League of Legends general - /lolg/

Star Guardian Lux edition

OT: eyosongive.us

How the fuck do I play kindred

Daily reminder C9 will win worlds

>C9 Tristana with Sneaky's haircut and glasses
No thanks

Guys I finally got my Ornn to 50% winrate after 28 games of hell.

you wait till her eventual real rework
shes garbage rn sorry familia

why is zed disabled

Why did Riot nerf her so hard?



His W crashes the game for everyone in the match


I heard you guys suck cock

theyre in the process of buffing him for those sick worlds plays

Hey I didn't do anything to you

Xth for solo-carrying with best girl

Would you a Kog'maw, /lolg/?

>do well as Kayn in both Darkin and Assassin form, almost always the one carrying the team

>lose nearly all the games I played today anyway because I happened to get drooling retards or literal children more than usual on my team whenever I play this champ

Any other Kayn players out there?
How to carry games if one member on your team just won't cooperate or is too stupid to properly cooperate, and is throwing the game as a result? Or is it something wrong on my part?

anyone wanna do invasion missions?

Only when I make a bad play and my adc needs to punish me

I think kog is cute in a puppy way, I would make a pet out of him but i would never fugg.

The first step is noticing the patterns/mistakes which you have already done. The next step is to be aware of them as you play and stopping yourself from falling into them.


ADCs are the biggest fuckboys around

xth for breast metal waifu

But would you cuddle him tightly?

I wanna cuddle Jinx

>tfw Riot had our guy's back all the time
>Montecristo's boss send yuno to some doctor in Cambodia to get the reassignment surgery
>they took all the blame all this time

>Hey guys we're all pretty fed we should group and take some turrets
>What's that? Let's kill random jungle camps and get picked one by one until they catch up?
Every fucking game

True. Sometimes you just need to bully them into fighting

No, he would attempt to eat me.

kog is for cuddles

sometimes you just get days like that
best thing to do is to make sure you get however many hours it is you love sleepin because honest to goodness resting and forgetting randumbs is the best way to handle bad luck streaks

Why would he eat YOU?

Loving cuddles!

I agree, the problem is I only notice the very general pattern of "playing worse than usual". If I play and focus on playing well that's not very different from how I approach ranked games anyways. I think I need to figure out why I am playing worse when queueing with good players on my team and how I can stop that. This is similar to the "just play better" or "git gud" situation.

I'm going to kill myself lolg
I was plat 1 into d5 promos ~2 weeks ago, and now I'm fucking gold 2
my games are a fucking tossup because if im not in EVERY lane including the fucking jungle assisting these morons who die to camps theyll feed and hand the game over to gromp before I can do a thing
for example I smashed my lane pre 6 as zed v ahri but toplane nasus fed urgot so hard not even my even botlane (that I helped) with me could do something before he bought time for his team to get an easy win like wtf do I do in these situations
why do fuckers pick nasus in the first place

What do you do when you get countered? Sometimes when I play Syndra they just pick Kassadin and I spend all game zoned off creeps while every lane loses and have no idea what I was supposed to do other than "Hope they didn't pick Kassadin"

I don't like that someone went through this much effort to edit this doujin and I don't like that all the sissy gayboys are down in the worst lane

>Sneaky picking any other adc outside of Jhin for his skin

get OUT

Just try not to feed and farm when you can, then play your best in teamfights

I searched everything I had and couldn't find it. Might be able to go into one of the sandpanda threads on /h/ and ask if anyone knows. Just remember to post some of your favorites and contribute to the thread

Riven fun though. I wish I could be riven, except for the being barren part, of course

>Flash apparently doesn't cancel your auto, letting you flash after someone before they leave your auto range and your hit will just connect instantly
Amazing video game riot. Really was expecting enemies to be able to break the game to kill me when I should have been safe.
>You can also flash OUT of a knockup for literally no fucking reason at all
Amazing video game riot. Really was expecting enemies to be able to break the game to kill me when I should have been safe.

What champion skin scares you the most, on either team?
For me, Death Blossom Elise means every lane will get ganked and the jungle invaded twice before 7 minutes.

syndra is best girl by a lot but im total shit with her in game.

is this reason enough to give up on my dream of moving with her into a cottage on a snowy mountain and cuddling to keep warm while drinking hot chocolate and watching anime?

I play mid sometimes too because there have been a lot of cute skins released for midlaners this past couple of years

When I play tear champs should I just back as soon as I get 750 and the wave is pushed?

We should 1v1 so I can dive your mid lane

If you give up then that means you lack devotion to her. Just keep at it.

If by tear champs you mean Ryze then yes that is usually the case.

I mean Cass

Best girl.
Best pussy.
Best wife.

>enemy Kindred gets assblasted that our Yasuo is both decent and chill
>goes 0/9/0 while Yasuo goes 10/0/2

I wish I knew how to get out of lane phase with Yasuo without giving up 5 kills. He's so fun but he's made out of wet paper.

>Can't play a champion that can one shot an adc simply by using e on a random sphere on the ground

C'mon dude

What champ is old and still fun to play

>Queue for game
>Alt tab after I ban my champion until it's my turn to pick
>Apparently a guy spammed the chat asking me to jungle
>He not only locks in a jungler, but it's champion i have in my name, my main
So honestly tell me, why the fuck would you assume I'm going to say yes? I'm playing draft to get AWAY from you fucking faggots and you just do it anyway? Thank god that cleanse can replace clairvoyance so I can still disco nunu. Really don't fucking care anymore.

Maybe I'm retarded but aiming Syndra's E seems really hard. Anyone who isn't braindead will see you trying to line up the ball between you and them and move to the side.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

E is hard to hit

>Nerf janna
>Better buff ardent even though it's still currently bought on everyone

>fiora yi janna get skins
>viktor does not

if lanes are even all you need is a hex or tabi (depending on primary threat) on top of pd and proper use of your entire kit and your golden
and if youre really ahead get lifesteal item instead

Monkey of armor pen and lethality.

what the fuck
i'm a mediocre syndra and i have no trouble landing E
you fucking slow them with your W and then you E, what is so hard

or you trick them out with the range and use it on a ball they're not expecting because you're supposed to have more than one ball out at a time or else you're garbage

I want to eat lulu

Why do people think Syndra is braindead now? Before this season of her being meta, she was typically regarded as one of the harder champions in the game.

She blows dick if you don't get ahead, or you can't stall out until 3+ items properly.

fun to play is subjective, but i find the tanky front line junglers with pick potential like rammus and voli to be good for both having fun and climbing (gold or below, dont try in plat lul)

>this season
>has been complained about for her ult for the past 2 years

>spend whole game getting your adc fed
>they return the favor by never grouping up and always getting caught out alone 40 minutes into the game

Then ult them. That's not hard to hit

Throw a q on the ground, pick it up, throw it at them, throw another q, ult.
5 sphere, dead adc. Mastery emote

My mistake, feels like shorter than that, but the point still stands considering the fact that she's 5 years old.

why are support mains so fucking brain-dead honestly whenever i think ive seen the worst they find a new way to disappoint me

Maybe he will get the victorious skin?

I don't know why anyone would complain about her ult. It's really easy to counterplay, just don't get in range, that simple. If Syndra gets in ult range you simply fucked up

>easy farm that used to be even easier before earlygame q nerfs
>QE combo that does half your health
>Ult that everyone wants to flash out of but can't because it's point and click.
I mean sure, playing mages is harder than playing flashy assassins, but syndra isn't hard to play.

Lust for cock overwhelms their ability to play properly
Probably too busy blowing their boyfriends to focus

yeah seriously people are so dumb lol just stand so far away that she cant even see you, forget gold or exp or defending towers

Plz. I've done it. Ludens and some flat magic pen kills an ADC and squishy assassins. Syndra hurts a lot. They buffed her e damage and made her ult e retard combo even better

Phantom Thief Talon when? Or what champ would go great with this skin concept.

>Ever hitting Q on someone remotely competent
Don't stand still against Syndra my man. Get boots 1 and it's literally impossible for Q to hit you as long as you keep moving

could lulu realistically breed octopluts?

>miss q
>land w
>because w's hit radius is far bigger than it has any right to be
thanks for the advice asshole

How strong is Sonas core?

And you guys know you can cast a q and e before the the q even lands right? With movement speed from ludens and boots you can get a good angle on someone.

A fed Syndra doesn't need to ult the ADC unless she fucked up and missed everything. Just blow up a ribbon or Jax or something with the ult

>Lee will probably get the victorious skin
>Meaning an influx of shitty lee players

All things considered, the person who adopted her probably made sure she was in good physical condition if her abilities ever failed her, especially with the whole "anti-magic" thing. Beyond average enough to impress someone average, but nothing extraordinary - leaving aside that she does it despite her bountiful bosom.

xth for Cute Ashe

Get fuck idiot

Lee's been one of the most played champions through the entire history of the game. What would that really change?

Sona has awful back problems and had to find a chiropractor to continue with daily life. She's also considering breast reduction surgery.

>Victorleeous Sin
Bets that this silly name will be taken?

it will be now. well played

Anyone who got gold gets him for free and because they got a skin older people will come back to him

yes because everyone started to play maokai last year right kek..

What I don't get is that, without any major changes to her kit, she's gone from being considered one of the harder champions, to being easy as shit control mage.

So fucking what? Orianna can one shot carries when she's got those items too. Despite the meme, unless an ADC gets smacked by her whole rotation, you can't just die to a Syndra who's not ahead unless it's 30+ minutes into the game.

Former Kindred main here. Consider suicide, graves or Ivern.

Why is Sarah so lewd?

I love Lissandra!
No we don't
Talk to Ashefag about that
>Get fuck idiot
nigga u stupid

>free 4800 IP champ
Eh, could've been worse.

>be adc main
>ask leona annon to duo
>no reply

someone give me a gun already

Pretty much any AP mage worth their salt can one shot an adc. I don't really understand why there's so much butthurt about Syndra ult when Annie flash tibbers will delete you just as quickly.

SG MF's hair is literal perfection, so glad I got that skin. What a fucking semen demon