Was Stalin actually popular with the Soviet masses or is that a meme?

Was Stalin actually popular with the Soviet masses or is that a meme?

What was the public reception to his mass slaughter of other revolutionaries in 1936-37?

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Well, Stalin did a very good job making sure they never had any alternative leader to support.

That's also true of hated dictators like Ceacescu

Wasn't Ceaucescu at one point pretty popular?

You overestimate the ability of the masses to think and have an opinion when they're literally brainwashed from little children to love the dear leader.

That's the problem with modern kids (especially Western) - they can't grasp the propaganda of the totalitarian state. Literally every book and movie and newspaper followed the state's narrative.

He got some good publicity in WWII but then he squandered it.

Russia just got done from continuous and increasingly brutal wars so with Stalin it was pretty much Stockholm Syndrome.

Tells how popular he was at the end when they attempted to "De-Stalinize" Russia


t. not a Russian but a post-soviet

>Was Stalin actually popular with the Soviet masses or is that a meme?

Stalin very much hated the cult of personality and denounced it as much as he could privately. But Stalin, like Lenin didn't try a stop the public from expressing their dedication, as they knew it was uncontrollable social forces. But he did suspect sometimes it was being built up by wreckers within the party *cough* Khrushchev *cough*

Either way he was fucked. If he fully tried to get rid of every bust or portrait then he would still fulfil that role as 'dictator'. He doesn't try then people create that cult and he is seen as a dictator.

>What was the public reception to his mass slaughter of other revolutionaries in 1936-37?

Workers were very much involved from the start.

My grandmother (she died at 95 a year ago) said that surprisingly many people loved Stalin, and his death was heartbreaking. My parents despised soviet era and were glad when it ended, so it basically took one generation for the Stalin meme to wear off.
t. slav

Dictators are actually extremely popular in Russia as they have no real history of parliament/senates. They went from Tsars to Commissars to president for life Putin.

Sounds about right consider the "de Stalinization" era was actually just a restoration of capitalism



>fighting muh establishment!
>90% of social media, movies, tv, "comedians", celebrities, and news networks tell you the exact same thing
>believe them

And the other 10% want the nostalgic old establishment.

>he doesn't know Americans gobble up propaganda en masse

same kind of, my grandmother was born in 36 and is still alive. She still kind of loves Stalin even though he objectively did some bad shit and she admits it.

Not everyone loved him, but everyone feared him. And that was enough.

Is it true that some people committed suicide when they heard about stalin's death or is it just a meme?

He was popular in the same way every other dictator was popular. If someone didn't like the glorious leader he was put in jail in best case scenario.

Family despised the shit out of him. Got us GULAG'd. Terrible person and his "industrialization meme" needs to stop, he screwed up multiple times and was terrible at actually planning and leading, just sending people to die.

Why does everyone capitalizes each letter? The right one is "GULag" - Глaвнoe Упpaвлeнтe Лaгepeй и мecт зaключeния.

All of my Romanian senpai and friends see him and especially his wife as a huge joke, in a dark way.

Maybe you should analyze the "establishment" based on its merit, instead of being a pointlessly contrarian fag. I (mostly) like modern Western society, it brings great prosperity and freedom. Every "alternative" ideology I've seen, from New Age hippieshits, to bloodthirsty neonazis, to retarded Marxists, to christian fundamentalists - all of them either project their own misery as being unique to the modern West (it isn't) and support some fucktarded model that's either been tested before and failed, or is so vague and idealistic that it could never be implemented.

>user says modern kids (especially Western) which implies American children as well.
>Dimwit can only go durr hurr America
Please get better at reading.

These desu.

Outside of a few cases, he was pretty much well liked. According to my Grandfather, once you got older it stopped being "Stalin is my second dad" and more "Stalin is a necessary "evil" for the security and existence of the State so thus I strongly support him and remain loyal"

I never heard of that happening, so I'm going to call it a meme.

>so it basically took one generation for the Stalin meme to wear off.
Oh man, is this not true. The meme is very much alive. It's not a huge portion of the population, but we still have a concerning number of Stalinists running around. Not old ones either, this is predominately the younger crowd being little shits. Although it's *completely* contrary to Stalin's beliefs, there is the very real and persistent discussion about if they try to gain (more) power and install one of Stalin's descendants.

He was popular. Just like Mao was popular and Hitler was popular and Trump is popular.

Populists are always popular.

Killing shit tons of the native populace doesn't sound very populist desu

The reaction was that half the Soviet army defected to the Nazis in the first days of ww2

>Hitler: killed tens of millions of people
>Stalin: killed tens of millions of people
>Mao: killed tens of millions of people
>Trump: said mean words

Which of these is not like the others

>Stalin very much hated the cult of personality and denounced it as much as he could privately.

Yeah, No.


Trump isn't in power yet you dumb shit

None of them killed "Tens of Millions" before they got the power.

It doesn't matter you fucking idiots. You're convicting someone of a crime that they committed in the future. It doesn't work that way.

So because someone makes a film, Stalin endorsed the cult of personality? Retard.

>"You speak of your `devotion' to me.... I would advise you to discard the `principle' of devotion to persons. It is not the Bolshevik way. Be devoted to the working class, its Party, its state. That is a fine and useful thing. But do not confuse it with devotion to persons, this vain and useless bauble of weak-minded intellectuals." (J. V. Stalin: Works, Volume 13; Moscow; 1955; p. 20).

>"I am absolutely against the publication of `Stories of the Childhood of Stalin. The book abounds with a mass of inexactitudes of fact, of alterations, of exaggerations and of unmerited praise....But... the important thing resides in the fact that the book has a tendency to engrave on the minds of Soviet children (and people in general) the personality cult of leaders, of infallible heroes. This is dangerous and detrimental. The theory of `heroes' and the `crowd' is not a Bolshevik, but a Social-Revolutionary theory.... I suggest we burn this book." (J. V. Stalin: ibid.; p. 327).

Did you miss the part where Stalin was FUCKING CRAZY, as in mentally ill?

>they attempted to "De-Stalinize" Russia
>Only Hrushev want destalinization of USSR

And yet, all along the banks of his canals, and in front of every public building in the USSR, were lined statues of Stalin and Lenin. It's one thing to say these things, but he approved all these things eventually. Having a population devoted to you and you alone is a very good thing for a dictator.

WWho can proove it?

>So because someone makes a film

He did not make A film. He made many films.

He led the succesful defense against a force that wanted to exterminate their nation and established the USSR as a Great power.

So I expect his popularity was hardly a meme.

But he's just a clown, not a tyrant.

Not yet

He's not competent to become one.

He's popular among people who lived through that era.

The irony of this post

5' 4"

Yeah, to workers jumped off from the building when they heard it.

One to get vodka, second to get salo

Neither was Hitler.

Like I said before, what is he meant to do?

If he demanded there be no statues all through the USSR, he would be labelled a dictator for not allowing people to do what they want. If he doesn't do anything then people accuse him of directly supporting the cult of personality.

The population was dedicated to the USSR because their quality of life had improved dramatically.

So what? Should Stalin have been involved in the script writing to make sure it's neutral. The USSR wanted to promote home-grown directors and actors. Should they have just watched Hollywood films?