League of Legends General - /lolg/

fuck lulufags edition

old: eyosongive.us


xth for breast metal waifu

Copy these if you want to get perfect group stage score.

Xth for leblanc! Post Leblancs!

What's your favorite champion default walk animation, /lolg/?

For me it's Ivern. Everything about it makes me laugh.

orange essences and a bunch of key fragments

which slut is it, lolg? i had more kills than my ''carry''

>rng above ssg
>fw above tsm and we
This is confusing

xth for Syndra

Perfectly calm.

I wanna cuddle Jinx (quad maker)


kindred with her little hops


>doesn't like lulufriends
>posts screenshots of bronze 5 ranked games

Whats the next champ silver surfers will start complaining about on reddit and get nerfed after Janna?

idk about c9 last. Also RNG > SSG seems unlikely

Riot's going to HAVE to unban him after this fiasco, right?


Sona or Nami

i really like past rework sejuani, the old one was garbage and now she is fun and strong

Sona, Karma, or Rakan.

>any na team getting out of groups

post perfection

I wanna cuddle Jinx with my dick

the best

she's also the highest winrate and highest pickrate jungler, that is, overbuffed as shit.

>asian caitlyn

>Have a chill chat with a teammate about something game-related like game balance before minions even spawn
>Another teammate pops out of a hole and asks you to "calm down"
>Five minutes later that teammate is 0/4/0 and is screeching about getting "camped"

why does this pattern reccur so often


Old old Sejuani was the best, before cinderhulk was around and Riot fucked her by taking away her ap scaling. Rework turned her from someone I could get away with playing mid full AP into tank jungler 100% of the time, not happy about it.


>ahq not last
>rng over ssg
>fw first
>believing this will get you a perfect sore in pick ems

Good try but not good try enough you know what I'm saying?

Was zyra the last blatantly sexualized female released?

Buff Caitlyn

>have tsm fan on team
They also usually bring up the worst game in your recent match history as an argument when they are having a much worse game

A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man

>cloud9 on bot
spotted the yuropoor

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on EUW 6 slots left

password is vidya

They should but they probably won't at least not until after worlds

butt caitlyn

Fuck off

How long was this game that you got 40 assists? Or was it just a lot of fighting? Or both? And 11 kills! I'm glad to see someone else buys locket with this wonderful woman.

buff draven

>trying to enjoy some league
>get matched with subhuman polaks
hitler should have never lost

Jhin. That motherfucker walks with so much swagger, it's unbearable in the best way.

we need to kill the guy who killed hitler

Including your Honor Capsule.

Hey what's with these Gypsy rights things happening in Europe?

Hitler killed himself retard

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on EUW 4 slots left

password is vidya

buff Ekko

Kappa x2

>no mejai
What are you doing
I bet you dont even run full scaling ap runes

>be pl
>whenever i see other polish players they are toxic little fucks 80% of the time

wtf? I hate Hitler now!

Lulu is my STAR!

that's what THEY told you, isn't it?

tfw not in any of the /lolg/ clubs

why the fuck is everyone building rageblade on varus? what changed? it lets him stack his passive quicker but that isnt that relevant

What is your
1. favorite champion
2. favorite fetish

That's going to make things difficult huh

she was overbuffed right after rework
her passive was fucking sick i had something like 90% win rate with her with 15 games and climbed from gold 2 to plat 5 in one day

>ahq over C9
>fw over anyone in that group
>putting literally anyone above the gooks

>want to play league of legends
>did some warmup games, guess I'm fine for more
>go to bathroom, washing hands
>oh still got some sleep in my eye
>not gone
>look closer
>a fucking pimple formed right next to my eyeball on my eyelid


Maybe because Varus sucks and rageblade is a good powerspike for when he's relevant in game

Ah, a perfect post. Hmm, I'm seeing them more and more these days. Braum Legendary based on him WHEN?

>play on euw
>every game has a fucking polack
>its me


Jhin's swag walk on the 4th shot

this is our year right
this year we beat the gooks, right
makes sense

50 IQ general

it's a stye. it's basically a pimple for one of the eyelash follicles.


So? Don't settle for just annie one.

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on EUW 3 slots left

password is vidya

Killing tanks is important now, on-hits are good now

is jinx disabled in china because skeletons arent allowed?

scales super well with his passive
scales his W on-hit and %hp procs hard and applies it more often
still good item if your looking to deal physical damage

styes fucking suck and I've never had one before and I want it to go away I'm going to be bothered by it for the rest of the day and unable to play league of legends to my full abilities being distracted by the thought of having this shit holy fuck

I also heard this faggot Kurt Cobain killed the lead singer of Nirvana. What a dick!

>be down 12k gold at 25 minutes
>be bare nexus soon after, have only 1 enemy turret
>they have 2 mountains, an infernal, and cloud drake
>they get baron
>flame the shit out of my team for not surrendering
>the enemy team plays dumb as shit, our vayne and fizz scale hard af, they lose 5 straight fights and we win

huh. I feel bad now.

It's hard being a Mf fag these days

quick reminder that gook coaches all said that TSM is very strong, probably top 4

This will be OUR year. Where are my fellow Americans at

Sweet summer child

He also killed himself stop being so fucking dense.


I've never had it be so bad that it disturbed me. P- popping it never resulted in any bleeding either, although, it's more like I barely pushed the gunk out. It's rare and random too, never do anything explicitly dirty that I could think would cause it. Hope it clears up soon, it should!

>bramble vest stops you from being dived repeatedly without the opportunity to seek safety at an inner tower or b at your own

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on EUW 2 slots left

password is vidya

Hopefully they catch the guy that killed Chester.

What kind of degenerate furryshit sites do you find this garbage at???

FACT: the REAL Lulu has chosen ME.

Make sure you take care of it I had a stye I had to get mine cut out.

How possible would it be for IMT and TSM to get out of groups this year

i think you might be the dense one after all


>Open weekly hextech box
>Get gentleman Gnar
Did you get anything good out of your boxes lately?


Should be impossible for TSM to not make it out but knowing them they will find a way to lose to Misfits