League of Legends general - /lolg/

King of 1v1 edition
OT: Eyosongive.us

Anyone else miss Dominion as much as I do?

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Is Plat Elo range on NA just a sea of lonely homosexuals that you have to carry?

posting cross thread for visibility

Should I pick up ryze again?

>Just picked Ryze top
How bad can it be fellas? I will be okay if I never use ult right?

Your ult is really versatile
You can use to to escape ganks or absolutely fuck over your team, the possibilities are infinite

Daily reminder that Ahri mains are virgin weeaboos.

xth for Syndra

Rengar feels like a rather weak but cheesy early lane imo

You either snowball or feed

Leave Faker to me.

yooooo playing this game on NA on the weekend is a super scary thing to fucking witness

I wanna cuddle Jinx

Xth for Syndra's great fashion sense

Most people either don't have time or just don't care enough to put in the work and deal with all the bs that comes with climbing

I tryharded for D5 before uni started and now I could care less about playing ranked. Will probably just do the 1 game a month til preseason. I don't have a lot of time to play now so I'd rather just play norms and shit stomp

can the very best players really carry any game in d5+

could dopa win a game where he is laning vs a galio and his botlane fed 15 kills to draven by 10 minutes

Worlds icons and skins are in the store.
Do you think your region will make it far?
Also, they are using the same scheme for the SG skins, you pay more for the icon so you can have the Emote.
They're all on the bundle section.

Post your champions with LEAST mastery. Get judged by others.

dopa can for sure
dunno about anybody else

yes you shoul if you enjoyed him

and to answer your previous question, yes, he's supposed to farm it out and scale until he hit's enough dps to effectively carry the game

>king of 1v1
Surprise! I'm back

>Championship Ashe gets released
>still no fucking trace of a Cass skin

Riot treating this champ like utter dirt, as usual. What's even worse, she'll be the only champion this season who won't receive a summoner icon along with a 1350 RP skin, what a goddamn joke. This is blatant negligence.


I promise you as a diamond adc main with draven being one of my most played champs this season that if someone like dopa had even a slight lead he would find a way to fuck me. diamond isn't this place where everyone is suddenly a god and people don't throw away leads


syndra a shit
ahri is best thats why shes the leader

The thing is you don't need to win every game to climb.

Dopa has lost games in silver.

So if you have good positioning and combos he can still put out the big damages? I never understand people who thirst for early kills on lategame champs. Just chill out mang.


a comically fed draven is game over whoever you are, like he has death dance + merc scim done by 15 mins and is 15/0, anyone with half a brain (d5 players just about qualify) can just power down botlane 2v5ing while one shotting everyone at that point

>Dopa has lost games in silver.

Whats your favorite champion quote?
Mine is "defeated by a small female" by Anika, the fire mage

this is some bullshit


Hahahhaha for real making fun of all the people with autism in Plat NA is actually more entertaining then the game itselfs

Syndra is far classier than ahri. Have you seen her snow day skin?

Syndra isn't the leader because she could care less about that. She wipes the floor with Ahri.

being a god at league doesn't let you win every game even in silver

sometimes there is literally nothing anyone could do to stop their monkey teamates feeding a no counterplay hypercarry like kog or yi

like im not talking a few kills because you can outplay, but if your botlane is 0/20 to a kog-lulu it doesn't matter how you play the game is over even when smurfing


positoning, using different combos properly, kiting. That doesn't mean you can't go for an early kill, just that most midlane matchups don't really allow that. Ganking for Ryze is incredibly easy though so you can ususally count on jgl support

Mine is "I have a master's in slamming, and it's time for a lecture" by Dan in his Space Jam skin

t. brainlet bronze babby

>riot reworks jax
>"surprise! I'm back, again!"
Yes please

cause she is utter dirt lmaooo

idk if thats true but its easier to carry against better players up to a point. sometimes silvers just do some crazy shit get lucky and thats a 70sec death timer
im low dia and find it way easier to blow out plat 5s over silvers. they do shit that just locks my brain up for a sec and thats all it takes while a plat player does generally correct things just in a shitty way

I believe in meme magic after playing this game on PLAT ELO NA

When you see living walking memes as in people, then you have no choice to believe in meme magic.

PixelButts wherever you are

AD Heavy enemy team, already building Zhonya's for the AP and armor. Frozen Fist a viable item for that setup?

>tfw no qt petite gf

Best couple!

What are you playing?

Jealousy is such an ugly emotion

As Morde, I forgot to add fuck me

You fags better be ready.

This is actually true to some extent, but you should win at least 90% of your games.

There's a difference between going for an early kill and running into the enemy minions trying to combo them every time W is up.

What do I build? Still tear and roa?


jealous of what? You seem like the one who has a problem. I just love Syndra and I don't go telling others that their waifu is shit.

"Evade! I jest, that wouldn't benefit your current situation in any form." Hex the Lax Artillery

>people not beeing stung
>just scared and trapped by honey
I like this Singed. I like him much more.

>jealous of a shitty fox slut


That's cool and all but let me know when Eve is revealed.

next week along with new runes probably

>tfw your petite gf has a cock

Oh, i also forgot to add, from this year forward, Worlds Emotes are permanent.

tear, roa, usually lucidity boots but not a 100% required, then void if they have mr, zhonyas if their AD heavy + you can splitpush pretty easily with Zhonyas+R combo taht will get you out of almost every situation
then Staff is another good buy because of the shield. you'll need it because you have small range so you'll oftentimes be focused in teamfights so you need that extra survivability

That only makes it better.

Do you ever get morellos?

Dunno how to prove it, I saw it on his PUBGOSU account but it's now banned.

It's not like he fed or anything, he had funny scores like 2/0/1, 3/1/1, my losses rarely look like that.

> A Soraka skin and Singed skin in the same year

Wasn't there a relatively high elo autist in here that only played those two champs before


Oh! I forgot Morellos! another good buy cause it gives you literally all you need; CD, Mana and AP. I usually build as a 2nd big item yeah


'Perchance hast thou caught a glimpse of mine ursine companion, Tiber Caspian the 7th?' - Anushka the Molotov dispenser

Not a morde player but when i play rumble against ad teams i go tabis + zhonyas + randuins/sunfire(as a third item). The other 2 are ap and hp items. But on morde you can try replacing the randuins with a righteous glory for some engage

Okay was making sure, my old build was tear -> roa -> morellos -> finish archangel or situational, depending on the game and teams

I used to run thunderlords but I see a lot of them with storm raiders now, which one is better in your opinion?

o maybe he just got flamed and gave up iv lost quite a few in silver that way

I know a guy who made it to challenger with Singed some seasons ago and now only spams Soraka top but no idea if he hangs around these parts and he's only like D3-D2 this season.

I used to take TL too, but I realized that with stromraider you are much better off against mobile champ which you see like almost every game mid, also there's better kiting because of the movement speed and generally you have much more survivability which more important than having few extra damage, which you're gonna eventually have anyway once you scale up
all the pros use it to so why not

Do you think she(or he) has a small and cute cock or a large one hiding in her shorts?

What champions are you sure Riot unironically regrets having made and try to ignore

Does stuff like viktor e count as a unique damage source on both parts for the new thunderlords and stormraiders?

I know morgana wont anymore because it's an ongoing damage source instead but stuff like viktor e and velkoz w have 2 parts.

How about empowered auto attacks too, do they count as 2 still?

looks like she's been on HRT for a long time so a small one

Top raka is underrated imo

>Anushka the Molotov dispenser

i think she has a tight female vagina

Ryze, Aatrox, Kindred. I'm sure there are more but I'm lazy


How do you feel about this season's new champs? I'll start.

Xayah. A really well designed adc. Her kit is really well put together and is very fluid and satisfying to play. Also perfectly balanced.
Kayn. As far as junglers go, he's pretty unique with his transformations. His personality has a lot of charm too once you get over the edge, especially Rhaast.
Rakan. Aside from his ult, his kit is pretty unoriginal but still fun. Very annoying to play against though. At least he's not complete cancer.
Ornn. Feels terribly clunky to play. Kit is all over the place and he's still really weak somehow. I feel like he was rushed.

Makes sense. I don't use storm raiders on anyone I play so that will take some getting used to. What are matchups I should be afraid of? And does he still work in top?

I imagine it would be really small, pierced and phimotic.

Holy shit most fun I had in the last month
>Get baited by trist and she jumps away with few hp
>Team gets jumped on by akali and maokai
>FREE out of jail card while we tp right next to fucking tristana
>NIggas tries to run
Not to mention fucking overload with flux hits for 1000

Any reason why nashor looks like this?

Apparently not fizz because they keep buffing him when he's already good

i hate going against singed
why dont i just play singed
im now a singed player
this is how cancer spreads
please kill me

Worlds skin.


What, you don't want Nashy to get a change of wardrobe once in a while?
I mean, he only wears a hat during Xmas.

Despite being predominately for futa, tight Jinx pussy just feels right.

> Aaatrox

An announced rework and that hype around Kayn is more than anything the other two have gotten

what the fuck riot? nice religion enforcement. where is the hanukkah or kwanzaa hat? HUH?!

I just dodged a under 50% win rate Yasuo on PLAT ELO NA

Wait 5 minutes, next game is a fucking free win enemy surrenders before 20 minutes.
Fuck NA and it's weeb meme people, do these people actually a free thought of their own?

It's called snowdown not xmas to avoid that

who the fuck celebrates this shit