Veeky Forums approved youtube history channels:

Veeky Forums approved youtube history channels:

>Historia Civilis
>Matt Easton - Scholagladiatoria
>History Buffs
>Real Crusades History
>Sargon of Akkad - Ancient Recitations
>The Great War

Other urls found in this thread:


He's fucking shit.

t. Brit

>200 guaranteed replies

I beg you Veeky Forums, try not being an autist for once and don't reply, or atleast have the decency to sage.



where's crash course history?

cuckolds need not apply

Why is Lindy there then?

>a cuckold
He's a ladies' man, check his dancing videos.

kill yourself faggot

>being that butthurt

>History Buffs

fuck off frog piece of shit

>History Buffs

CGP Grey is pretty good

CGP Grey is pretty much confirmation bias the channel.

Non vous fermez la baise en haut

Speak English you fucking surrender monkey.

It's a terrible thing that Veeky Forums does. It sarcastically ridicules a particular quality about a person and then people like
hop on the hate train for no reason and take the sarcasm seriously. You lot are such fucking morons.

reply history and ollie byes (the map guy)

Yeah, Lindy sure is a respectable historian


A lot of respectable Historians have made similar comparisons.

But he's right. What are you a Frenchman that sucks Napoleon's cock?


You'd think he was Urban the second or a venetian with his defensive shilling of crusaders.

>sack of constantinople was justified guys
>byzantines were not true christians anyway
>big frankish cock

forgotten weapons is pretty neat, idk if you'd consider that more /k/ though. definitely has some history in there though

Any good youtube channels or videos for mesoamerican history?

>Real Crusades History
>Sargon of Akkad


Looking at his screencap I'd say he's German

Great rebuttal dude, but I'll take his opinions over yours :)

> not The Great War on the list

Ill sage this thread into oblivion


yeah, know how I know you are a fucking retard?

>sargon of akkad

is this bait
if yes, well done
if no, look at the last one OP listed you goof

dude wtf sargon is gr8 all he does is read truuuu sources!11

>Sargon of Akkad


Not OP, but what's wrong with Sargon?

literally nothing wrong, just a bunch of alt-right shitheads getting mad because he doesn't conform to their bias

he's not in the list you retard

Get out of here, Karl, you cuck.

>watching youtube """history""" channels

For god's sake, why?

This, honestly, just pickup a goddamn book

reading books is boring

Look at the related channels pinhead

Really? Watching some autistic literally who drone on about something he knows very little about for half an hour is more stimulating?

If you must watch something on youtube, don't watch some know-nothing wannabe e-celebs. There are actual lectures by accomplished scholars on there. Yale Open Courses has a fair # of history related ones:

Can this turn into Shadiversity hate thread? His videos are just awful

yes i can play video games while listening to him

Matt Easton made a video about him and essentially said he's full of shit.

>real crusades history

>genetically modified crusaders