-Level 6 on the CMC

what trick is that?

do you guys just bring a gps and constantly check your coordinates/z level to find it?

>oil refinery job

>know where shuttle is
>always trying to sneak in to get the loots
>always, always die to a spider sting.

some guy said he just snuck in, but how? I've gone in from the front and theres always a spider there. the back two entrances are both guarded by big ass queens. Am I just over estimating the little spiders?

300 is the hardcap for potency, but its clamped to 200. So for all purposes, max potency is 200.

Robust harvest will get you to 150 potency, although while you are doing that otheir mutations or using mutagen is not possible in the same tray.

To get to 200 potency you basically need to dump in up to 25u of mutagen and wait for an effect over and over again. The more mutagen you use the larger the potency increase you get assuming you get good RNG, downside is that the plants going to get all sorts of mutations including probably exuding ases.

For Plant Damage refer to this:

Death Nettle Damage is determined in part by this equation:
force = round((5+potency/2.5), 1)

If you are just trying to get a decent level of potency just dump robust harvest and diethyl into a tray and wait 20-30 minutes for it to hit 130-140 pot (ideally you want grass, or a seed that had grass purged onto it, so there is no chemical associated with the potency) Only risk with grass is that theres more limits on taking cuttings vs. otheir plants. But it saves you a bit of splicing/purging round start.

If you want to play the RNG game, after you get to 130-140 pot, start dumping mutagen in.

I suppose round start dumping mutagen in might also work, but its not a strategy I've tried, nor do I think RNG is in your favor, but i could be wrong.

The spiders that aren't queens aren't that hard to deal with, and the queens are usually at the back of the ship. If there's one in the hallway then you got unlucky.

It doesn't hurt to get a gun beforehand, though. In one of the z-levels there's a white spaceship, and on it's bridge there's a retro laser, you can kill 1 to 4 small spiders with that.

can you explain how z-levels work?

so for bluespace tomatoes I assume potency affects chance of blinking and range of the area blinked.

Dylovene actively reduces the effects of the spider venom.

/obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/proc/do_fruit_teleport(atom/hit_atom, mob/M, var/potency) //Does this need logging?
var/datum/zLevel/L = get_z_level(src)
if(!L || L.teleJammed)
return 0

var/outer_teleport_radius = potency/10 //Plant potency determines radius of teleport.
var/inner_teleport_radius = potency/15 //At base potency, nothing will happen, since the radius is 0.
if(inner_teleport_radius < 1)
return 0


There is actually more to it.

When you reach the edge of the map, your character makes a little "jump" as I call it, and you reach a different Z-Level. Bringing a GPS helps a lot, set it to auto-update (or just spam refresh) and as you drift towards the end of the level you'll see like: 497, 500, 503, 506, -1, -3, -6 and then bam, you're in a different level.

You also spawn at the edge of that new z-level, if you brought a GPS and it's not the z-level you want, you can propel yourself back to the edge repeatedly until you arrive back at the z-level you want

Now the following is probably inaccurate because I don't remember correctly, but I think the z-levels are these:

1: Station
2: CentComm (unreachable without exploits)
3: Space (White space ship? Vaults?)
4: Space (Derelict, Telesat, Clown roid)
5: Mining asteroid
6: Space (Salvage shuttle, vaults)

dude thank you so much this is really helpful

interesting. I vaguely understand the little notes help.

wait so if you're dragging something behind you like a tank for fuel, will it come with you when you change z levels?

yea. play trader to get a feel for it. they start with everything you need to test out the z level stuff. they get a gps jetpack and all that.

Have fun exploring spess my dude

I haven't tried that so I'm not sure, but I don't think it follows you through.

If I understand correctly, a 150 pot bluespace tomatoe, is going to toss you between 10-15 squares away in any direction. If you throw it at some one its a 50-50 chance eitheir you, or them teleports, but if they slip on it its 100% chance they teleport.

If you are pulling something it comes with you across Z-Levels.

does that mean you have to get lube and the bluespace effect in it?

I believe its mentioned on the wiki that high potency chilis cause immolation when eaten right? what are some cool high potency effects?

You don't need lube, you just need it two be a excesively soft skinned fruit. It will be labeled as slip in the seed machine. Splat represents types that only break when thrown.

I've eaten 100u of Condensced Caspacin, and only sputtered. A lot of stuff of the wiki is wrong. Read the github if you want to learn things/ get the right info.

>I've eaten 100u of Condensced Caspacin, and only sputtered.
Condensed Capsaicin is different from normal capsaicin, it doesn't cause you to heat up

There is a cap on how hot capsaicin can make you hell ramen uses the same code but with no cap, so it can kill you easily

I kind of have a dream of making nothing but spicy food as chef that just fucking murders you. have people sign waivers in game or something.

I just ate 250u of Caspascin on the test serb.

>Max temp 36.12c (97f)


>Kayahi gasps

Wait how did I gasp there
I thought I was already dead


>1/3 of the station is vox
>round ends due to 2 birds murderboning and xenos getting loose to kill 1 bird and their master


>inb4 the suit is skintight, vox are just naturally T H I C C

MoMMI as antag kill-objectives, when?

Always run an analyzer past anything you put into yourself.

>Security have finally managed to arrest the wanted criminal, Space.
Lost it when I saw the image.

Listen it's a surfer girl thing you wouldn't get it

In the eventuality you play mechanic AND don't instantly log out when it's deff, take a quick look at this.

Symptoms sound like radiation poisoning or extreme low blood, which can also be caused by radiation

alternatively organ damage or the suffocation drug I rarely see used

didn't see the part where you got drunk, you probably drank way more than a human can process and shut down your liver you dumbo

doctor space says keep it under 30 units or you may want to start vomiting up that alcohol

needs more windows

ded gam
ded thred

ur fukkin dead soon kiddo

>tfw the closest thing to Doug North is Sam North is his younger gay detective brother

Server went full retard near the end there

To whoever I just killed on the shuttle, that was completely unintentional. I logged out while I was wearing the hive defender mask and apparently AI takes over for your simple mob when you disconnect. Had no idea.

>HoP demotes himself to assistant, keeping his all access, promoting someone else to HoP, in the first 30 minutes of the game

Is this really ok? I mean, it's not like he had to go or anything. He was present for a good chunk of the round after that.

is this nuke calling out goldsteel?

>HoP: "I don't want to be security"
>*tases and cuffs you*
>*puts you in brig*

no its not. it makes the entire deal of taking the job of HoP pointless.
you shoulda have ahelped that or assumed he was an antag

We had 2 different HoPs, both of which were Acting Captain (one after the other)
We also had 0 security the entire round, and no one asking to be security

>AI takes over for your simple mob when you disconnect
I thought this was obvious.