Two + One

How can peace and unity be achieved when so many people have different views of the world?

By the subjugating of those who hold different views.

Just ignore the differences.

Forcefully uniting every mind in a Borg-style utopia via integration into a network of interconnected mind-machine interfaces.

Reach consensus by improving the flow of information.

everyone loves titties

Making it more work/undesirable to fight than just grudgingly working together.

Destroy the state

It can't


Veeky Forums taught me that we are all the same in the end

The conclusion but not the process.

delete this

Overcome your ego, overcome autism.

Accepting that there is only one God, Allah(swt), and Muhammad (pbuh) was his prophet.

why should peace and unity be achieved?
wtf is "unity" even sounds spooky.

t. Spook

Just b urself :)


It can't. It never can. Can there be peace between mice and snakes? The nature of the world is that of violence. Moral debates can't bring total or permanent peace because some edgelord can just laugh at you and say "I don't give a fuck about morality." Morality requires violence to enforce itself; no objective power of the universe enforces it. There will always be individuals who care only about themselves, and thus there will always be violence.

alien invasion from outer space would unite the world pretty fast


we would have to unite to defeat da aliums duh

What if the aliens are Muslims and only kill the degenerate ones for us

then more power to them but i don't want to be Muslim and they would come for me after they kill all the gays

Hide behind a tree like the jews will

No, thanks.

Simple, we kill everybody who disagrees with us

nuclear weapons got us to peace, idk about that unity part though

The answer is that "Unity" is something not worth striving for in the sense of "World-Peace". You can make unity with your family, friends, neighbors, town but at some point you will exit that aura of oneness and will realize that you are standing in foreign lands where you are at odds with everything surrounding you. Unity is a false system of belief. You could unite half the world but will still have the rest that oppose you. Even within united groups there are oppositions that arise and typically those oppositions result from very minor differences of understanding. If you ever had any friends you would know also that "Friends" are very far from always being united and can even end up being the worst of enemies. Conflict results from differences and until you make everyone the exact same we will continue to have it. I would say the idea of uniting the world is more destructive than wanting to destroy it, because the one who says he is creating world peace is able to hide under the veil of being some kind of righteous liberator, whereas the one who wants to destroy it is being honest and will be attacked outright. If you spend all your time trying to figure out how to world-peace, what were you doing to find peace with those who live and breathe right next to you? If anything, this "Unity" will come from individuals, all individuals, working to make peace with other individuals who they can physically interact with. The possibility of that? I have no comment.