Palestine didn't exist before Israel

>Palestine didn't exist before Israel
When will this meme fucking die?

Palestine is where the "Philistines" came from, right?

Nice strawman. The real argument is that Palestinians didn't exist before balfour.

Arabs immigrated there after jewish settlers built up the region and introduced modern agriculture, turning uninhabited land into cities over decades

But who owned the land in the first place?

Is this bait?

it was inhabited, just sparsely due to Ottoman mismanagement until the late 1800s making it a shithole. fucking Ottomans were so hands off that there were bedouins rading villages

You know the Ottomans were financially struggling, so less funding for militia to patrol a vast, low pop density region

Ottomans, but what does that matter? Who owned it before the Ottomans and soforth?

Do you think Palestine was some bustling mega region?

>Ottomans, but what does that matter? Who owned it before the Ottomans and soforth?
Don't know - mind telling me?

>Israel shouldn't exist because it's a British invention
>Palestine deserves to exist because of a British coin


Is the history of Tel Aviv bait too?

How curious that you only care about Palestine under Palestinian (muslim) control and under Ottoman (Muslim) control, but not by any of the other powers which have occupied it. But heaven forbid I make any conclusions from your singlemindedness lest I be accused of being biased.

Palestinians were the original jews, modern jews that claim israel to be their homeland are khazar converts

Are you a fucking retard?

The funny thing is even their religious texts state the Jews originally stole the land via war and genocide.

This, fuck palestians. That land belongs to slavs now

The Palestinians/Arabs deserved to get their land taken. If it wasn't for the Arabs cooperating with the eternal Anglo (T.E. Lawrence) to overthrow the Ottomans, Palestine might still have been in Muslim hands. Instead the Arabs went all muh Sharia and turned their country into the breeding ground for terrorism and Wahhabism.

>muh heritage, muh rightful clay

I know this is the history board, but could we base our politics on the context of the modern era and not dubious ancestral claims that are hundreds or thousands of years old?

Facts never die.

It didn't. It was always owned by someone else even back when it was called the levant.

prior to the creation of israel the entire area was called palestine, the jews who lived there called themselves palestinians

It's called Coile Syria you stupid barbar.

No, they founded it. Originally they were one of sea people.communities.

This is 100% not true.

Tell me the land that wasn't conquered by the ancestors of whoever lives there now.

Your post is 100% false

The region was known as Judea before the Romans renamed it to Syria Palaestina.

Most of Europe, Asia, and Africa have indigenous populations that have existed there since settlement by mankind. I'm just saying that Israel was founded on genocide and a religious superiority complex.

Europe - Indo-European expansion
Asia - Han expansion
Africa - Bantu expansion


We could and all of this by making it Roman again and setting up a temple to Jupiter.

Palestine as a place existed sure. Palestinians as a people are a fake nationality created only as a counter to Jewish immigration and claims on the land.


Its been disprove with genetic tests. Go back to /x/

So Muslims living there can be Israelis?

You have 1,000 BC Jewish DNA on hand to sample?

kys pls

>Do you think Palestine was some bustling mega region?

Just like all the other arab and asian countries, the had an extraordinary population growth since 1800.

In 1800 Egypt had a population of 3 million.
In 1900 it was 10 million.
Today: ~90 million.

You can't just ignore world wide trends in population growths to cater to your zionist meme argumets

>Palestinians as a people are a fake nationality created only as a counter to Jewish immigration and claims on the land.

Yet they are closely related to Druze, Middle Eastern(!) Jews and bedouins.

Neither side will ever admit this, but middle eastern jews and palestinians are more closely related thant palestinians and lebanese. Or palestinians and native jordanians.

>Every part of the Muslim world is Arab except this cherry-picked spot right here where the locals passively converted themselves thanks to Muslim reverence for the holy land allowing them to do so.
we wuz egypts tier

>Every part of the Muslim world is Arab excep

Thats not what I said.
Obviously lebanese and jordanians are different peoples aswell.....

If aything it is the arab identiy (the implication it is a race) that is made up.

>The closest genetic relatives of the european group of jews are northern italians
The eternal venetian strikes again!

jew came through rome to europe.
Some historians even claim there was a time in romen when it was fashionable to convert to judaism.
Like all those hipsters who converted to budhism in the 1990s.

There certainly was a lot of mixing.
Male jewish traders coming from palestine and marrying italian women etc.