League of Legends general - /lolg/

Riven is the best girl edition

OT: eyosongive.us

xth for poe

I wanna cuddle Jinx while falling asleep with her in my arms


This is the BEST player NA has homegrown.


>EU """"""PRO"""""""
>Bright yellow teeth


>not leblanc causes PTSD edition

Delete this thread and make a new one.

Can they fucking get rid of this fucking pussyfoot choker?

3rd place China = 2nd place EU = 1st place America

Seriously though, why not just put DL on something that wins lane? Was Kog'maw really that important?

What if when Misfits paused they pulled out counter scripts

>draft against tsm
>ban trist
>win the game
It isn't that complicated

I'd sell my soul to marc merril if it meant TSM getting LZ or SKT in quarters

Yeah, I'm glad he's at least been seeing some play. I'm almost out of LeBlancs anyway, the ones I haven't posted yet you have.

>Play LeBlanc
>get cucked by your clone
>clone then proceeds to harrass the enemy adc because it knows its better than you.
The absolute state of leblanc players

Gigabyte memesters coming up

Look forward to some spicy play


Alright lets get this started

xth for Syndra

and thats why "NA" is a meme, you dont need to be good to make maymays

besides, doesnt change the fact that the majority of players on dota NA servers arent even on the continent.

Why doesn't riot hire the production crew from lck to do worlds for them?

Why does nobody complain about Xayah?

>One of the strongest early game ADC's
>Scales into... One of the strongest lategame ADC's

And don't even get me started on that ult.

they thought they would win teamfights

>best NA team lost to worst EU team
You can't make that shit up.

Same user. Nice to share a friendly LB conversation with you.

After they announce C and Kassadin's Daughter.

who's the 'el presidente' of league?

If you don't want to rape Lux, you're not WHITE.

gee I don't know, on a completely related subject can we get rid of max range skillshots that M I S S E D ballooning their hitboxes just to make casual players feel good?

>Doublelift choking on the big stage yet again
Shock horror. At least he finally got LCS trophies courtesy of Bjergsen.

holy fuck /lolg/ you guys are terrible at esports-posting, like seriously it's all 'hurh hru lmao eu / na so salty xDxD *insert terrible twitch meme*'

yet another area that /d2g/ is objectively the better general in

Its not fair bros. Those pauses ruined the momentum

...But MSF is way better than Fnatic. They're even the second seed.

But I want to have consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation with Nature Lux

Im sorry mr trips, LB is /lolg/s official girl now

TSM 2-4 the dream, start praying FW get their shit together.

>His waifu isn't 10 waifus
>It's only one


t. Yasuo

Well...I'm a mix of black and white and Lux isn't really my forte. I mean you're half right I guess.

monkaS monkaS monkaS monkaS monkaS
PowerUpL EleGiggle PowerUpR

hurh hru lmao eu / na so salty xDxD *insert terrible twitch meme*


>the absolute state of auTiSM faggots





people do, her ult alongside her strength in lane and lategame is retarded. incredibly safe and incredibly strong at all stages of the game, between flash, the support and her ultimate you'll never get to kill her and she will outdamage every member of your team

Now this will be an interesting game. I have Imt as second in their group but GAM certainly can surprise.

>losing to a team with 2(two) british players

Why is Dark Lux so perfect?

god i love when shitters get exposed
where are your broken champs to carry you now
losing to fucking misfits

>10 new posts
She's new.

Wait until the next hot & new ADC comes around and she'll slowly get Jhin'd out of the meta.

Well then why don't you stay in that general, dotard?

She's worth at least 10 waifus though.

sven really should get replaced, does nothing early game, always gets caught out as well

>not wanting to be RAPED BY dark femdom goddess

can you even into female sexual aggression

Holy shit, you guys

How seeing a team losing make me so happy?

We cheering for the Marines, right?

I like Syndra user but I am okay with this.

>not wanting Dark Lux to rape you
how can your taste be this shit

Irelia's brother?


Are Misfits our guys?

Misfits vs. Team SoloMid / 2017 World Championship - Group D / Post-Match Discussion self.leagueoflegends

submitted 13 minutes ago * by epicxkidzorz


Of course
This better end like the FNC game though, not the LZ one

>biofrost outdamage sven
Please fucking remove sven from this team. He can't fucking play anything that isn't lee sin

>no jinx impregnation fapfics

>Force a Baron instead of giving it to Misfits and Defending

Fucking stupid. They deserved that loss. It's probably Bjerg fucking up with the shot calling again. The worst case scenario is the same with them getting that Baron. If they just gave the Baron they would've lost an inhibitor max seeing as how both are equal.

I never thought I'd live to see the day I miss Jhin meta.


Just fucking delete Ardent already this item was a mistake.

based bratposters

Cheering for another game of inting

They're the only one that takes risks with their strats and comps, so yes.

At the very least, it should be entertaining.

She is probably one of the most balanced champions let alone ADCs Riot have ever released.

But C is confirmed comming out right after Omen

TSM 2-1
C9 2-1
IMT 1-1

MFT 2-1
G2 1-1
FNC 0-2

EU fans:


Hopefully their cheese non-meta doesn't fall apart in literally 3 minutes this time around

oh no no no no no



what will be the explanation this time?

Seeing TSM lose only for their fans go apeshit makes me look forward to every TSM loss.

I don't understand why people hate this worlds so much, how is two teams engaging in close skirmishes and not making huge fuck ups for the most part a bad thing

It's nice to see there is actual parity between the teams aside from the Korean overlords, now you can't actually confidently predict a winner in any game

Also Longzhu gonna win, Khan is better than Smeb was in 2016

jhin has obvious, unfixable flaws like 0 mobility and no attack speed
xayah will be the new kalista, who will get slaps onto the wrist sometimes if people complain too much, but eventually always come back as one of the top tier adcs

lets go pobelter

It would if korea gave a shit about dota. There is no money in your game, crowdfunded high prize pool for Ti is all you have. League has way more money in branding and advertising so players can actually make a living without winning the Ti.

Notice how so many dota pros are from literal 3rd world countries.

Absolutely, always root for meta breakers

patrician taste

There's one where she impregnates Vi.


>only Dark Lux
>implying Elementalist Lux as a whole isn't perfect

It's nice to be appreciated, thanks user

>tfw no bf who beats up tsm supporters for me

How mad are you to post this twice.

>Riot unironically hates assassins.
>"Lets just buff adcs"
>not good enough
>"Lets also buff support items so they're literally drowning in gold by 15 minutes"
>anything else?
>"yeah lets make tank items retardedly strong so that adcs have big tanks to hide behind"
The result is that assassins are completely useless and adcs have no natural predators. Thus the protect-the-adc meta is born.

Syndra is my wife though, so do as you like.

I am cheering for Marines and Pobelter specifically.

EU enjoy this moment while it lasts.
I know it must hurt bottleing up your shitposting for your one win in a best of one per year so go ahead and let it out for this thread because it's going to be a long time before you luck out on another win.

>only entertaining team on the one hand
>our guy Pobelter on the other hand

why levi so handsome?

sion lmao

She will fug you, then kill you.
Is it worth it?

this is the one and only answer to any eubabs trying to banter. just point to the fucking scoreboard and count the wins. it is LITERALLY that easy to see which region is performing better.

eu suicide bait cucks please try to offer an answer to this so I can laugh

>Nice to share a friendly LB conversation with you.
Indeed. we must worship our sexy goddess whenever we can

>this butthurt