/assg/ General


>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical multiplayer slasher game where 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them.

>What is Friday the 13th?
A slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats and abilities try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one.

>What is Last Year?
Beta coming this October, Class based with weaker killers.

>Discord Chat

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (DbD)

>Skill Check Simulator (DbD)

>Fall Masquerade Event (DbD)

>Spring Break DLC Trailer (F13)
[YouTube] Friday the 13th: The Game | Spring Break 1984 DLC | Trailer PAX West 2017

>Who Do You Main?

Extra vote for funzies

Couldn't adapt to thew new killer:

Other urls found in this thread:


1st for shitty compensation mask

Why would you willingly play discount billy? Am I just missing something that doesn't make him complete shit?

If hes under performing then I'm sure he'll get buffed eventually. The devs have a pretty big chub for him since he inspired some of the game's core aspects, like the hooks themselves. This could be the one killer they actually care about.

10/10 DLC


Bah. Post Deborah. Also feet, please.


So mori'ing survivorbabs also doesn't work to unlock the Leatherface masks.

I wonder if it has to do with killing the same survivor 100 times or something.

Can test with Mori's, someone add me and get in a private lobby.


Anyone else think Leatherface's running animation looks kind of stupid? He should be more lumbering for a guy that huge, not perky and bouncy.


That outfit was about what I figured for Deb, since she'd be the shy bookworm type.

I have found the counter to leatherface's chainsaw
just run around something in a circle/oval, like a pallet loop. I have yet to have found a leatherface that has mastered the technique of not running into things if you circle them

Can't see much here because of the pose.

Been gone for a couple days, did DbD add my boy Leatherface? As much as I hate DbD's gameplay, I might actually have to get it now.

What happened to billy?

Swimsuits for F13 out yet?

>MLGA says 130
>New ping indicator says 175

Yeah he's in the game now. Lots of people playing him. I have not bought the DLC, but from going against him (am a pretty shitty/average survivor admittedly) he seems pretty strong.


Doesn't even have to be a pallet loop. I ran around a bale of goddamn hay and was able to evade Leatherdaddy. They usually just give up and go fuck off to stop wasting time chasing you.

No mobility but he fucks over people who try to unhook in front of him. People are already complaining about him but I have yet to see one get over 2 kills.

130 isn't good anyways

Is it a good idea to ignore dailies? some shit is just annoying as fuck to do.

Anyone got any ideas on how to unlock the original 4 survivor's Leatherface masks yet? Mori'ing doesn't work.

post yfw playing as leatherface

is it even worth it to play as survivor right now?


she's in my lobby again come quick

Up to you. If you feel like its not worth the BP then just wait long enough and you'll be able to delete it.

I have 800 shards, what should I buy from the shrine?
I have both of claudette perks so I'm clueless about what to buy and I don't want to be at the cap.
200k BP doesn't feel like much.


Kill 100 Claudettes!



>I really wish I was playing billy now!

Hes a good piece of shit.

Could it be tied to Leatherface's tantrum? Like incap one of them via that.

Do I need to level up david king asap for his perk? is it good for leveling?

He's a downgrade to billy, you trade the mobility off for multiple down potential but imo he's really weak right now.

It just got nurfed but 100% more BP each game can be pretty nice if you can unhook/take hits and still survive.

Halloween is next month though, so I'm sure they'll do another 2x/3x BP event again for that. At least get it by the time the new event rolls around.

>large map
>grass everywhere
Why even add a escape hatch on these maps?

>Let a guy get the hatch and do gens since his team was so shit
>The claude I killed with just 2k points says "Reported" after the game


reported for what? what killer you used?

Where the fuck did all the survivors go?????

Probably cause I let the guy do the gens and escape. I don't know. It was Hag.

>Talking back to your superiors (a survivor)
>Saying "gg"
>Being nice

This is what happens when you give manlets the ability to report thousands of people with no actual proof and 0 consequences for flooding the system with rage reports.

right now nobody knows how to play against him so he's OP
however once people realize how easy it is for him to run into something if he tries to follow you while you circle around something, he's a worse Billy.

>survivor salt
it sustains me

2:56:16 and onwards my bad

Why is trapper still the most satisfying to play?

>When that trap goes snap

there's only one thing better than chasing an infinite looping fucker into a trap, and that's landing the chainsaw after sprinting across the entire map

>Leathers starting Mori animation is him swinging a hammer on someones head
>kept spamming M1 on the final survivor who waited on the hatch and T-bagged all game

It's a wonderful feel.

>add on to instantly down a survivor

just get the 200k bp and build it up again for next weeks. its worth it

You mean landing the 3 man leatherface down around a hook


If by that you mean late November at the earliest.

>Not even 24 hours since Leatherface's release

Every single fucking time.

As for leather, my analysis with him after a few hours is that he's pretty much your standard killer, very trapper esque but with more lethality, his ass saws are pretty much impossible to miss and the little sprint he gains as he goes nuts with the saw can catch people by surprise, that said his weakness is the same as everyone else that isn't the nurse, if you're near an area with windows he can't use his saw, if its an enclosed area you can get him to hit the wall and if you see him start swinging and are near a closet, you can go in and avoid it and pop out with no repercussion.

He's decent, I'd say mid-tier or so, his perks are insane though, the chili one is nuts to help you know if people are around for the unhook, smacking someone down and not having him pop up can be pretty disoriented and knocking the items out of teabagging shits at the exit is downright orgasmic.

A lot of killer perks got good buffs, overwhelming combined with overcharge is fucking stupid right now, on the survivor side, this is not happening is real good, it makes great skill checks even more trivial than they already are and from some tests I did, urban evasion crouch speed is faster than standard walking speed, so that's pretty dumb.

Didn't see any borrowed times tonight, pretty weird and it was all high rank lobbies to.

With trapper, you can always 100% say that it was on some part the fault of the survivor for getting trapped in the first place.

No other killer has this invulnerability from shit talk when winning. Well besides Wraith, but that's because he has nothing.

With Billy and now Leatherface, they bitch about their saws.
With Myers, they bitch about EW 3.
With Hag they call you the most horrid teleporting camper
With Nurse they just fucking hate everything about a good one
With Doctor they despise the way it makes the game play

But the Trapper? He simply puts down beartraps. Theoretically a careful survivor shouldn't be falling for them at all. But they so often often do. You put the trap in that looping spot just a bit nearby. You start the chase. They go to the looping spot and immediately get trapped. You outplayed them. They know it. You know it. And if they try to shit talk you for it, you know full well that they were just a sucker.

He's the iconic killer. Interesting character and character design, satisfying trap mechanics (setting, picking up, and that SNAP), the brutal machete, the arm wipe, the mask. Plus he just has the best running animation.

I just usually place them at pallets and watch them either run into them or get downed by trying to find another route away from me. works like a charm every time.

>destroy 9 hooks
is this shit worth the effort?

nah dude just kys

>Is sabo worth it?
Not really.

>you get 5000 points for 4kill with new Distressing

im gonna cum bros

>survivors go through windows faster now
>killers go through windows slower now
Yeah, everybody knows that killers had the real advantage when windows were involved.

*grabs you*

They go slower you nigger and killers faster.

Survivors are 1.1 seconds, killer is 1.5.

what perks do I need to level up fast as a killer?

Wait I screwed that up, survivors where slowed down but are still faster, killers got buffed hard in that regard, .4 second difference, easier to keep up basically.

>everyone in the match knows that someone's about to get fucked

>hag almost sacrifices me and almost downs all the other survivors.
This is actually retarded, her traps stun just long enough to stop unhooking and in the hooks with walls around them or building its a fucking deathtrap.

I don't get what they were thinking with hag. To me her gameplay does not seem fun at all. At least with trapper you have to be creative.

iron grasp is mandatory
everything else depends on who

If you're sub rank 10 Overcharge will make finding survivors trivial. Honestly you don't need any perks depending on who you're playing, they're just bonuses.

brutal strength used to be defacto but it isn't nearly as necessary what with the new changes to pallet stomps. distressing now awards 2x deviousness points so if you're good with any killer you could always run that (i like it on billy) and that is the most direct way to increase your bloodpoint gain, but it's situational. if you're new you won't want to run it unless you find yourself consistently without challenge and with lots of 4man kills.

hillbilly honestly is probably the best killer to gitgud at. if you can snag whispers 3 on him, the game becames a joke nearly. i used to run enduring, brutal strength, stridor/whispers, and agitation/any perk you want to dick around with.

this is bullshit. iron grasp sucks now. agitation is much better if you want a transport perk

>Just want to play a few rounds against Leatherface because he's creepy as fuck
>Every match is a camping trapper, hag, or shape

Fuck this ass game. They make the grind to level up and pip as survivors ridiculous and boring anymore, too.

isn't shape a meme unless you have both of his ultra-rares?

>This game got free DLC
>Haven't bothered to load it up
>DBD gets paid DLC
>Buy that shit

I'm back in

No. Any decent killer in ranks above 10, his EW1 terror radius almost guarantees him an early hook as he walks around the corner to 3 faggots rushing a generator.

He can be overcome by a good team, but you don't get a lot of those in solo queue.

this DLC feels kinda lazy, it's like "hey we got leatherface, nothing else matters"

The Shape is pretty fun to screw with in low ranks. If you let him farm you for EW ranks then hes less likely to target you later in the game. Successfully kite him in EW3 and he'll turn into a docile pussycat next time he sees you.

That being said though, with monitor & abuse hes the only killer who can actually cause me to jump out of my seat if I'm not paying attention.

No one who isn't absolutely awful will ever get pulled off a generator.

Is saboteur worth getting for daily rituals? doing 2 hooks per games feel kinda lame. I hate this and being forced to play jake/dwight.

I'm doing something wrong? I really like EW3.

>madness 3
>teammates are doing the last gen and exit door while he chases me all across the map
>the fug off as soon as they open the door
>last one left complete the mission
>get downed just at the start of the escape animation
>escape by crawling

I want to try F13 but i feel like it won't be as fun because theres no suspense
from what i heard you either never see him or spawn right next to him and get tele-grabbed and die 10 seconds in.

I wanted to try f13 but
really ruins it for me

>we will be able to wear Claudette's skinned face
That's enough reason to main Leatherface and play him against any lobby that includes at least 1 Claudette, right?

...Is Leatherface our guy?

>literal blackface
how can they get away with this?

>trapper 39
>claudette 47
who do I level up next?
I have the Myers DLC.

Hillbilly, fuck the system.

It's more suspenseful if you get one of the escape methods working like the car and then Jason shows up and does his very best to try to stop you.

However, there's a lot of wins where some party of people either fix up the car or boat and escape near immediately while Jason is off chasing some other bozo. A couple of the escape methods not being timed, but instead dependent on RNG spawns does that to a game.

Though that's sort of the game's nature considering it's like 7v1. Jason's expected to always kill like 1 unlucky bozo, but it's near impossible to get all 7 since there's fucking 7 of them.

because fuck sissy faggots getting their fee fee's hurt

You can always try it for free. Just make sure you request a refund within...2 hours I think? I gave it a shot myself but I honestly did not find the game to be as exciting or polished as DBD.

Well he can wear any of the 4 original survivor faces. It would if anything be racist if Claudette was specifically excluded.

Who cares? Anyone who knows a Claudette knows that they deserve it. People think they're slick niggas for using claud for stealth. Might as well treat them as such.

I believe this is what you call a "no win scenario".


Reminder: Protect your Dwight at ALL cost! Especially if they're totally new to the game.

With sjws you can never win.

I've seen it. It's actually hilarious.

On another note, I bet DbD scored the licence for Leatherface because there's a new movie in the Texas Chainsaw Msacre series literally titled Leatherface set to be coming some time this year still.

>On another note, I bet DbD scored the licence for Leatherface because there's a new movie in the Texas Chainsaw Msacre series literally titled Leatherface set to be coming some time this year still
Watch it be a fucking disaster like the new IT movie.