Why do people get triggered by the whole stance thing?

Why do people get triggered by the whole stance thing?

>it doesn't make your car faster
Liking cars didn't mean I have to street LARP a racecar driver

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every time someone stances out a car into a scraping, ruined piece of backyard engineering, it jacks up the value on every clean example. some of us would like to own one of those clean examples and we see these people as wasting them for some dumb trend

It ruins perfectly good cars by making them ugly and unusable on the road, and it doesn't even have any benefits.

Personally don't mind it if it's done right. I mean it basically consists of running really tight springs and camber plates with aftermarket rims. Air is a little different but I still think it's cool I'm some cars, especially like old euro trash like Saab 900's

Stance is about going as low and negative camber as possible

Racekar with thicc tyres and normal camber does not = stance

The only thing they have in common is the fact they both strive to fill the wheel arch

Stance is horrible for performance driving as the poor tyre gets inside camber wear and doesn't come in full contact with the road surface

Autocrossconefag "stance" only looks similar to dumb normies such a large yourself because that's what Pinterest and Tumblr bring up.

Besides the best part about wide tyres and normal camber setup on wideboi cars is you get the stance look with no downsides besides being accotiated wit scrapefags on a mid afternoon Sardinian carpark meet forum in the mind of count dankula

T. Tougefag who drives a 1700kg boat with wide tyres pic not related

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Because it looks like fucking shit, you spend money on new tires way more often than you should, and it puts all kinds of unnecessary stress on the underbody of your car.
What you're doing is basically slowly destroying a car because "it looks cool bro"

you're using your car as an extension of your ego, or lack of personality, exactly like people with tattos
just enjoy it you don't have to try and show off

The same reason people get buthurt about donks

Stance was ok when the Japs did it and called it bozuko back in the 90s but since the 00s ricers got a hold of it it's just automotive cancer the stretched rubber over wide rims makes me puke

Worst part is almost all modern builds use decent coil overs and ruin the drivability of the car... Instead of bags that would ride infinity better

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>Why do people get triggered by the whole stance thing?

Because pretending to be a race car driver is the cool thing to do on Veeky Forums.

I like the aesthetics that come with a lowered car and can appreciate that other people do it for my viewing pleasure because I'd never do it to my car for practical reasons.

Large negative camber looks fucking stupid, though.

> (OP)
>I like the aesthetics
>Large negative camber looks fucking stupid, though.
Thank you

They cause everyone else grief on the road by holding up traffic and breaking down all the time as well as defacing the street with the scraping, fluid leaks and tire spinning that comes with the territory. They're also universally driven by lowlifes who intentionally are out to inconvenience and anger people for fun. The damage caused by this is also particularly catastrophic and hard to undo and causes prices to skyrocket when they inevitably go to sell them because of all the work that will need to be done to make them drivable again. They also universally use cars that are increasing rare and handle well as bases meaning that the only good "sporty" cars left on the used market are American pieces of shit that can't turn or stop. This contributes to the used car market sucking in a particularly degenerate way because causing these cars to be artificially rare and expensive for other people and thus extorting them out of competent used cars also part of the motivation behind it.

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Nothing works as well as stance threads to get Veeky Forums to out themselves as FnF LARPers who think that track performance is the only thing a car should ever aspire towards.

As if looking good wasn't itself a good enough reason.


How the fuck is this strawmanning? This is literally every stancefag on the planet

It's like putting ketchup on a Chicago dog.

>denies strawman by defining his strawman
Wew lad

Prices are skyrocketing in all those mk2 jettas and civic ex sedans you've been pining over?

this is the correct answer. being subject to frequent poor modifications causes the price of unmodified examples to inflate. the rice tax is real.

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i dont mind lower, aggressive looking cars but the only ones who common do this are all fucking hondas.
they have "daily driven" stickers slapped on their shit with fake rep wheels and cut springs with a fartcan exhaust and blacked out windows and lights. like wow dude you daily a HONDA??? WOW!!
theyre being posers where the actual car guys know theyre just making an embarrassment of themselves and the people outside of cars dont like them either. its bad.


yes, actually

the only people who drive jettas where i live are aging jews and boyracers

theyre too expensive to be worth it for anyone else

So you're mad people are buying cars tart you wouldn't care to buy?


the silly part is a lot of stance cars have track modifications because they're "aggressive"
>big wing
>bolt in roll cage
so obviously track performance is a factor, or at least the illusion of intended performance, which makes it silly that it spends its life aired out, hardparked at some walmart.

Or they could just like the look of track shit. If they're hardparked that would be the very polar and specific opposite of racing. You know, like you're trying to say they want to do...

Same reason we hate faggots, faggot

If you faggots would stop running around shoving your dicks in other men's asses, AIDS treatment wouldn't drive up healthcare costs.

STANCE is just another way faggots advertise that their asses are vacant and ripe for the packing

Yes! It's the opposite! That's why I called it silly, because every modification is rendered useless by it's ride height. They don't want performance, they want the illusion of performance to hardpark that much harder.
I'm not saying this is bad, but it is undeniably silly.

Yeah, definitely. That's the goal of some of the builds. It's cool if that's not your thing, but the anger it produces seems crazy.

Turning a perfectly good car into a potato, its similar to chicks getting big stupid implants in their tits, ass and lips.

oh bby did I ever chose a good time to start posting again

phil/o/stines have no taste all there is to it
their also incredibly ignorant of cars in general and dont know what theyre talking about
in general they shit on it because they dont know anything and say it ruins cars because they dont like the aesthetics

Stance can be anything you want it to be you fucking retard. It doesn't exclusively mean tilted wheels and rim on fender.

Fucking teenage scum.

Mild stance actually does increase mechanical grip in corners, and lowering reduces drag and increases stability. Where do you think the idea came from? Stancefags are larping as race car drivers. It's literally rice. It even comes from Japan!

The problem is, extreme stance reduces grip to the point where a car, especially an RWD car, is incredibly likely to spin out and hurt someone else.

Do you advocate driving on bald 20 year old tires?
How about drum brakes? Disks are for racers, right?

No? Maybe because we invented grippy tires and good brakes so people would stop crashing INTO OTHER PEOPLE? If you don't, why advocate for stance?

>preferring aesthetics over the basic functions of an automobile

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form>function always

>aids treatments are a major factor driving up healthcare costs
are you fucking retarded or something

It appears you know what that means

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inb4 250 replies and 117 images

Holy fuck does that look bad whole bunch of mismatched parts that don't go together


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>t. retard

oh daddy insult me more

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Of course this image is in SoCal

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Americans are fucking stupid
Especially about cars
they get triggered over the smallest things and need to tell everyone about it

all of you complaining about what other people do to your car are ballerinas.
You should really focus on people with light bars that use them all the time.

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With that being said I think stance looks sleepy and uninteresting.
The cars literally look like they're sleepy.

why do u think about america so much

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because only americans get triggered by this shit

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muricans and shit tsate plens

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Better than pretending to be a fuckwit desu

As a euro who has never seen this: what the hell is the purpose of lowering your car?

Beside looking silly, can they even cross a speed bump?

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Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Veeky Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

whats the difference

weird I learned about all this form euro guys into VW
learn about bags ignoramus and oyu will learn that some stanced cars have no problems

nigga need to better your taste tho

oh yes baby this copypasta is what the fuck I live for

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>pretend to be a cool dude who drives cars at fun speed
How is this fuckwit behaviour?

lol pretend race driver is always fuckwit

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but ur cars just look gay and serve no other purpose, two each they're own i suppose

>having fun driving a fast cat as intend is fuckwit
>ruining car for no reason somehow isnt

but ur opinion is just an rotten onion
Im sure Id think the cars you like are some ultra gay faggotry

but baby it isnt ruined just because you dont like it

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>car that has had its drivability severely compromised isn't ruined

lol shitty driver detected
I drove a slammedToyota for a few years and never had a problem just scrape that shit

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As a performance stand point it lowers the center of gravity and can increase cornering speed.

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>You have to be a good driver to safely operate a car with willfully deliberately deteriorated performance in all manner of safety
The absolute delusion, troll or not. Literally no better than soccermoms with bald tires and seized calipers.

we get it pal your not talented enough to drive a stanced car

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Holy shit, you make me sick.

t. Busrider

Seems super useful for driving in the city.

Yes, yes, very witty.
Conversely, it lowers the cornering stability and available grip.

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ohh daddy tryna make me cum

lol like public transportation exists around here

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You've obviously never had to drive a lowered car let alone one of these shit pieces

yeah my slammed Yota Pickup just never existed
suck my ass baby your already full of shit its not that difficult to drive low car

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Post pics for proof

lol I havent had that truck for 8 years like i have a pic of it

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Your hair is still wet from the womb, who are you trying to kid?

t. Underaged

ohyou like robing the cradle huh personally I like older dominate people so go all out


im too old to be on this shithole if anything but what fucking ever my friend passed out on me and left me drunk ;_;

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I hope you don't lie this much IRL, that would explain why you have to make up friends.

>Too old to be on this shithole
>Comes on every week to whinge about stance and spam it to 'show who is right'
>Uses the same posting style and lame comebacks every single time

>acts like a 13yo stancefag and confirmed /nocar/
Embarrassing tbqhsgdie3h

no need to have sour grapes and project if you lived in western NC Id invite you to a party this Saturday lol

what the fuck is a whinge lol
I havent even posted on here that much recently

yes daddy I act like a child to appease you
unf hurt my fee fees more

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I will rape you if I get the chance