League of Legends General - /lolg/


Yorick broke League

top 3?

2nd for cute Finnish boys

what champs are boosters using these days?

Best Girl

What's one more grave

Pantheon. Yi/Kayle if duo.

It'll be fun to see which Azirs start playing him AFTER his miniwork.

Cutest slut

panteom? what the fuck am i reading

Pantheon appearently. Yi+Kayle is a popular combo. But really, if you're like d1 and boosting accounts to d5, you can play anything because you're that much better than those shitters.

W̴̛͚͂̌͒͂͌̏͗̈́̀̓͘͠͠h̵̟͇̱̭̄̾͛͊͝a̶̬͕̋̑͑̋͆͒̂̽̓͌̑̽͘͝͝t̵̢̖͇̩̭̘̬̜͔̳̜̓͛͒̃̈̔̈́͋͜ͅs̶̢͕̳̤̘̖̹͎̬̉̍̋̑̽́̇̀̀̽ ̸̢̛̤̼̱̜̮̟͖͚͎̃̄̎̈́̈́̽̍͝͠o̶̢̘͙̦̿̀n̴̞̟͓͓̾̀̎̈́̈̎̽͋é̸͈͈̘̞̟̥͕̞̻̞̜̖͉͓̚ͅ ̵̧̰̤̯̮͔͖̣̹̈́͊͠m̸̢̜̩͇͍͕͎̦̱͐͛̿̿͑̈͑̈́o̶̢̠͇̺͙͙͈͍̩͈̙̰̻̭̽͌̆̉͆́̾̈́̋̉̕̕̚͜͝r̷̡̡̧̼̠̼̖̞̠̫̟̥̫̈̾͜e̸̢̳͐͋͂̈́͌̑̽̇̉͜͝ ̶̣͎̼̞̔̎̽͐͠͠g̶͙͈̭̥͍̤͋̍͆̔̚r̶̼̫̙͍̠͍̯̾̽̋̉ͅa̵͉͋͒v̵̢̹̜̤̌ȩ̵̙̊̓̾̈́́̿͒̆̏?̸̪͓̮̗̝̰̗͓͚̌͌͗͋̑͒̄ͅͅ

Does anyone know which champion make a bad joke like a yordle, ionian and demacian walk into a bar uugh they die. This is not exact but it was something like that

Soraka is not a slut. She would never do anything lewd like make adult videos.

>tfw my last ranked game was lost despite having a Yi + Kayle duo because our bot-lane fed twitch 10 kills in 20 minutes and I couldn't hold them off.

what do boosters do if game goes late and they are stuck with a champ that gets 2 shoot?

if youre here lendo
i love you

She probably plays adult video games though

Poppy says the bar shit. Don't know about dying


game doesn't go late. When you're a 5/0 diamond player on a fed as fuck Pantheon against gold shitters, they don't know what the fuck to do

cats or dogs?

So when the lulu thread dies why do they come here?

absolutely canon

Mentally ill people like being heard.

Xth for this'll be a slaughter.

What are some good midlaners for a noob to learn?

nice servers lolbabs


"A Freljordian, a Noxian, and a Zaunite walk into my blade. The end."


Karthus, welcome to Outplays R' Us

Veigar, Cass, Taliyah, Ekko, Galio, and some ad mid like Zed or Kha

Annie, Lux maybe Ahri

Why is Riot so fucking slow at balancing? Like, Aatrox is complete fucking garbage, would it hurt to just toss some damage increases in there with a new patch or at least on the PBE? Why do they only ever touch ~5 champs at a time and then wait 2 months before they change something new?

Is Fizz good? His ult with the giant shark thing looks cool.

>ad mid like Zed or Kha
What are some of the differences between the midlane edgelords like Katarina, Zed, Talon, etc?

Fizz is great to be a little shit with, just don't expect to master him after one game. He requires some finesse to not go 1:1 KDA



Veigar, Annie, Lux.

>Kha mid
Fucking kill yourself right now.

You don't let it go late, you do everything in your willpower to fuck every lane at once

There are a shitload (or maybe they're all one player/a couple of them) of talon one tricks in plat-> low dia.

It was better when the Yordles were just the underdogs instead of them being this magical "Hidden" race

How much does a boost up from Silver to Gold cost?

>kha mid
Have you not played since season 3?

Ekko is easier to learn as far as ap assassins at least in my opinion but Fizz is good too.
Don't know much about Kat. Talon is better for roaming and Zed can do a ton of interesting things once you learn him enough.

Would it make you feel better if I said I thought about suggesting Panth mid instead?
Does Kha mid not work anymore?

Panth mid is still retarded but would be a much better option. Don't recommend Zed or Talon to beginners you fucking cunt.

xth for Syndra
seriously now

Got to learn harder champs somehow.

Why are you making recommendations when it is clear you either don't play or play at such a low level nothing you do actually matters? Recommending kha mid is as stupid as telling people to hecarim bot lane. You're just gonna get smashed in lane and never have a chance to play

Did they fuck?



I think its just them likng explosions. Pyromaniac bond

just dodge the unrankeds bro

>tfw no matter how hard you try, every other lane will always feed

I'm just going to troll pick from now on

t every yasuo who feeds every game

Literally the same thing as recommending Meepo to a first time DotA player. Zed is mechanically one of the most challenging champs to not suck ass as. Literally any midlaner would be a better recommendation for a new player, even fucking Yasuo.

Try Rammus.

He burst a large amount of white hot debris after she stroked his stick of dynamite enough times and held his round circular heavy bombs in her hands

If Tarick is the Chad, who is the virgin?


I finished the League full-length comic I posted about here a while ago, take a look if you care.


fucking cripples

Star guardian anime with cute raka neet when

aatrox doesnt bring money
janna soraka and lulu players do
lets leave them op forever!

what a handsome man was yi

>actually recommending the hardest champ in the game to a beginner
why is /lolg/ so bronze


you would have gotten much more positive reviews from us by just posting the imgur link. I'm not even gonna read this trash.

vg vs vg euw when?

>attached image is a tumblr nose, tumblr lips piece of garbage
thank you for making sure that i don't even have to attempt to open it to know it's awful

Sorry. I'd just like to get some momentum going on it, having worked many hours on it.

But I get where you're coming from.

it's a shame, the artwork doesn't look half bad.


Why do most western artists insist on making their girls as ugly as humanly possible?
Why would you want to draw someone unattractive? It doesn't make any sense.

stop oppressing me

is it worth it for a dotard to try and convert to LoL?


Why would I ever play Volibear when I can play Singed? literally what is this furry polar nigger good for?

No reason not to try.

Honestly, I just can't seem to get attractive faces right unless I resort to straight-up anime moeshit, which honestly I don't like.
Making Kat look like a woman was the single biggest challenge in the whole thing.

Who is the Chaddest champion?

Who is the most virgin champion?

My votes, Draven and Ezreal respectively

I want to vomit
Wait until the new runes come out in November, the game is stale as shit compared to dota


At least you admit it, some artists take pride in drawing ugly people, like they are making some kind of bizzare statement.

So /lolg/, let's discuss Yordles. We just got a new Ziggs comic, so now would be the perfect time to ask this question.
How do you feel about the way Yordles now fit in within the League universe? Is there anything you feel Riot did a shit job on? Anything they did right? Are you hoping for a rework/VGU/lore update of older Yordles, or fine with the way they are now? Who's Your favorite yordle? No Lulu allowed

what a shameless fucking (you) seeker.

Why do people drop the "furry" buzzword so damn much now-a-days. Does it really matter?


I'm as far removed from tumblr ideologies as can be.

i got banned on reddit once for posting a Nazi skin concept art


t. furry homogay with shitslime permanently coating his benis

>Is there anything you feel Riot did a shit job on?
Everything, yordles are the worst part of the new lore by far. It speaks volumes that the comics were being pretty decent until we got this one.

Corki is now a hamster? since fucking when?

>an ancient evil awakens

The old lore was better.

Them being just the underdog race in a land of humans and things that want to kill everything was far more interesting than a "secret magical race that everyone hates and MIGHT be a void sleeper agent."

Riot had a neat thing going since runeterra clearly wasn't pulling the old Elves and Dwarves thing again, now its just "humans and everything wants to kill humans."

they're basically fairies, i don't have an issue with that
that comic is terrible
veigar is the best yordle followed by trist

Because Kindred and Rengar exist.

>Malphite Rammus Ekko Quinn Naut
>Panth Gragas Zed Jinx Lulu
i'm the upper team, are we gonna win?

Reminder that players that do nothing but spam matches in an attempt to increase their ranking are grind monkeys and should be looked down upon. Truly skilled players spend more time on focused practice than actual games and climb the rankings more quickly as a result.

reminder that this is a fucking childrens video game you austist.