League of Legends General - /lolg/



Breaking Janna like crazy, balancing Azir, making Xin Zhao good, and making Vayne even shittier in a single patch edition

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1st for my league support gf

i fuckd your mum

shit thread

come back rumblefag

xth for hotfix the fucking windslut already

Jinx is cuddly and cute

So tell me anons. When did you start playing LoL? And what do you miss the most that riot have remove/changed?


>wake up
>elementalist lux isn't laying on top of me
>go back to sleep
when will this torture end?

is it better now that we have sports equipment carnage?

xth for Syndra

you didnt answer my question in the last thread, do you or do you not eat your girlfriend?

xth for lubuse

>Walk into lane
>see Janna
>she Autos and W's me
>lose 1/6th of my HP
>this happens practically every time I go for a CS

what in the literal fuck?

Playing since sometime in season 1

REALLY REALLY miss old Graves
>inb4 he was just a discount Lucian

I don't give a fuck he was fun to play and had a different skin color and mannerisms so I enjoyed him more.

Star Guardian Jinx is tight

Reminder to always buy enough boots!

>Breaking Janna like crazy

These weren't nerfs. They were lies.


Objective chart.

>Riot expect me to play these kinds of matches.

Well there it goes my dodge of the day.

My best champions are Gragas, Ivern, Skarner and MF

What does this say about me?

I hate shitskins

jaja xd

Hi Glistener


>Vayne Inferior

I'm dying

Started towards in the middle of season 2.

I miss old sion. I use to main him. Both AD and AP.
Damn he was fun.

pre-season between S2 and S3.

Assassin Ahri

OotB Soraka would like a word with you


>3700 dps


if supports are so easy to climb with, why is most of lolgen silver???

hey, why are you stealing my thing

we've been whining the entire fucking previous thread you filthy animeposter

They did

they fap instead of playing

Jinx in general is

Fresh OC

>SG ahri will never sit on my lap with my dick inside her and her outfit still on

>Vayne Inferior
>Teemo Superior

But I did climb using supports.
That's how I got to plat.

>Been fapping to tristana in order to improve as a rumble player
>ive been doing it wrong all along
Come back rumblefag

>decide to adc for once
>perfect cs for the first couple mins
>support suddenly starts randomly hitting minions every now and then completely fucking up my tempo and cs

if you couldn't figure it out for yourself than janna is the least of your worries my dude

>full build koggity does damage
stop the fucking presses

but I started it

>teemo main
>pool party mundo disenchants for 325
>nemesis jax disenchants for 325
>king of clubs morde disenchants for 250
>ssw thresh disenchants for 325
>adds up to 1519

>teemo costs 1520 essence







Star Guardian makes the other ones seem loose in comparison

mid-late S1

I miss Sword of the Divine actually (the 3-hit-crit one)

It was super cheesy but as a guy who loves assassins it was ultra fun to mess around with on shit like old Talon, Vayne or Zed fun

I understand why it got removed but man do I miss it.

How do I play azir? He seems strong now

I'm silver so nobody camps and abuses weak laning phases like azir, kassadin, yasuo

more like
>koggles literally kills a full tank in 1.5 seconds

That's not true, and you know it


>vs akali jungle and veigar support
they had the worse team actually

Which teams play tomorrow?

on a scale of 1 to carnival ride
how wild will this match be and how fucked am i

Draw a dumb teemo paint picture send it to riot and ask them for 1 orange essence.

Build Morelloes. Use this item build guide:

You no longer have to play like a bitch anymore since you can actually do damage early on. But your range is shortened so getting blown up and kicked out of lane is much easier, and assassins like Fizz/Zed can fuck you up hard.

>Strong now

Literally a few overtuned numbers, nothing major kitwise is broken. But they took off alot of his strengths in range and put them into damage to compensate. And you no longer have to fear the Shurima shuffle.

Started on the Talon patch.
There's a lot of old things in the game I'm nostalgic for but I don't think there's anything in particular I'd want put back in the game.

c9 vs literally who and fnatic vs literally who but fnatic is shit so they might actually lose desu, like 20% chance

nice janna "hotfix"


prove me wrong

>still no eve fapfics
what the fuck are you niggers doing with your life

this is what we call a placebo nerf

>get top
>hover karthus
>premade 3stack ban karthus
>"why did you ban my pick?"
>"karthus isn't a top laner"
>"lol get cucked"
>pick soraka top
>they quit after calling me faggot and telling everyone to report me
LOL GET KEKED. hate faggots like that.

Pre-season 1 and I miss most the times when my friends used to play this.

STOP making fun of my language you silly anglokeks >:T


The mana and hp will hurt her early lane, but she's still going to be a pita if she gets out of lane.

xth for Cute Ashe

Busy Day Long Night Edition

>Breaking Janna like crazy
Breaking Janna like crazy
>Breaking Janna like crazy
Breaking Janna like crazy

The balance team must be full of Janna mains. She gets to be OP, but anything that threatens her like Divers in this case Azir and Xin Zhao are safe from nerfs. Vayne they must have just fucked up or decided to be mean to vayne mains.

any splash with midriff like thiss gets my bengis tingly, but star jinx has a special place in my heart

>soloq flex for gold rewards
>premade bans my hover then tells me what to play
like how exactly how well
do they think that'll work out

always have. been a thigh-highs man my whole life, and sextech janna was a bright light in the early days of League when there weren't many other skins like it (nurse akali, mafia MF come to mind).

also, pretty much every female(female) healslut janna main i've encountered has an unusual attraction to that skin despite the fact that it's not generally a popular janna skin which leads me to believe that a lot of their alpha ADC duo partners are ordering them to use that skin over others. we truly have based alpha taste, user

>placebo nerf
I remember when that actually happened. Funny shit.

>gold V has the dumbest retard in lol
Must be me then, heh.

Started in S2-S3, I think I miss early E-sports the most. I have a signed shirt with old CG, I adored Krepo back in the day and fanboyed so hard when he wrote his name on my chest (on the shirt) and smiled at me
Also, Snoopeh asked me if I "usually let guys touch my chest like this" (while he was writing his name)

I also enjoyed playing Janna mid, it was my main and I enjoyed it thoroughly until her utter nerf back then

Pre-season 2

I miss when AP builds were diversified

Is this Imp?

>50 iq
shit they found me

>drawing eve porn with other male champs instead of pov view
I knew eve fags were cucks

...london? you can play janna mid again but as an AUTOATTACKER now

false graph created in MS Paint

there are (some) absolute morons in the uppermost ranks of any coordinated team game, and there are tons of geniuses with bad reflexes stuck in gold/plat and even lower.

i give you credit for whipping this up in Paint after you were embarrassed last thread, though

Midriff is the best, and riot is especially good at drawing it


I-I wrote "fanBOYed", user...
And I hate new Janna.

C9 is gonna get steamrolled by Lyon, Fnatic is probably gonna win against HKA, though it's gonna be a fiesta either way as both teams suck. Sneaky is bad enough C9 don't have a chance though.

>99LP ADC Main Silver 1
>Nearly into Gold at last
>Autofilled into support
>Lucian can't CS. I don't mean bad, I mean CAN'T
>Can't last hit when the enemy isn't even in the lane
>Vi: "Sorry guys I forgot smite"
>14 mins in, infernal drake - Their jungle is top with their top laner, we are 5
>We all die somehow 5v3 except for me, position well, hit all my abilities, dodge their damage
>"ZYRA SOMEHOW ON FULL HP???? Why no help????"

When will it end lads?

Snoopeh I understand but Krepo? Worse. Old chubby Krepo?

You fucking slut

>rank doesn't mean jack shit until mid diamond
sounds accurate.

>175 iq in silver 5
>tfw too intelligent for bronze

I'd believe all are close to the same in physical characteristics but fair enough my bias is still equally tight or classic is the tightest by a small margin

Riot is good at midriffs

>Long Night

>masked shaco

you're fucked, every time you see that skin on enemy team you have no chance

well since you're a janna main you're probably a girl(male) by now

I dont think you understand

the guy basically found a way to bring back Marksman update Kog'Maw

the only problem here is we will have to see how actually viable this is compared to rageblade/bork build.

This shit is gonna be insanely fun on Rotating Game Modes like ascension tho

surely you have a link to the study

>looking at any porn, ever
guess you're the cuck too bad

why skip Nashors?

Seems like the AS is way too benificial to pass up.

Have you considered trying a PoE build instead? Tear into Nashors ?

Kayn strikes the perfect balance between hot and cute.

what would annie do if you attempted to lewd her?

any IQ test that has that many people up at over 170 is full of shit

oh god, /lolg/ is fucking awful rn
im going to Veeky Forums to laugh at their stupid investments