/tf2g/ Team Fortress 2 General

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Game Traffic: steamcharts.com/app/440#1y

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Basics: playcomp.tf
Comp Wiki: comp.tf
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Scripting: pastebin.com/1VmngMfJ | pastebin.com/H3WfKLaB
TF2 streams: teamfortress.tv
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Fat is NOT cute.

I want fempyro's fat butt on my face.

Fat is HOT.

this is gonna be a good thread i can tell already

How so? It's already started like shit

I'd diaper that pyro if you lads understand what im getting at

i dont understand

I don't think I want to understand.

if only yakui drew that well

Scout nerfs when?

Any fucking second now even though he doesn't deserve them.
>nerfing the MGE class even though he's bad in any mode with engineers, chokepoints, or cramped hallways
The sandman was fair and balanced, too.

>Playing maps with engineers, cramped hallways, and chokepoints
It's like you hate fun.

>being unable to move quickly or fight back in a movement and skill based game because someone hit you with the fastest projectile in the game while already being an insane powerhouse of damage output for the cost of only -15 health is fair and balanced
fucking scout mains

It's like a half second of being unable to fight back if you're in scout's kill range, you'll have your gun ready by the time he switches back to his scattergun.
Just dodge the fucking ball, it makes a loud noise and is impossible to miss seeing if your monitor is turned on.


Achtually I main the class scout counters the fucking hardest, and I never run into sandmans because it's just not a fucking issue unless you're bad.

maybe people don't use the sandman because they know it's getting nerfed because it's bullshit and not fun to fight against and they don't want to be assholes

Maybe they don't use it because it's an extremely hard to land skillshot and getting 1-shotted by soldiers already isn't worth the risk. Maybe you deserve to die if you missed a gigantic glowing ball flying at you at like half the speed a heavy walks and got hit.

>Being onshot by soldiers
? ? ? ? ?
Also, any decent scout worth a damn can shit all over soldiers. I know you're baiting, but at least act like you actually play the game.

>playing scout
>don't want to be an asshole

what did he mean by this?

>giving up both your utility melee and your utility secondary for a meme that probably wont land 95% of the times you try it
>faggots getting mad on the 5% chance it does happen and calling for it to be nerfed to literal death because they can't stop peeking long sightlines
Make me understand the mind of a vocal minority anti-scout main.

b4nny dropping some hard truths

Wow, I sure bet he is. Too bad you're probably the only person in this thread tuned into his stream, so those hard truths will forever go unheard.

>he doesn't watch Grant "Empty my nine in the welfare line" Vincent
You're like the only one in this thread who doesn't

>Watching someone else play the game instead of playing it yourself

>he doesn't frag and watch while queued
come on son

>Joining casual games
>Not fragging on your local community server
>Not playing DM or MGE between pugs and scrims

name a good community server that is active


>He can't follow a conversation without his post numbers crutch

who are you talking to

How sad. I bet he failed 3rd grade English, too.

>he gives (you)s to fraglets, niggers, possibly women, f2ps, and children who dont watch benny

wHo ArE yOu TaLkInG tO ????????????????????????????????????

I'm honestly about to be mad at people who are new to these threads.

He's clearly shitposting, lad.

TALKING TO ? ? >? ??? ?>>?> >?

The devils themselves

I'm a fucking fraglet and a brainlet, how can I be smarter than my superior counterparts?

Hightower is fun.


You can't, just pick an easy class like soldier or sniper and try not to suck so fucking much.

>easy class like soldier or sniper

Really missed a chance to edit POMF into *BURP*

>pomf not replaced with burp
you tried

do it yourself you fags

no, you fucking do it, you posted it nigger

bonk helm or batter's helmet?

Neither. Ye Old Baker Boy is where it's at

Fellas, none of those are the Greased Lighting. Therefore it's shit.

Yes those are very simple classes.


You forgot scout, pyro, heavy, engineer, and medic, then.

>maps with a magnitude of props not being able to be collided with

Worst part of this game honestly. There are so many incredible escape routes and places to perch that could reward you for your acute observations and ability to move/jump accurately and consistently that map makers just seem to never capitalize on. This is why spy mains have to rely on the crutch ringer.


>i have trouble grasping simple concepts
It's ok if you're learning disabled, they have classes like engi for you

i've been FRAGGING the whole nigght, what's are yyou all doijng
i am high as fuck on adrenaline and dopamine holy heck not even pottis is this gud

A lot of props are there for flavor. If literally every roof was able to be stood upon or you could jump on every single prop in the game, a lot of maps would have to be redesigned around the concept because shit like that would make soldier/demo/scout even more broken, not even to mention the potential for fucky sentry spots.

I played a bunch of PoE today and now I'm fragging the shit out of jump maps. Speaking of, what's your favorite jump map, /tf2g/?

i dont even mean literally EVERY prop or getting rid of boundaries so you could go on rooftops, but there are a lot that could positively affect gameplay that would serve as alternative paths so spies wouldnt have to turn on his shit ringer to survive an incredibly linear path that effectively makes his class useless. soldier already gets those perching points because for fuck all reason a lot of props high up in the map collide while lower ones dont. scout doesnt really have a use for props in most situations because of his double jump. engie cant build on most props and even if he could, there wouldnt be enough room. plus it adds an extra dynamic to fights with classes that cant blast or double jump.

why do women always play medic

jump_pagoda, forever and ever. great variety of jumps ranging from moderate to infuriating difficulty, leaves a lot of room to approach each jump the way you want it to, and it's built in a way that makes it look good as well

>vents, pipelines, feed chutes, and bridges that span over airspace that you can't jump over, despite there being nothing above them

Because they have no desire to actually git gud and improve so they play the class that doesn't require much mechanical skill.

Process choke has that and it pisses me off to no end. I understand why it's there and I understand the function it serves, but it definitely could've been better designed. For an example of a map that desperately needs this, look no further than Coldfront. Though it has a host of other issues, that's the main one I remember. The choke isn't actually a choke because soldiers can just bomb in and out for free.

After playing pubs as nothing but solly I can see why publets think soldier is op. If the enemy team is dumb you just can't die, but you can rack up the kills really fast, even just shooting predictive rockets around corners. Has the average pubber gotten worse, or have all the good people left?

easy class, don't have to do much except dodge and rarely keep track of uber if there's another medic. arrows add a modicum of skill but they rarely use it in pubs anyway since they're pocketing whoever's dick they suck

I can't even enjoy this game when it runs so poorly even on high end machines.

I feel like the average publet is getting worse, especially with the new casual system that just encourages leaving after the game is over.

>soldier main telling people that their class is easy


I get a solid 150~200 frames on my machine on most maps. Have you considered getting a gfx config?

>it runs great.... if you play it on fucking retard settings

>eye-catcher covers demomans existing eyepatch with another eyepatch
why is this

man if soldier is such an easy class where were all of you pro soldiers when our team needed a roamer

I still get drops below 144hz with a min config. TF2 is very poorly optimized in terms of its CPU usage and simply guzzles down single thread performance. Even a 7700K @ 5ghz can't keep the game at a stable 240hz (in 12v12, not sure about 6s/hl) which sucks because we have lots of 240hz monitors coming out now.

because two eye patches is too dumb even for tf2

who is the faker of tf2?

From what I understand 240hz isn't that much an upgraded as 144hz is for TF2 anyway. That's what the single thread on tf.tv I read about it said.

We've been over this. Soldier is such an easy class no one actually plays it because that just wouldn't be fair, and things like rocket jumping and rollouts are just too easy to learn so why bother wasting time on learning something so braindead easy?

m-m-m-m-m-m-m-maybe the port to source 2 will make it better, r-r-r-r-r-r-r-right guys....?

maybe nobody wants to be on your ironic memer team....

>banana hat
no it's not

Despite women's attempt to force a movement where they demand independence, they much rather depend on somebody else. The medic is a digital manifestation of that notion. Allowing them to still have a sense of purpose, while they are fully protected under the veil of their entrusted partners. Women do not desire for improvement, rather they seek out somebody who will provide them with the necessities required for them to move forward. A team will always demand for a medic and women will always jump for that demand because they loved to be sought out for.

You understand wrong. 144Hz still has a massive amount of sample-and-hold motion blur, even more than a 75Hz CRT (or strobed LCD). Even 240Hz still has a lot of blur, but it's an improvement.


damn this is completely true but explaining it makes you sound like an incel

>only like 5 programmers left at valve that give a shit about tf2

doubt they have the capacity to move the old beast over to source 2 even if they want to.

I don't know jack about monitors, man, I just know 144hz is supposed to be good. The thread I read is here, though: teamfortress.tv/42743/240hz-monitors

how 2 get epic killstreaks

>be soldier on 2fort
>stay in your base around the courtyard/main choke
>frag anyone who tries to pass

fuck the objective I'm finna get a 30+ streak niBBa

>Needing to play on shit maps to get 30+ killstreaks

desu most "competitive" game forums are clueless about monitors and monitor technologies, despite how critical good motion clarity is for playing TF2. It's quite strange. Having a good with display low motion blur (240Hz or strobed 120/144Hz) is a game-changer. It allows you to land pipes, airshots and track as scout so much more easily.

>Needing killstreak weapons to count your kills for you.
Let me guess, numbers are too hard for your feeble mind to comprehend?

It's not about you counting, it's about making sure everyone else know that I'm gooder at video james

it's to make publets feel bad

I'm sure they'll notice how gooder you are when you repeatedly kill them and constantly show up in the killfeed. Not that skill matters much on pubs, lmao

*goes to bed after getting 162510 kills*
*wakes up*
*eats breakfast*
*turns on pc*
*gets on tf2*
*remembers that i have 162510 kills*
hell yeah... autism is theb est

>not wanting to publically shame people you frag
also stranges are best used with parts even though nobody gives a rats ass about strange parts when buying something

complete and utter projection

I use stranges because I think orange is a better colour than yellow.

t. autist that doesnt like stranges

>96 posts in
>21 posters

>Implying this thread isn't entirely me, you, Xanfag, and my alts

Do you think it's just a meme that people say this general is dead? The only people left for the most part are just ironic shitposters