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>tfw literally Eygon

reminder that leveling up is a developer crutch for not having to design creative gameplay difficulty so players get a sense of progression just because they see numbers go up

I recently started a new playthrough of dark souls 1, it had been a while and I'm absolutely loving it, but now I beat the dlc and O&S and I honestly see no reason to play the game anymore
All that's left are boring or bad areas and bosses
>Tomb of giants
>Lost izalith
>New Londo ruins
>Bed of chaos
Do I just drop the game and play 2 and 3 again?

Duke's Archives are excellent up until the boss

Hey seath how does it feel to be a bitch.

Is the Angel Faith and the Sable Church one and the same? The angels are born from dead pilgrims of Londor.

It's literally the only area which isn't complete horse shit
The game got rushed after O&S and it's just not fun to play
Seath is a the most boring and easiest boss in the game

Not that user, but I didn't find it much more inspired than the rest of the game.

Play again with the master key, and using sorcery or miracles instead of whatever you did your first time.

DS1 has quite a bit more replay value than DS3, not as much as DS2 though, it's mostly in changing stats and utilizing various skips/strategies to fight much harder enemies early on.

stopping at anor londo though is kinda common, the game does go downhill after that


Which A.C. game is that from?

that kind of makes up for it
but the other 3 lords have warpable bonfires in their boss room (abyss, crystal cave. nito's bedroom)

The kidnapping part was pretty damn rad

This land is full of piss
Its inhabitants kind of cunts

Near the great arrows in Kalameet's arena, there's a dev orange message that says "If only Hawkeye were here..." Is it there because I already killed Gough for his armor?

literally one of the first missions of the the first game in the franchise, on PS1


not really worth replaying though, the first few games haven't aged well graphically or control wise (no analog support). Master of Arena is alright but the series didn't really get the formula down until AC2.

>not as much as DS2 though
And what's the replay value of DS2 more than any other souls? It somewhat changes only in BB with random gems and dungeons.


Tomb of the Giants is fine though

DS2 is the only game in the series where NG+ is worth playing.

You mean the place you can't see and get one shot by three giant skeletons and skeleton dogs?

Pardon the orientation but what item is this in Burg, near the entrance? I don't think I've ever gotten it.

I did use the master key, it makes the game a lot more fun because it opens up a lot
I guess I can give sorcery a try

Sunlight Maggot.
Pull enemies.
Git fucking gud, pleb.

go get it and find out faggot

Has anyone done a True Dark Lord in DS1? Basically never light any bonfires, kill all firekeepers, don't revive Anastacia. This leaves only the Stone Dragon bonfire and the Lordvessel (which breaks after you kill Gwyn)

>everything before shrine of winter in DS2 is completely optional and can be completed in any order
>and each starting area is of roughly equivalent difficulty
>each starting area has drastically different loot specialized for various classes
>has the most NG+ content, and with bonfire ascetics you can actually fight NG+ bosses/areas on NG
>type differences make a huge difference in which bosses are easy or hard
>very few "bad" or unviable weapons and all stats are worth leveling up, so it allows the greatest level of min-maxing for crazy unusual builds
>is by far the longest game therefore you have the most options to change things up as you go along
>tons of respec options
>can skip almost to the end soon after the shrine of winter if you don't like the final areas
>DLC is accessible early on

all of that amounts to a game where the "hardest" boss depends entirely on which random path you decide to take, so none of the bosses get particularly boring. So DS2 has a lot of replay value through that. With a little creativity.

Two players can play DS2 and end up fighting almost none of the same bosses, or in a completely different order. One might jump down to the gutter and get the dark pyromancy flame and crypt blacksword for a str/hexer, the other might spend their time in shaded woods and make a nuke mage for a blue flame power stance build, and for most of the game they will not fight the same bosses or enemies and the ones they do fight will be at drastically different difficulty thanks to using different attack types.

DS1 is sort of similar with the master key, which opens up most of the first half of the game, letting you skip a lot of bosses and run through areas. However unlike DS2, there's a clear linear path of difficulty so those skips involve much harder difficulty than the normal route.

it's a hint on how to trigger kalameet's boss fight, which if you haven't done yet, you've locked yourself out of now until NG+

>Git gud xd
no, tomb of giants is objectively a bad area
It's narrow and filled with too large enemies which you can't dodge or see coming unless you played the game so long you know the entire area on the top of your head
It's rushed and bad

Top left corner of your photo, it's quite obvious actually

No, you are an objectively bad player. There are 3 light providing options. Skelewolfs are kind of bad, but they'd be the same bad in any area, not an issue with totg

You're such a great help, user.
Huh, I don't see what you mean.

>play The Surge demo
>even after 2 hours, combat is clunky, but could get used to
>really bad performance, no matter the settings, 40~50fps on max and lowest settings

This made me want to play DaS 1 again. But I just can't justify spending another 50 hours or so on a game I've already finished at least 4 times... but the temptation is there.

I had already killed Kalameet. Never knew it was possible to make it to that end of the arena alive, prior to Gough.

It is, though you need to be absurdly high defenses and pop humanities. I dont' think it's actually possible to avoid the fire

What armor do you think suits Ludwig the most.

I really enjoyed using the MLGS on my Pyro, I feel like making a complete new character for it. Only problem is, to get some really decent damage out of it, I need the Magic Clutch ring, which means I need some decent armor to counteract the debuff.

the surge gets terrible the more time you put into it, try another game.

There are a few blind spots. If you have a good stability shield and lots of stamina, you can also block your way there. Just mind to turn behind you when Kalameet flies past or you'll get deadangled

Did you even read my post or just stop after ">play The Surge"...?

I read your post. Were you asking if you should play the surge or DS1? I'm saying it doesn't get better after the first 2 hours so if you aren't finding yourself sticking with it, go play something else.

Do a what-you-see randomizer run

>Were you asking if you should play the surge or DS1?
I don't have much of a motivation to buying the full game and playing that.

Only some of the heaviest armor shall counteract the debuff, so just deal with it.

what do i have to do to get hatemail? ive invaded hundreds of times and pointed down but nobody bothers to shit talk me

Why do you use MLGS instead of onyx blade?

Do NG+ rings show up in NG+2 or should I collect them before I start again?

Best sword for a hexer in ds3?

Because MLGS can shoot laser beams and it's pretty.

I dunno.
Try fighting in duels, that's where the tryhards reside.

Dark / Chaos Infused Lothric Straight Sword.
Onyx Blade

Either one is top tier.

Yes, cycles only add, never remove stuff
Everyone and their mothers points down these days, it's lost all meaning. The best saltmine would probably be summoning people for duels, spamming splitleaf or gael's and chugging. You can harvest some extra if you make a point on how "if they wanted no estus they should've gone to the arena" and "your world your rules"
There is no such thing as a "hexer" in 3. If you're going for 40/40, onyx blade

>NG+ Burg invading
>kill a dude
>598k souls

the arena is where you should go for hatemail

Nice, that means my fucking collect-a-thon is almost at an end.

It also scales well with 40 int right?

onyx blade, demon scar

there's no such thing as a hexer in DS3, just a pyro build and a bunch of shitty dark versions of regular spells

Yeah. Forty is pretty much the breakpoint for the MLGS.

never thought this would protect me from a bs

Invade, hide under strong mob, blocking the way to bossroom and show legion etiquette from there. It usually pisses host off, if he don't have a seed.

Impressive, user. Very nice tech.

>my fucking collect-a-thon is almost at an end.
Have you got every single piece of armor and weaponry? Have you maxed out your consumables/arrows?

>breakpoint for the MLGS.
weapons don't have individual breakpoints, scaling is 65% up until 40, then 85% at 60 for all stats except dex, which is 85% at 80 instead.

The reason Int and Fth go to 60 is because spellbuff scales differently than AR, and continues to have linear gains all the way up to 60 instead of 40.

Sounds good but is spitleaf really that annoying? Spear and shield+avelyn always looked most cancerous
That is boring as shit though
I do this sometimes when I face ganksquads, never got hatemail tho

Post fashion souls!

The point is going past 40 int for the MLGS, since it's scaling isn't all too high, doesn't add a whole lot. 40-50 only adds 12AR, same with 50-60.
It's just not worth it.

You could spend those 20 points on say, Vitality, wear some heavy as fuck armor to counteract the Magic Clutch ring. Which adds 63 AR at 40 int.

>Have you got every single piece of armor and weaponry?

>Have you maxed out your consumables/arrows?
No but I have at least one of each.

That's actually pretty neat.
I typically don't care much for DS3 PVP webms, but that was pretty good. You even used the Gaystus for its intended purpose instead of as a dumb parry tool.

Actually it does vary a bit. For example the softcap for pyro weapons is 30/30, but for Onyx it's 40/40
The r1>l2>r2 is a guaranteed combo and can oneshot relatively frag players (meaning almost anyone in the arena because lmaonoember) and leave the rest with far below 50% hp
Eh, good enough. Not much sense in maxing them anyway.

>tfw killing people with the frayed blade WA wearing the fallen knight set
>either point down, legion etiquette or quiet resolve afterwards


Thanks I'll do the spitleaf
Any recommended builds for SL120?

>Actually it does vary a bit. For example the softcap for pyro weapons is 30/30, but for Onyx it's 40/40

No, it doesn't.

There's no "pyro" scaling in DS3. It's just regular Int and Fth scaling, which always softcaps at 40, then again at 60 and lastly at 90. What changes is what stats that scaling affects, sometimes int and fth will affect dark damage sometimes it will affect fire damage, and sometimes it can affect physical or lightning or magic.

Pyromancy spellbuff softcaps at 30/30 then again at 40/40.

Any weapon with letter scaling softcaps at 40, 60, 90 unless it's dex then it softcaps at 40, and 80. Spellbuff scaling softcaps differently depending on the tool.


26/16/-/60 for dmb copter or (far better) 66/16/-/15 for blessed buff
There's also 26/-/10/60 for dark blade madman stick
At lower brackets you can use Gael's in a 26/40
Yes it does

>doing blighttown the shortcut way
>no blooming moss clump
>go get the firekeeper soul first thing
>accidentally get shot qwith blowdart
>I'll just kill these blowgunners and they'll surely drop a blooming moss clump
>5 blowgunners killed
>5 purple moss clump


just dropped down into the dogs and snatched the soul with my last sip of estus

Well if you're saying blessed is better so be it, my next salt generating build is on the brink of creation

Much appreciated

I think dmb is better but it's slightly more stat intensive, depending if you go for blessed weapon, ringswap or resin, but it also makes you more reliant on the buff and that's not always a good thing

>stat intensive
Aren't they both? The builds you posted are almost the same

Guys, magic or fire against Harald?

slightly, 5-11 points. Might matter if you need to squeeze that extra equip load for fashion and poise

Alright I guess I'll go for blessed anyway, though I like the dmb effect more.

Hope I get some hatemail

Why did they made Pyromancy Hex2.0 in DS3 and made hexes shit.
Pyromancy had such a good secondary thing going on with either int/fth in DS2.

I'd say white preacher head with pale shade robe, maybe smough's leggings and gauntlets for armor and poise. Don't use clutch for pvp, it sends your magic damage (at 40 int+5) from 417 to 451 in pvp and fucks your defenses on top of hogging a slot that could be much better used. Add levels in vig/end or att/int as you see fit or just stay in this optimal for mlgs only level and invade.
If you can't get it then, the last chance is to gank and be an absolute faggot. Fai build with lots of regen, simple and blessed weapons, police, 3 phantoms etc etc. But be warned, the people who still invade are mostly already dead inside so unless you get someone new, you probably won't make them feel much. Also, be on ps4/xbox if you can, steam sucks for hatemail. If you are on steam only, leave your profile public so people might comment

quick, post your k***ht


So you're telling me that Pharis Triple-Shot is useless, too? Point blank WA did 100 damage, point blank R1 did 99. Why are you making me dislike you, game?

>wearing Fagadin Gayroy's set

are you me?

Are thicc k***hts allowed?

>tfw you first try quelaag



surely you mean staying under her then and running away when she does the explosion

Light or dark bros?

I can't decide.

Actually, how's this?

He's a big thrall.

to weak too used big boy weapons
lightening longsword

Running past.

Btw, why there is no such armor? Hatemail set sounds great.

You fucked up 4/9 of those words
What the fuck, it was supposed to be 40. And you can have the claws offhanded to use as a parry tool if needed, I guess

16/13/20/20 Onyx Blade: 268 dark damage (200+68, 34.0% scaling) = 30% of max
16/13/30/30 Onyx Blade: 324 dark damage (200+124, 55.6% scaling) = 50% of max
16/13/40/40 Onyx Blade: 367 dark damage (200+167, 83.5% scaling) = 75% of max
16/13/60/60 Onyx Blade: 390 dark damage (200+190, 95.0% scaling) = 85% of max
16/13/99/99 Onyx Blade: 423 dark damage (200+223, 111.5% scaling) = 100% of max
>uses regular elemental scaling (75% at 40, 85% at 60)

16/13/20/20 Dark Claymore: 289 dark damage (166+123, 74.0% scaling) = 42.6% of max
16/13/30/30 Dark Claymore: 394 dark damage (166+228, 137.3% scaling) = 80% of max
16/13/40/40 Dark Claymore: 409 dark damage (166+243, 146.4% scaling) = 85% of max
16/13/60/60 Dark Claymore: 430 dark damage (166+264, 159.0% scaling) = 92% of max
16/13/99/99 Dark Claymore: 454 dark damage (166+288, 173.5% scaling) = 100% of max
>uses "dark" scaling (80% at 30, 85% at 40)

You're both wrong and you're both right. Onyx blade uses the regular elemental scaling, which DOES softcap at 40 and 60 like strength, int, fth on its own.

But when you INFUSE a weapon you change it to "dark" scaling which is different than regular int+fth scaling like onyx has. Dark scaling uses the same curve dexterity does but split between the two stats.

Okay so what's the best counter to SS+BK shield turtles who play reactively?

I'm thinking something like a Dark/Deep whip for chip damage.

because miyazaki doesn't want to give dark spells their own class, for his lore immersion. They're only corrupted versions of existing classes, not their own thing. So for that purpose pyro had to be used to be the quality spell caster

I think the best chip weapons are dark corvian or hatchet