League of Legends General - /lolg/

loloo cute

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Best couple!

xth for Sona

I wanna cuddle Jinx

xth for Syndra

theres a mom and her kittens right outside my window
what do?
should i feed em?

who here /duowithmyalttoensuremyteamloses3v5/

How do I find a waifu /lolg/

never feed strrays u dummy

How does the league community view people who one-trick a hero to climb rank?

Overwatch community seems to love and worship them

why will they never leave?

You're thinking of the universe where Ezreal uses turquoise hair dye in streaks and Lux has bubblegum hair.

>when your team just flat out steamroll the enemy team

3D or 2D

No. Shoot them all. Cats are fucking worthless scum.

I have way more respect for one tricks than for people who abuse the meta constantly and are literally fotm meta slaves.

t.diamond otp

>tfw no qt duo to tank elo with

Stray cats are predatory animals, just leave them and they will fend for themselves, otherwise you're just asking for trouble - if they stick around you might discover they possess behavioral issues and are not good cats. I think. That might just be a thing with dogs, though.

Psychopath detected.

nobody gives a fuck usually. Unless the champ gets banned then you might get flamed for only being able to play 1 champ.

Also onetricks are usually worse at the game as a whole than average players around their rank, but they are really good at using their champ in a fight so it makes up for it. Versitile players are generally better. Onetricking is an easy way to climb tho

t. vayne onetrick

reddit hates them so I like them, especially weird autistic mains like nasus or ashe

Really? What if someone one-tricks Rammus, Annie or Garen?

respectable unless its a heal support, thresh, vayne, riven, lee sin, yasuo, zed, master yi, gnar, or fiora

>feed strays
>mother and her kittens eventually leave
>one kitten refuses to leave

and thats how i got my cat

depends on the area here in the city they practice a catch neuter and release to control the population while still allowing the strays to exist and kill all the fucking rats and mice we have

If they can climb to D1/Master/Challenger with those champs in this meta, they deserve a lot of respect.


How long until the season ends? I need to get in at least 70 more games to see whether im good or not

also i forgot to say i want to fuck nidalee in the ass

I dont think I have ever seen an OTP like that aside from annie bot but they would get insane amount of respect. I otp camille (on my way to diamond right now) and I keep getting friend requests left and right because people cant believe what the fuck they are seing when I play camille

sounds like the plan is early or mid november.

what would your cat say if she heard you say that ?!

Seriously? Psychopath ? lmao cats are scum, kid. Useless eaters. No cat has ever loved a human, its a bond in which the cat feigns love so it gets food. Youre fucking dumb if you think cats love you.

Cats can catch their food without a human.

>haven't played since mid 2012
>want to redownload it but I know I'll be completely fucked

we have to go back

game is shit don't bother

why is it that im the only person in my elo that doesn't chimp the fuck out when i get autofilled support?

she would prolly say that i have shit choice in champions to fuck and also that she heard nidalee has FIV

its better than overwatch at least

>its better than overwatch at least
yeah but you don't argue which part of the toilet is the least dirty, you just flush it

>Jinxfags got cucked by fucking ziggs of all champions

>have to stare at this

>Jinx is a yordlefag

at least this side of the dirty toilet isnt yelling at me calling me a nigger over and over as im trying to take a shit

People think supports are boring, have little to no impact on the outcome of the match and require no skill to play, so they figure they might as well pick a carry, mage or assassin and try to carry anyway.


>tfw I'm soon nearing the shithole called "D5"
Pray for me, anons


>tfw gave up trying to escape

Same here. High plat already and shit is becoming unbearable. People have the attitude as retards in silver (e.g. you ks´d me so I go afk lol) but in silver I could have at least 1v9 easily

What'd he do this time? I want to say the Art for the Jinx Comic but if he wrote it that'd also add to why its garbage.

you are now imagining gore rule34 of jinx using a string of grenades as anal beads and as ziggs is pulling it our of her ass he accidentally pulls ones of the pins


wen es werls arraivin

i'd violate her law with excessive force

>people think support isn't fun to play
>people think playing support is beneath them
>people have a "carry or be carried" mentality but don't know how to carry as a support
In short, because shitters are bad.

hahaha holy shit

I like playing support but i dont like having to constantly hold everyones hand because the people who got to play their main roles fucking suck ass


holy shit y'all i finally got out of bronze, bye bye cancer. we silver 5 now bitches. onward and up

do you live in pripyat?

Death should never be quick, it should be an opera

>guys, how do we remind people that ziggs exists?
>I know! Lets imply him and jinx are fucking!
The geniuses at Riot truly go unappreciated.


Why can you still not ping enemy ultimates yet?

>The geniuses at Riot
Someone gave Burch a pity job, and from leaked slack messages even people at Riot hate him.


>State of jinx players right now

>Riot makes a useless "enemy ward here" ping thats literally only used occasionally for jungle ganks
>instead of the "please ward here" ping that people actually asked for
Riot doesn't listen to their players. They do whatever the fuck they want.

>Riot makes a useless "enemy ward here" ping thats literally only used occasionally
I would use it but I don't even know how, It's not on the ping wheel

pretty sure a lot of people don't know and they don't bother asking/looking for it either

>bye bye cancer
>we silver 5 now bitches

Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer. Also that Silver V is Bronze except everyone has an ego and is permanently tilted.

what? I just do a warning ping and say its warded

you have to manually keybind it because "m-muh ping wheel will be too big :("


>no trigger discipline

I won't step on your head canon user

Can i get a link to these leaks?

>tfw no qt petite gf that hasn't been ruined by Niggers, Yordles, or Burch

BrV-BR I : shit but hilariously stupid. You actually have fun
SiV-Si II- Generally I think most Silvers could get to Gold, usually you'll play with idiots who pick what's op and get themselves killed. Game isn't fun, but not really frustrating. You'll ask "why" a bunch
Si I- Gold IV: One of the worst places to be in. Escape as soon as possible. Boosted players, Boosters and people who think Gold means anything are here. You'll lose braincells if you stay too long. Try to dodge anytime you see something stupid.
Gold III- Plat IV: People accept the fact that they have some moderate skill but are still shit. It gets worst at Plat V and IV, because everyone thinks they can carry. You'll see a bunch of assassins here, literally just play tanks and /ignore all every game.
Plat III- DiV : Don't play league. True ELO hell. Idiots are increased tenfold. RAge quit like Bronzies, when you tell them they suck. /ignore all and split push with top or a farming jungle. IT's you and 4 NPC's. This is hell. Don't make it your goal.

When will the "lee sin is hard" meme finally stop? He is so fucking strong early game, every silver shitter can hit Q or flash kick and get 4/0/0 within the first 10 minutes

Its funny how Jinxposting was just starting to pick up when Burch decided to strike. This is his revenge on Veeky Forums hackers

Dont have them, they were on here and /v/ when it happened. Apparently they were going on about the company classifieds

Okay THAT actually annoys me. RIOT, she would know better than that! The fuck!?

The old one dimensional champions are sometimes even harder to one trick I think.

Your kits are so basic or limited,that you literally have to play perfect games to climb.

With high mechanical champions you have always a second way to go,you have more room to not get punished.

Your fundamentals of the game need to be retardly good.

n-no albania

I bet you support Drumpf. Fuck u.

Because Lee Sin isn't easy to play against people who are a touch above average, just like most other champions, really. Blow your Flash or land a Q, that's your lot if you want to perform a sick pick-off. Then again he can always play peel bot for Trist or Twitch.

Do you think he is monitoring these threads, looking for the next waifu to ruin? Who is next??

Anuuuu ka cheeki breeki v damke papali papali suka


>TFW my waifu is camille
>Literally nobody knows she exists
I dont know who is next but I know who isnt

If Ziggs can get a cute petite gf, why can't I?

your dick is too big

Because he's a batshit insane arsonist just like Harleen 'Jinx' Quinn.

>Get my first Honor capsule
>It contains Eve and 5 key fragments
t-t-t-thanks Riot...

>Get my first honor capsule
>has an anivia champ shard
>Get my second
>Medieval twitch

Kayn seems to be average at best tbqh. I think Riot made a nice balanced champ this time. Fuck Ornn tho unkillable piece of shit.

I don't think that's ever been the problem...

Ornn turns the game into a 4v5 what are you talking about

I just want Jhin or Lucian.

How big are you? uwu