How can people like this guy? He literally, LITERALLY killed a trillion people...

How can people like this guy? He literally, LITERALLY killed a trillion people. And the same historian notes his wife had wild orgies with animals.

Nigga there hasn't even been a trillion people total over the years.

Why did he do it?

>have the most powerful army in the known world
>rich as fuck
>have to choose your next war target

>litterally post apocalyptic wasteland full of barbarians and diseases
>your only real threat


Probably in a jealous rage because his wife had wild orgies with animals

Nobody cares Procopius, go home.

What did the muslims pull on the Sassanids that didn't work on the Byzzies for a few centuries?

Sassanids didn't have a Constantinople.

... so?

Was Constantinople more fortified?

Or are you talking about the siege of the city which was intrerrupted by based Bulgarshits?

why did this retard thinks that cucking his most competent general is a good idea?

What makes you think he did?

wow this fucking SHITLORD is denying the Nika riots where AT LEAST 6 trillion innocent, harmless rioters were systematically exterminated.

>Was Constantinople more fortified?
2 sets of walls
Greek fire for naval siege

Yes, it was toughest fortress in the world until the invention of gunpowder

The collapse of the Ummayad caliphate is result of their huge loss of manpower at the second siege of Constantinople. They lost their core support, which mainly ethnic Syrian Muslims and eventually go overthrown by Abbasids whose core support was among Iraqis.

Oh and yeah Bulgars helped too.

I have no idea honestly

He even has a plague named after him. His rule was so shit that christians welcomed the arab armies of Mohammad as liberators.

Thats right, they were GLAD to be rid of him. Let that sink in.

It was simply easier to dive right into the heart of central Iran. The heart of the Byzantium empire has a great deal of geographical "things" that made it hard to strike. And even if they took all of Anatolia, the greek side would still be profitable and difficult to invade. The Sassaid empire on the other hand was wide open.

>Has the most important skill in a leader : Finding capable men to work for him (Tribonian, Belisarius, THEODORA, etc.)
>Has the mess of Roman law sorted out
>Has some of the greatest architecture of all time erected
>Pacified the eastern front, almost took Rome back from the Ostrogoths
>Relative ease between Christian sects, his wife being of another confession than him

Yes he drained a lot of money from the population and put it into the military and architecture, but so did Augustus. Yes he brutally smashed the Nica riots, but otherwise they would have toppled the government and killed him. Yes there was a huge-ass plague during his time, but that really wasn't his fault.

>reconquered mare nostrum
>made rome great again
>built the hagia sophia
>married a strong independent woman who supported him in his rule and had wild mindblowing sex with

Only Caesar, Augustus and Constantine the great can top that.

>Made rome great again by fucking italy's shit up with his wars

Because Sassynids were in much worse state after the war than the Byzzies + anything worth shit in Sassanid Empire was right next to Arabia

He destroyed former roman infrastructure with his "reconquering" scheme, which drained his coffers dry. This further destroyed Roman cultural identity in the west, and lo and behold the Byzantines couldn't hold the fucking territories. To only two positive things I credit him with are the Hagia Sophia and the Corpus Juris Civilis

he liberated it from barbarian scum

People ITT seriously underestimate the impact of the plague.

>He literally, LITERALLY killed a trillion people.
You must be LITERALLY retarded to believe that.

Heraclius is the real hero of that period, his war with Khosrau was probably one the most thrilling and dramatic history-related things I've read about.


Ostrogoths were actually quite cosmopolitan and the Italian economy was actually going through a bit of a revival period now that they weren't being subjected to the horrendously unfair and repressive taxation schemes of the central Roman bureaucracy.

It was only after the Gothic war that Italy's shit was so fucked up that it could stop the actual piss reeking barbarians, the Longobards, from invading.

Khosrau, Khosrow, Khusraw, does it matter?

All of this

If only he died before fucking up against the Arabs he would be up there with Augustus and Trajan as one of the great Roman emperors.

I can't dislike anyone in history. I just read about them without investing emotion. I don't understand how people still hate Hitler. He's hilarious and fascinating. Germans are super weird.

Hitler is so fucking overplayed anyways, real men prefer Stalin

Stalin was a pro at fucking shit up. A bit derpy. I like how his purge of all his competent generals lead to disasters like the Winter War in Finland. Stalin was great at throwing bodies at problems.

>leader of an evil empire did bad stuff
There are no such things as war crimes or crimes against humanity before about 19th century, it was a norm back then.
That doesn't surprise me about him at all, Rome did despicable things in Europe, like holy shit. People don't talk about it as often as they should, they instead celebrate their Roman heritage, but many more were slaves to Rome. What Caesar did in Germania/Gaul or things they did in Lusitania were comparable only to some disgusting Asian war crimes. The empire was built on eagerness for total savagery that shocked local populations turning them into afraid hostile folks as well as cunning diplomacy. Certain level of civilization and intelligence inevitably brings capability for very corrupt behavior.

>Stalin was great at throwing bodies at problems.
Well, it worked.

It sort of show how much you have read.

>And the same historian notes his wife had wild orgies with animals.
fuck off Procopius, Theodora was literally the perfect wife

>exotic eastern dancer
All that shit about wild orgies with animals was political hyperbole and erotic fan fiction. The truth is that in order to be that successful as an exotic dancer you have to be fucking hot and charismatic, and that means there will be jealous haters.

>Adored her husband loyally and faithfully
They were the Camelot of their day. She was the apple of his eye and they doted on each other. He bought her nice things and she never stopped loving him for it. Justinian never recovered from her untimely death.

>encouraged her husband to stay and fight even when all of his advisers told him to cut his losses and run
During the Nika riots both Belisarius and Narsus advised Justinian to get out of Constantinople while he still had a chance and only Theodora told him to stand his ground against overwhelming odds, which is what he did, smashing the rioters when they congregated in the racing field to nominate a new Emperor. When he toyed with the idea of showing the usurper clemency, being nominated against his wishes, she reminded him what his title was and that the sensible thing to do is execute the traitor

>was the brains behind the operation
Justinian was the dreamer who came up with visionary new ideas. Theodora made sure that those dreams became reality, managing the mundane every day tasks of state. One of the many effective members of their inner circle was John the Cappadocian, one of history's most infamously ruthless, effective tax farmers

>swept scandals under the carpet
Belisarius was the greatest military mind of his day even while his wife egregiously cucked him, often brazenly going out into public with her lovers, including a son-in-law. Theodora made sure that Belisarius was kept blissfully ignorant so that he could focus on reunifying the Roman empire and make her husband's dreams a reality

The only sensible choice, fight both and lose tons of money and human lifes for small gains.

>Was Constantinople more fortified?

Yes and better located. There's a reason Ctesiphon fell way more times. In fact, it was also besieged way more too. The mesopotamian plain can't be compared with the mountains of Anatolia if we're talking about defending it.

She was also femdom as fuck

>Not even the government officials could approach the Empress without expending much time and effort. They were treated like servants and kept waiting in a small, stuffy room for an endless time. After many days, some of them might at last be summoned, but going into her presence in great fear, they very quickly departed. They simply showed their respect by laying face down and touching the instep of each of her feet with their lips; there was no opportunity to speak or to make any request unless she told them to do so. The government officials had sunk into a slavish condition, and she was their slave-instructor.

That dog Justinian was livin the dream

^, I'm glad I'm not the only one on the meme train.

what about the zagros mountain?

also didnt the persians moved their capital deeper into iran after they first got wrecked.

why did the arabs managed to move past zagros montain but not the taurus?

I'm not even Anglo, so I normally use a different name altogether anyways.

>comparable only to some disgusting Asian war crimes.
Or you know the exact same tactics and methods that european colonialists used


your emperor is an autistic incompetent retard and your empress is a literal whore

bullshit 10 trillion jews died at Hitler's hands. What are you some type of Nazi?

Fucking instagram filters

Not to mention his head detaching from his body and floating around.

Because he killed a trillion people and his wife had wild orgies with animals.

Because he fucked a trillion animals and killed his wife.