Why are black people the worst customers? rude, demanding, impatient, make stupid requests, act entitled...

why are black people the worst customers? rude, demanding, impatient, make stupid requests, act entitled. Shit pisses me off...nobody owes you people shit

Sorry, but the worst customers are old people, especially old women.

Liberals enable it.

if you have a job serving blackers, you're doing something wrong, user. you need to get yourself out of that situation. that could mean finding a similar job at a classier establishment, or maybe even moving to a different part of the country. forget about the rudeness and pant sagging, you are playing russian roulette here, user. these monkeys are gunning us down in the streets and people refuse to even talk about it. this isn't a game.

>he's never had to deal with upper middle class soccer moms

1. TRY /R9K/


50-80 y/o white dudes are the fucking rudest motherfuckers.

>back in high school
>same group of gray hairs come in every day
>buy cat food, pint of skim milk, old fruit, and deli lobster rolls
>screech as you place more than one item in a bag at a time
>pull out messy pile of coupons and shuffle them with their icy hooks looking for $0.20 off of their thin slice bread
>total is $17.24
>check book comes out, write check for 16.82
>change purse comes out, slowly dig through change to pay for the rest
>heads straight to the manager to complain that you put the greeting card they bought on top of their bread

Old people should be gassed


No, YOU get it together you geriatric fuckhead. If we don't have them I can't magically pull one from my anus.

I fucking hate old people. Just dig the fucking hole already

>why are black people the worst?


Just find black community message boards and talk about south parks boogers and cum song, once a ton of black ppl have seen it maybe they will change

Where are you from? Here in Bavaria old people are the most polite and friendly people, always making fun jokes, flirting with the cashier and often give chocolate to postmans, etc.

You can't compare old Germans with old Americans. The toxic American culture destroys people.

the worst desu, you'd think after all those years on the planet they wouldn't be so stupid


They're bitter because society gave the black man money and rights.


>muh eggggs
>dont smash my bread
>14 bags on that ice cream so i get a soggy oile of paoer with my 1/40th of a pint of always save ice cream.
>spend 45 minutes chitchatting while im litteraly shaking because i am mastwr race bagboy and we dont use no fucking pleb carts. Besides, mutherfucker wont move anyway.

Spend 30 moving coats and trash and shit because they havent cleaned out their car in over 50 years when it was new. Take bags one at a time off u and throw them on a pile in the trunk anyway so they can bitch about you smashing their bread. Like i havemt done this 1,000 times today already you old bitch...

Worked there 3 years and 1 particularly nasty old cunt with the worste attitude came on. Bitched for 30 minutes. Said "dont put a bunch of shit on my eggs like u always do and dont smash my bread. " lying cunt. Day one on only ever out bread on eggs and only 1 each. Thats how i fucking do it.

Takes forever.

Mouthes off more shit.

>fuckit.jpg. droo her shit and bust glass all over. Grab bed and eggs and fling it on the roof. Tell her what a hateful nasty old cunt she is. Turn 360 degrees and walk to my car. Last day there

Well so am i. For the handouts and loose regulations on being rascist to whites. And >muh affirmitave action. Fuckoff

I work as a waiter in a black neighborhood. We get all kinds of people in the restaurant, though. I usually make $180 to $250 a night because of how expensive the checks can get. It's not a high class restaurant but it fills a niche and people come from all over the state to eat at the restaurant.n

You have to be a complete fucking idiot to not become a racist after working at this restaurant for more than a month. I used to listen to Molyneux a lot and pretty much everything he says about bell curves of behavior and intelligence are true. Sure, you can get a lot of nice, good tipping black customers each night, but you're more likely to get fucked by niggers over and over again. The worst ones travel in large packs of 8 to 20. They are like primitive tribes, stealing food from each other, forgetting what they ordered, and acting completely fucking indignant no matter what.

I really hate my job. Each day I get more sick of looking at these fucking niggers. It's a zoo. It's Donkey Kong Ape Escape. Fuck.

Niggers are the most uppity creatures on this planet, and very undeservedly so. You'd think that since they wallow in shit in Africa and everywhere else they are but America, they'd be less picky than other races when it comes to comfort/luxury. But no, they complain about the smallest things and want everything perfect.

I suppose that I'll drop a nignog story that is Veeky Forums related, just to bump your post.

>Be me, 19 years old.
>Working a job at an auto shop.
>Be out front, working the cash register for a customer.
>Enter, Tyrone Jefferson.
>400lbs of black terror, followed by 5 of his baby momas litter.
>I cannot see anything going on, due to the lay out of the storefront.
>Cameras catch everything, manager in back runs out.
>He is in shock.
>Unruly pickaninies running about, playing with tools on the shelves, one even takes down a muffler from our display and hits his sister with it.
>Child is bleeding on the floor.
>Child is unconscious.
>Tyrone screams at me, as I'm helping a customer.
>Asks why we have deadly objects just hanging around on the walls.
>Tells me to call 911.
>Owner stops me, yells at Tyrone.
>"Get your fucking children out of my store."
>Papa nog mumbles something like "Muh kids are gonna die."
>Owner does the most based shit I've ever seen or heard...
>Looks at Tyrone and says "good."
>Tyrone leaves with his children.
>Takes little unconscious nog out.
>One of the little buckwheats takes the muffler used to assault his sister.

It was a pretty good time really. I'm from a small town, and before that, I have never seen a black person up close. All the stories that my grandpa used to tell me were apparently true though.

>Fast forward a month or so.
>Tyrone comes in.
>Says he wants work done for free, or else he will sue.
>I say something like "Sir, there is no way our owner is going to give you anything. I don't even need to go get him."
>Noggers chimps out.
>Yells, says its bullshit, calls us honkeys and crackers.
>Owner sees this on security camera in his little office.
>Calls police.
>Police come into storefront right as Tyrone knocks over a little stand with Keys on it.
>Police tackle Tyrone, and push his face into a floor covered in key blanks.
>It looked like some sort of pet owner, shoving their dogs face into their own poop.
Good times.

this thread belongs on /pol/


They are broke nigga

Stay out of Europe with your marxist shit too

the sun's radiation fried their brains over those long years. we need a global age limit tbqhf.

Uhm, excuse me, "bro"? This racist language is NOT ok, and I'm calling you out on it right here and now. Let me ask you a question, do you believe Black Lives Matter?

Dude I live in a hood ass area and worked in customer service, nothing beats the rage of the soccer mom. The world owes them everything apparently. Niggers will fuck off for the most part but the soccer moms will yell, harass, and talk so much shit.

Now little niglets on the other hand are some shit.

What did he say about mehicans