League of legends general - /lolg/

bullying lulu edition



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>tfw you always go Dark Assassin because you would feel bad for Kayn getting consumed by Rhaast

would a special gamemode map be fun where its a 4v4v4 map?
Win condition could be the first nexus destroyed is the loser, then it goes off by points/gold/kills etc generated for 1st and second place.
or the last one to have a nexus remaining wins.

Reminder that Lulu is a whore.

Dominion should've been the game mode that took off into Esports, Summoners Rift was a mistake.

xth for Syndra

I wanna cuddle JInx

>feeling bad for edgelord
rhaast is based, troubled teenager is not.

My harem. I send em back to you once they can walk again >:)

>it's a 'your kayn top starts fighting the enemy cho'gath and dies the exact second i start moving towards the bottom side of the map' game

it's really fun jungling and ganking top/mid as xin and your botlane dying 2v2, and then ganking bot and your top and mid both get solokilled

we won anyway because xin with devourer/botrk > chogath but still, jfc this team was heavy

Kayn is a fucking retard though and boring as fuck character at that, he deserves to be consumed.

That and I wonder how Zed would react to it. Guilt galore, too much juicy drama to pass up.


triple yasuo hover in select with adc asking if he could mid

other team banned yasuo, I then looked my team up on op.gg

in the lore kayn is a cocky overconfident idiot, they even warned him about not wearing armour or using a darkin weapon

i think its heavily implied canonically that rhaast consumes him, while he wouldve become SA kayn if he listenned to his peers and leaders

>being this intimidated by a gorgeous long haired anime MC

>Zed, I killed that edgy teenager who was following you round, took his body
>Good, now piss off while I continue slowly turning into Skeletor



man i wish winged hussar xin was a better skin, it's an amazing premise

Mfw i never click to open multiple because i feel it ruins the surprise.

i like it how it is, if it looked cool every shitter would buy it. in its current state, only few players have it and they're usually absolute monsters on xin

also shadow kayn is visibly older


is he right?

>tfw just got a box after weeks
>get this
kill me
this would be my 3rd fucking janna skin wtf

Nah. While the short story was shit that didn't answer we at least know that Zed was like a father figure to Kayn, and Zed at least had enough pity to take him in. Taking a fucking Noxian into your anti-Noxian defense force cult is probably going to piss off people in said cult. It was probably a risky decision for Zed to take.

That and the whole thing clearly parallels Zed's old father-son relationship with Kusho so I'm pretty sure he wouldn't take the news too well desu.

sona is broken but building pure damage on her is a retarded waste of time

you go ardent > grail > seraphs with coin

i didnt click the link because its always "farm more, dont tilt xd" but the best secret way to climb is learning how to dodge.

the system is terrible at actually giving you 50/50 matchups when you consider the mental state of the players, the champions they are playing, and their role.
You have to learn to work around it.

That's fine since she's the only support you should be playing anyway.

But Riot said they'd let the playerbase decide and the playerbase likes Rhaast more, so the kid's getting killed off for sure.

no shit shadow came out buggy af and much harder to play

people dont like edgy teens once they get older
nearly half of the playerbase is in their 20s

the only 20+ year old that likes kayn is vladfag and she only likes him because its fapbait and has bad taste

Just ban Yasuo
Every game

Gee, it's almost like Riot intentionally gimped shadow form to begin with.

>103 games
>45% win rate
>1.6 KDA

there is no excuse to lose a 4v5 if u r better

even if u feed first blood in a 2v1 lane while your silver top and jungle shit the bed


The attitude hes speaking only works when you are actually better than the players you are playing with.
If you are actual silver building damage on Sona won't make you suddenly good

>not a bug, a feature!

but shadow kayn is all grown up

We can all agreed that Quinn is worst waifu, right?

And Rhaast regained his form. So what's your point?

not an edgy teen anymore

not trapped in a scythe anymore and more outgoing with the bad jokes

if my support doesn't pick an ardent censer support are they trolling? should picking Leona, Braum etc. be bannable?

whats a good epic monster for a kummungu jungle map?

So far Ive got a river kraken, a corrupted setient tree, but im looking for a dragon replacement.

Average age of playerbase is probably not even 18 my man



We're long overdue for one, and the lore in the newer short stories are kinda hinting at something anyway.

i wish i was a girl


Reminder that it's literally impossible to get out of bronze unless you get lucky and matchmaking puts you on the good team like 10 games in a row

How much FUCKING honor do I need to get to level 3? Holy fuck

That kat's boobs look really soft

not a bad idea actually

Reports lower your honor. Stop being a toxic shit. Or not, like me, who's never getting 4 because I just can't not call my shitters out

>internet almost always becomes unplayable between 8:30pm and 4:30am
>spectrum cant send anyone out during these times to look at it
>was completely fine last night until 2:30am when it shut off entirely
>lag is so inconsistent that I know they won't fucking find anything or be able to fix the problem


>honor 3

post icon collections and let others judge you

>Hey guys let's let literally everyone on their team dive our top laner at lvl 6
>let's not get first blood turret in this time
>let's flame him for letting it happen

Hoo boy

I always go SA because I like Kayn and I want to fugg his SA form too.

I barely even talk in chat, I don't do anything worth reporting either. Usually I'm pretending to be an eslut so people give me more honor. That said, I haven't been playing TOO much recently. Guess I need more games.

>getting first tower blood while entire enemy team is top

>not being honor 8

lmao honorlets am I right
who else here /honorable/

>I am the 1 in the 1v5
>my other 4 did nothing with the time but farm creeps

That's what I'm saying

>shit opinions

I don't think he's boring at all and he hasn't done anything bad that we know of aside from taking Rhaast which isn't bad just arrogant of him and not exactly deserving of being consumed, but the Zed reaction would be dramatic and juicy I agree.

It's actually better if he's not consumed, because then everything goes to shit.

Phew. Sorry Ahri it was a lot.
Please take responsibility for it.

Are you the riven main who posted the godawful op.gg a few hours back?

Leaving DotA because it's a dedgame. I've been gold in League playing casually for a while and got matched to silver 1 this season. Someone help me git gud. How far can I get by mechanics alone without knowing the game much at all.

I like playing sona but it makes me feel dirty

not in a sexual way you fucking deviants, I just feel like I don't deserve to win

It's stale pasta

>heavily implied canonically

Why do you post things like this? You know there is nothing to back it up aside from your headcanon but you still post it. Go to bed without dinner user, you're grounded for being autistic.

wait up reports lower your honor?
no wonder i can't hit 5

is sona good now or something

Man, I hate how low the range is on Ryzes W. It's only purpose is to get over walls but with the channel time it's useless for chasing\ganking considering if you're that close you're better off just going on foot.

I was pretty happy to get Forecast, Fnatic and Hextech out of it, but that was before ardent-coin meta.


>only cumming long enough to groan 3 times
if I came inside ahri it'd probably go for at least 40 seconds

>only one page
what the fuck kind of turbo casual

did you start playing last week or something

>implications dont exist

are you sure that its not you being the autist

Didn't mean to reply, sorry for that.


>40 seconds
>he doesn't even do his pelvic floor exercises

They said they let playerbase decide ingame as in you can pick either while you play, they never said anything about what they will do lorewise canonically aside from that it will be tricky going forward. If you actually think they are going to axe either character, you're dumb as fuck.

>play adc
>get 2 pentas in 5 games

>No santa baron
lol toxic

Does anyone else like cock here?

Disregard everything this toilet cleaning pole is saying.

kha'zix auto'd one person all game

>implications mean whatever I want them to mean to fit my narrative

Yeah I'm sure it's you.

riot didnt have the "fix your shit and get rewards again" system back then so my first and only chat ban made me ineligible despite being in like fucking february

Also I like playing adc and kid and I've never played jungle. Can I get to diamond spamming jinx or something?

im eune
im better than you
get rekt

isnt that exactly what you are doing right now?

That can't be champion damage

Don't have very many ;_;.

pls nobully for the bronze one, it was from 3v3

what fucking elo
>everyone on the enemy team sub 4k
did you have duskblade and just one shot them all?
what the fuck?

>Blaming the jungler

>at least
it depends on whether she edges me or just instantly makes me cum as soon as I penetrate


im r-reformed now...


There is nothing to suggest which form will win out in the end, but you've obviously taken things that you push as evidence that "implies" one over the other without any actual proof aside from your own opinon. That's not implication, that's a fucking headcanon and you're autistic for going "HEAVILY IMPLIED CANONICALLY" fuck off.

DESU, even though I hate Kayn as he currently is, there's always the possiblity that Riot will actually flesh out more of his lore and his character later on. But right now he's just boring as shit and a waste of potential.

I'll agree that he was way more story potential going for him if he does win. If Kayn wins, he becomes the heir of the Order of Shadows, proably goes off in the Freljord to kill Tryndamere from becoming fully consumed, might end up interecting with Darius and etc.

Meanwhile Rhaast does... what? Have a murder party in Noxus with his remaining Darkin buddies? And that's pretty much it. Which is boring as shit since the Void already have the whole genocidal invasion gig covered. Rhaast is fun, but I'll admit he doesn't offer any potential for depth or character development.