League of Legends General - /lolg/


Its a good edition

Riot with the 100% original ideas
definitely not a rehash
enjoy new elis-i mean evelynn
thanks friends

Threadly Reminder:

if you cant appreciate lips this luscious, this thicc, this perfect for wrapping around a dick then you are 100 PERCENT gay.


There has literally never, EVER been a splash art that reddit complained about during PBE and didn't get changed.

Xth for revolver firing bolts.

also do people actually buy esports skins, most of these look awful

Pick one to add to league
you can also send one champ back if you'd like

>Eve splash reveal has only served to showcase the horrible taste in this general

Daily reminder that's her tongue

Fun fact: riot uses has and still is currently using the exact same female face for ALL of there female models since the games creation.

they dont try to hide it and it has officially been confirmed many times. if you didnt make the connection with ahri and xayah faces by now then you are just trying to be retarded.

because dude esports lmao!
just like how people buy the futbol lucian despite it looking like dogshit

Why didn't they just use the same artist

xth for Syndra

>Climb through flex queue for easy rewards
>Elo cravers add me
>Play with them
>They suck dick and hold me back
>Don't know how to politely tell them to fuck off my games and stop inviting me

being a beta is suffering

There are a select few that are good that might as well be named something else:

Soldier: 76 Azir
The champ Jax
Chair destroyer Alistar
Weeb Talon
Fancy Jhin
200% Mad Olaf
DJ Lee Sin
Booty Elise
Karthus with a headset

most of you are fags anyways so what does it matter


if you wanna go lewd with it, Neo-Eve with strapon going to town on a female sup (doggy, because of course) with the same face/expression as new splash art

Gee, there's a few.

Like a better Kassadin.

Like a less shitty Yorick.

Like a cute Kalista.

separate rewards for flex queue?

not the bottom lip user.

its the same artist. teaser was just a earlier concept from when they wanted her to be more shadow isley

>tfw no qt anorexic gf

Rylai's is a fucking garbage item, more and more people are dropping the damn thing altogether.

This looks like art from a really autistic tumblrite who hamfistedly makes all their "female" characters gay.

User ZZxx_fuRRY_luvur_Zxx1998 on deviantart was cheaper

gambit suck dick
what a surprise

>Blizzard rips characters from all their IPs and still can't manage to find one that looks interesting


Im buying the Zac one just because I own all his skins and chromas

Post Jhin

It got changed.

Add Chromie for the tears she can reap
Or Garrosh for sex appeal

I believe it was implied they were entertaining the notion of awarding a Victorious skin tint for Gold+ in Flex/Twisted Treeline, sort of like what they're currently doing with the Championship Ashe and her Golden chroma.

Anything could happen, though.

I'd swap Anub'arak for Rek'sai and Lunara for Kalista any day.

Can we jsut steal the Lich King?

And Zarya?

Didn't the original splash mess up on her eye colour?
professional company

>tfw madly in love with a blue haired musician


it's the same artist who made the art for the SG story and yeah she is from Tumblr. I just like the casual depiction of Syndra she drew.

I hope only flex is enough because I really don't want to get gold in a third fucking mode too

kalista is cute.

Ditto. I thought people only used the mode to speed/bot level accounts.

I was playing Jhin the other day after not playing him for maybe close to a year. Holy shit I forgot how amazing this champion is, his kit, voice, design is all so fucking good. I hope we get another champion as good as him

STILL wouldn't fuck her, Evefag.


Daily reminder that new Evelynn is just a rehash of Dragon Sorceress Zyra.

I think some of them are pretty good. SKT Vayne is my favorite.

2 tiddies + 2 asscheeks = 4

Sona confirmed perfect

How do i get out of diamond 5?

help I'm not dealing damage with jhin anymore
what's his best build and should I even bother with runes at this point?

4 ie 1 bork

female demolition yordle
stinky mouse
boob lady

dota already has like half of these

>Sona plays 3 songs, then the power chord is the 4th, final melody
Really makes you think

>walk through storage
>see this
wat do?

You get that disgusting blob of flesh away from Jhin

Same way you got out of plat 5

Its simple.

You don't play Jhin in the current meta.


>4 fun things to squeeze

You are fake news

That's right. Jhin is more into fish. My bad.

>send back
>add to league
The Lost Vikings. No one else is even close.

mfw my carry picks jhin

Blame the Sonafags.

Lose enough games to get demoted to back to plat

play him mid

Are we supposed to like Jhin players or something? I thought we were like "meh" if you mained him or not.

This ship sucks, I don't know why it's even gaining traction on tumblr.

At least ship him with a champ that has some actual personality.

>not aiming for her throat
Shit art

>anivia: "afk yorick"
>draven: [generic cries for "peel"]

reminder to blame others for your loss and lack of understanding

Why does Sona trigger you so much Jhinfag? Is it because you realize you could never compete?

Get me Dehaka, I love that shit.

>almost 2004+4
>still no Jhin comic or cinematic

Not even him but Jhin hates Sona in lore and would kill her on sight.

Also Sona is boring. No midriff, no excitement.


I have a feeling that Jhin's personality really resonates with a lot of people here, but other than that, he's just meh. He doesn't really fit in the meta.

Got my account permabanned year ago. Lost all champions and time limited stuff.
Is it worth returning to this game at this point or is it dying?

>anivia did everything better than you
>that pathetic tower damage
he was right
youre shit

>actual personality.

There's some fujo around here who always avatarfags Jhin

But user, they're both artists. ARTISTS. Like me, the guy that is totally not using his drawings as a pathetic self insert fantasy.

Sona is a bully who picks on her adcs.

not only it's dying but it's also in a shitty balance spot

it's so bad riot is actually shilling in here and /v/ of all places doing damage control

>+7 deaths

>almost 2004+4
why would you get a Jhin comic when League isn't even out yet???

>Deformed shitty garbage ass looking art

People who draw and save shit like this like this should be executed. Literally degenerates

Remind me of that Farmville shit


He's the new and upcoming Lucian. Can utterly destroy most mages he'll lane against, as long as you have some decent experience on him.

You're fucked if the enemy mid picks any kind of diver or assassin though.

>his ship sucks, I don't know why it's even gaining traction
They're both artists, she was in his teaser, he has some funny lines for her

Seems pretty obvious to me

>m-muh deaths
not to mention jax who i presume was top either outroamed you, or actually did shit in fights while you were autistically "splutpushing"

time travel of course, it's not like I just wen dyslexic

>enemy support did more objective damage than you
>anivia did everything better than you

What are the most recognizable pronectiles in game? I'm thinking about Ezreal ult, Draven axes, Ashe ult and shit like that. Any suggestions?

>still contributed significantly more than you
retarded useless yorick player

>up and coming lucian

let me know when jhin gets a dash or waveclear

hell even trist mid would be better

>These retards are going to meme the new garbage splash art so Riot will use it instead of the teaser
Why did they even pay for someone to work on the new splash. Just take the pic from the teaser jesus christ.

We probably won't get anything new until the big Ionia lore update.

Which is kind of a shame, because I'm really looking forward to his shenanigans in Zaun and Piltover. Especially with Camille and Evelynn over there; not to mention Vi and Cait trying to handle the entire situation. The competition's gonna be insane.

Jinx's ult.


Jhin has no mobility unlike Lucian and that makes him a very unsafe pick mid then again Varus was a popular mid pick a while back and he has no mobility either.

>+7 death
>Still do more than you
>Play Yorick
>Cant splitpush their towers to dead even though you afk'ed all game

Post rank pls

Full body art.

jinx ult
ziggs ult
jhin ult

What are you talking about? Jhin with Doran's ring has insane waveclear. all three of is skills is aoe and his q is amazing for waveclear. You just gotta go full ad instead of lethality.