Should I take out a $50,000 loan and dump it all on ETH?

Should I take out a $50,000 loan and dump it all on ETH?

If ETH crashes I'll just declare bankruptcy.

put it in etc

Absolutely . Or rather do it on something else.

ETH will reach $1000 by the end of the year

I'll eat my own shit if that happens.

What if it hits it by the end of next year? Still willing to eat that?

Yes. I'd do the same.

>not buying potcoin instead
literally how retarded are you

you should have done that already.

Currency on the pic looks fake, paper and no serial number.

Absolutely not.
First of all, no bank would loan you that amount without asking you what you're doing with it.

yeah Im stuck on this part. I want to get a mortgage and buy memecoins. I could pay it off in time if it goes bust, but banks control society using opaque loan approval processes, and Im pretty sure memecoin investments arent going to get the green light. I wish there was another way.

American express keeps jumping on my dick about getting a personal loan for $20k

I could see somebody with even better credit and better income getting a $50k personal loan

Unsecured loan

Stop biz, you're giving me ideas

If you lie to them and then declare bankruptcy later what can they really do?

>tfw 790 credit score
I'm seriously considering this now OP.

I got a 750.

>tfw I'm going to unironically crunch numbers tomorrow
>tfw no face

>Sue you
>repossess your assets to pay off the debt
>destroy your credit score
>get you incarcerated

>Obtaining financial advantage through fraud
>Creating/supplying fraudulent documents

3-10 years.

Yeah, but wait for a dip.

Nice dox. The bankruptcy judge will love it.

>buying made up money created by a 23 year old kid


Yeah you can take out a personal loan for investments. Whether it's a good deal or not depends on your credit score.

Sounds like a good idea to me