Why didn't Stalin just annex all these meme countries?

Why didn't Stalin just annex all these meme countries?

Albania's bunkers were the most effective deterrence of the 20th century

Do Albanians make sweet, sweet love in the bunkers?

>meme countries

>not a meme "country"

kill yourself, maggot

No, they make sweet defense of the homeland

Czechoslovakia had only existed for 20 years prior to its incorporation into the Soviet sphere

Damn, Yugoslavia had nice borders. Wish they'd kept their shit together.

It gave the impression that the Soviet Union had friends.

Soviet Union was an incredibly self-conscious about being a beta state that scared off fucking communist China in the tsundere arms Chad United States.

Annex into WHAT? There is no singular country to annex them into.

U in USSR stands for something


Don't talk about something you don't know, user

Presumably, as constituent republics with representation in the supreme soviet and integration of the local party with CPSU.


They would join the Union as still de jure independent countries and entity of Republic of Memeland would still exist.

That wouldn't be an annexation though.

Maybe try to learn history from something other than memes and you will know why.

It would be de facto annexation

You know why.

The USSR wanted a buffer of states between itself and the West. It annexed the Baltic republics because they had tiny populations and were right next door, but places like Pooland and Romania had ancient cultures that are deeply rooted and would be difficult to administer.

It's meant to be a large land shield to deter future invasions, which from the Russian vantage point, seemed almost necessary after being invaded twice in 20 years.

Also because they used to belong to the Russian empire.
Everything the USSR annexed prior to world war 2 used to belong to Imperial Russia, they only missed out on taking central Poland due to how the treaty with Germany was made as well as Finland because attacking a country through a gigantic swamp tends to not not work very well.

Macedonia, Serbia's ballsack since 1912

I know Bohemia was annex by Austria, but how did the Czechs and Slovaks have any dealings together prior to the fall of the Habsburgs?