League of Legends general - /lolg/

Old thread: Lamp man Edition


top xth for pretending to be a girl on /lolg/ for (You)s

any reason why cuvee is playing kennen? i dont understand the matchup

I want to MARRY Evelynn!


Jax is my husbando!

around jax never relax

xth for my wife Syndra

>tfw no qt gf to cuddle in bed with while watching comfy esports

Ruler is gonna cost SSG this series

Good synergy with Sejuani and forces the tanks to stack mr for Ruler to melt shit.

Pic related.

The only thing more repugnant than a weeb is whatever the SK equivalent is.

Someone post the image.

>14 kills in 26 minutes in a KR game.
This shit is a fucking mess by their standards so yeah, it's not impossible to know at all.

Overdone, but if he got a Juuni Taisen-esque Battle Bunny skin, with some more covering and armour bits, that'd be neat. Keep him masked too.

is it true that you can't relax around jax

korean version of weaboo is koreaboo

>Mallet Jax
I would've thought Khan would go Titanic.


lz couldn't help but get cocky as shit after rolling a group of shitters

it's not like ssg hasn't played them before


what a bloodbath

at least its entertaining rather than farming borefests

These fucking hooks are horrendous

I want Jax to win pls don't throw Syndra

LZ fucking suck. I can already tell SKT are gonna win again.

looks like another championship for skt...

nice engage

>tfw the premades pick before you so they pick what you intended instead of what they originally intended and then trade just to spite you

>longzhu don't look as good now they are taking on non-wildcard teams

never in doubt lads, lets enjoy these new SKT skins coming

Gorilla shouldnt pick thresh again, its a memepick


I don't play top lane so, excuse me if this question is retarded:

Is nashors good on split push AP kennen?
I understand getting magic pen is important for 1v1, hourglass for survivability, protobelt for engage... But what if you're mindlessly splitpushing like a nasus or tryn. Does nashors make sense as a 4th or 5th item? Or is that too late and if I was to commit to ap on hit, I should get it first? Or is it just trash and wit's end would be better?

>non ardent censer support

Samsung's macro is clean this series just got a lot more interesting

>Not consummating your marriage on your wedding night

>want jax to win
>want malzahar sejuani to win
fugg lads

if ssg wins this first game, they have a chance since crown is like 90% mentality

When are we going to see Garen at worlds?

Ruler is failing so many autos


>kennen ulted an ulting xayah
>won the tf anyways

>Two Infernals for LZ
>Cloud for SSG
This is fucking rigged.

>what if you're mindlessly splitpushing like a nasus or tryn
then you should be playing Nasus or Trynd, not a champion picked primarily for the teamfight power of his ult.

Longzhu please we need you to be strong

So, bets on this years SKT skins?

There should be a special bonus if you manage to get all 4 different elemental drakes on one team.

so when does this pick shine

>wanting sejuani to win
fuck off

>even MORE rng

>jax still splitting as inhib dies
Just like my soloq


SKT Ahri, i think faker said that

I used to post butts in these threads. Then those faggot jannies gave me a 3-day vacation.

League of Legends.

only 3 different types can spawn in a game

it can only spawn three different types

I knew this pic looked familiar

>samsung throwing

Ruler is fucking trash.


>korean comeback teamfighting

always enjoyable to see

>corejj dashes to ruler and ends up getting them both flayed

jesus christ what a retard

>tp back
>get nothing beause you wont fight anyway
>instead stay and get gold for the team

good choice

what a fucking throw holy shit

The counterthrows

holy shit bdd cucked cuvee so hard

no idea for the top laner.

>No idea for Jungle but probably J4 and Lee
They're just gonna ask Riot for their favorites anyway and Riot's forced to make it.

Ever since the 2002 world cup and the Savior starcraft scandal I've never enjoyed Korean matches in anything involving competition.

We need you now more than ever.

So what are people's expectations of the next Burst Mage? I'm a fan of burst mages, so I'm fairly eager. I'm happy to see they are planning on making it lighter themed, I was getting a bit tired of the edgy characters. Mostly Kayn, since he's so egregious. I'd prefer if they don't have new Lux's personality though, I hate it.

>kennen solo killed by syndra

god damn, he could have teleported on the wave that was coming down instead of right in range of the enemy team, that shit teleport cost them the teamfight

>clown ulting anybody

is he trolling?

>retard teammate expects jax to someone come back and defend the inhib from a massive deficit instead of getting what little he can for the team

just like solo q

>Not Faker finally getting his Ahri skin
Man you guys just want him to keep winning worlds huh?

I feel sad about this

>as opposed to sitting in base with thumbs up your ass while the baron-empowered team takes your base
>Quote from Phreak: "Its the kind of play that gets you flamed in soloq but its the right choice"
I guess he was talking about shitters like you.

ruler is playing really well
>that baron fight


ty for leash longzhu

muh pickems

>team with ardent vs. team without ardent

i hope its a cute girl with a fun personality again
last girl who had a good one was a fucking sheep

>jax trying to 1v5
Just like my silver games!


>The Mongol'd Khanate of Jax

>It's actually a control mage that just literally bursts bubbles

what happened?

I really like that KR vs KR games tend to actually be a back and forth instead of just a stomp.

>enemy team missing biggest team fight threat
>lose 5v4

Lul, quarter finals less viewers than na teams shitting the bed

>Samsung works better when there's no Kennen
Really slices the maelstrom

reminder that samsung is capable of beating any team in the world
people that thought this would be a 3-0 for LZ are retarded

But Tristana was in the fight?

Doesn't Faker have to play her in a competitive game in order for it to count?

Also they'll just keep winning anyway.0

Same, I got banned last week but it's okay because my teams have me no reason to post delicious butts for them


I'm surprised that there's no showcase of the runes ward skin yet. It's nice.

>"Right now, 'Longzhu' members are filled with vigor... but soon, they will be stricken with fear and pressure" - Kkoma during Summer
How did he know.

Rumble if untara gets a skin and sejuani for blank

Lulu is CUTE and ADORABLE!