Existed an army shittier in a war than the Ottoman Army?

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>marshal of italy

they did well enough without that faggot enver


The Ottomans fared far better than the Austians, Russians and Italians. Thez were experienced and well organized after the Balkan Wars and the Ottomans had some prettz neat generals as well.

>t. butthurt Australian

Those were literally the only relevant Ottoman victories, kut got taken a couple months after their victory anyway.

this guy is such a cunt

Johnny Turkey was the real deal

>better than the Russians
Brusilov Offensive man.

I'd grant the Ottomans that they were better than the Italians (which isn't exactly an enormous feat considering they were led by this monstrous dipshit), but the Russians and even the Austrians accomplished more than them.

The Ottomans got utterly spanked by the Russians in the Caucasus/eastern Anatolia, and their few victories against the Brits & co. were close cut affairs despite the Ottomans usually holding enormous strategic & tactical advantages on home soil.


Austria's just like the guy who gets trashed at 9 during their birthday party and spends the night vomiting

The Austrian army

Purely a numbers thing

The Italians are highly underrated in WW1. They maintained a major front more or less on their own for the entire war while still contributing troops to the Western Front, and knocked Austria-Hungary out of the war. They even managed to get the third largest artillery stock in Europe behind France and Germany, despite being a relatively poor and underdeveloped nation.

Plus, in the end, they inflicted more casualties than they took. Vittorio Veneto best day of my life.

holy shit I had no idea austria-hungary was this big

>t. mussolini

I think the Ottomans are underrated. They beat the Anglo-French at Gallipoli, which by any metric is pretty good; two great powers coming to attack a marginal power and the great powers lost. In Iraq and the Levant they inflicted several defeats on the British such as Kut, and it took many years for the British to drive them back. Against the Russians, they had some terrible failures in the initial period of the Caucasus campaign, but they didn't collapse, and according to wikipedia the Russians had 700,000 troops tied down there by 1916. 700,000 troops is a lot of forces and supplies, that could have done a lot on the Eastern Front. When Russia collapsed, they reached as far as Baku. In addition, they contributed forces to fighting on the Eastern Front, the Salonika Front, and in the Romanian Campaign. I don't know how important or useful those troops were, but just the fact that they sent several corps for such operations is impressive.

Overall that sounds like a pretty good overall performance to me. A poor empire with a small population (the Ottoman Empire's population was 18 million), lots of internal ethnic minorities, which was conducting a genocide internally at the same time as fighting the war, was spread over a large geographic area, with some but not a huge amount of support from Germany, hung on fighting for 4 years against the British, Russians, French, and various smaller nations, tying down or effectively combating probably literally millions of enemy soldiers, with their mere existence choking off Russia's vital grain export capacity.

It certainly beats Austria-Hungary >lose to everybody but Italy including god damn Serbia, or Italian >holy shit we're losing to Austria-Hungary despite the Austro-Hungarians fighting against Serbia/Salonika front/and Russia at the same time!

Italy contributed a few divisions to the Western front, and the Western powers contributed a few divisions to the Italian front. It isn't an impressive showing.

Ottoman Empire population was 21 million at ww1, took a significant blow because of soldier and civilian deaths though


The 1914 census list reflected major changes in the territorial boundaries and administrative division of the Ottoman state.[3] The population statistics and Ottoman general election, 1914 were major population sources. 18,520,015 was the population.[4] The grand total for 1914 showed a "net gain" of 1,131,454 from the 1905-06 Ottoman census survey. The data reflects the loss of territory and population in Europe due to Balkan Wars, as the total net gain figure would be 3,496,068.[5]


>did not advance in the west since battle of the marne in 1914
>got btfo by brits all throughout the war
>only reason why they didn't immiadately collapsed was due to their huge population and thus huge manpower

>Austians, Russians
Laughable statement, even more so considering the later utterly decimated their army at the beginning of the war

>knocked out
Please, we all know it was the slavs who crippled Austria

>Just a number thing
The offensive that could have ended the war and also almost broke the Austrians. Just imagined if the northern generals also consecutively also attacked the Germans lines making it almost impossible to help the Austrians, the Germans would be forced to capitulate without it most important ally.


its all about supplies m8. one of high ranking officers in kut even suicided over not having a wire cutter in middle of the war.

Austria-Hungary still trashed Italy numerous and somewhat held their own against russkies.


Oh look, a normie
Austria has been one of the biggest countries in Europe for centuries
Being amazed by its size in WW1 is "new to history" tier

No such thing on this shit board, just memes

The same army that fought the British army to a standstill for 3 years straight despite the British army being 7 times larger?

Russia, Austria-Hungary, and most of all Italy were much worse than Turks

retarded italy a cute

>sick man of europe
>takes the allies 4 years and 1M+ lives to defeat them
>can't even partition anatolia because the Turks later on BTFO greeks

yeah... shittier


Austria in every war since the Ottoman Wars. Thrashed by France, Italy, Prussia, Russia, Serbia.


Italy was a minor player. Nevertheless they forced the "Mittelmächte" to send troops, but Italy just began to attack offensively when ÖU already collapsed internally. They exagerated their victory at Vittorio Veneto extremely and after the war whined about a "vittoria mutilata".