80% of my net worth is in ETH

80% of my net worth is in ETH

Might as well bet it all on black.

>put 1/13 of my net worth in eth
>now it's 1/3

And this is why it will crash, the price right now is just pure speculation, everyone is in it because muh profits

Nobody is actually using it

I put 1/3, now it's 3/1

>80% of nothing is nothing

ETH is kill.

70% of my whole networth is in Pivx.
t. Third worlder

So was bitcoin, but this time eth has massive banks and it companies in it's back

it might crash, but it's too big to die, it'll rise again

exactly, that's why the bitcoin bubble popped from 27$ to 3$. also big banks aren't backing ethereum directly, they are just interested in the tech.

I'm not saying that ethereum can't become big, but i'm also not delusional

I'd be careful with that!



that doesn't make sense

>buying an unlimited resource

>t. proud owner of fiat money

sHiLlS aRe OuT In fULl FoRcE tOdAy. ThEy WaNt CheAp CoInS FoR tHe RiDe tO 60. DoNt PaNiC

You are an american, right?

>all my net worth is in CVM

t...to the moon, right guys?


You guys are retarded. If 1/3 of your wealth is in coins and coins grow to 3 times your starting wealth then you now have 9/11 of your wealth in coins. You dont have 3x your current wealth in coins you retards.

Nobody ever got rich by diversifying