League of Legends General - /lolg/


new champ is a dreamer or something

perfect male edition

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xth for my wife Syndra

I've never flexed before, got gold V in solo Q, how did this happen?

Daily reminder that those sneaky gooks are trying to trick you Western fools into maining Kalista so you can feed them in SoloQ and help them hit Rank 1

I need to breed a Yordle like right now

ryze, syndra and galio are all shit mids and the pros are retarded for picking or banning any of them. The stats can't lie

>tfw no qt petite gf

>tfw he chokes so hard on your Noxian penetrator he quits before laning phase is over

xth for Tristfags getting BTFO

What champion pisses you off the most?

reposting for infectious song

>new champion will have an overloaded and obnoxious kit


>that passive aggressive Kalista main on absolute suicide watch

Why did Rito hire Anthony Burch?
Why can't he leave Poppers alone?

>CertainlyT making them

That was to be expected

oh and I got 9 wins out of 10 with Sona only.

Why are Japanese streamers so much fun to watch?
They're all awful at the game and every game is a clown fiesta but their reactions are so fun.


fucking ranked

I went 7w:3l and ended up in silver 2

How did i do /lolg/ ?

"Tristfags getting BTFO"

>Most played ADC at Worlds
>Most played Champion in SoloQ
>Pretty much the best and most well rounded ADC out right now ontop of being the most fun to play due to her mobility


>tfw no qt petite gf

That grade exists?

>tear taliyah
is this a thing?

>absolute abysmal win/loss and over 500 normal games

Any EUW anons up for normals or flex fuckery?

when you lost and did poorly in lane, ye
maybe if that was a win, I'd have been at diamond V

>Play with duo mid
>He plays Galio I play J4
>we've been diving bot lane level 6 every game
>won 17 out of last 22

Didn't know it was all so easy

whats wrong with losing normals? I want to play soraka top some times

>start by saying she's objectively the best ADC because she has a 90% winrate at Worlds and outperforms every other ADC in solo queue
>get proven so wrong you devolve it to MOST PICKED ADC to hold on to a shred of dignity



Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona Illaoi Magma Fire
Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc, Syndra, Orianna, Lissandra Camille Storm Dark
Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier: Elise, Shyvana, Sejuani, Zyra
High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana, Fiora,Miss Fortune
Mid Tier: Jinx, Caitlyn, Riven,Quinn, Sivir Air
Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe,Janna,Water,Nature,Akali
Submissive: Sona Xayah Soraka



They make a cute couple! Don't you agree anons?

I think i have a problem

archangel is a good combo with rod
just dont start with the tear as taliyah and get it last

Has anyone here had a game where you unlocked red kayn first instead of assasin/blue?

Its literally fucking impossible. If they switched it around so rhaast needs ranged champs his winrate would go 10% up.

What champion should I take top lane if I want to carry hard? It's my secondary role so assume I'm gonna get enough practice to git gud.

Don't forget her winrate at worlds

I wanna hold Lulu in my arms as tightly as possible!

>look at tags

R34 is not canon, period.


I'm fully willing to wait to unlock red form in most games.

Yeah many times. And generally if the enemy team has enough ranged that you're getting SA that much quicker then it's better to just go assassin and delete some squishies.

Any names?

damn that looks nice

>that text to speech they all use
please use something more modern


Lulu is my STAR!

Yasuo is objectively one of the best designed champs in the game. Problem is half of the other league champs are trash who can't hold their own vs him so the players that play those trash champs cry on leddit about it.

I think you have the wrong guy friend but her winrate>pick ratio is the best at Worlds. She's the most picked ADC with one of the highest win rates. She's just consistently fantastic, both at the highest levels of play and in SoloQ.

Just gank the melee when you're nearly transforming, only the last orb matters


try reading your comment again

I have more than 200 more losses than victories in my normal games over 3000 games. For a while I thought that was due to me playing with 30's for a long time but I'm pretty sure that would have evened out over time. Maybe it's the fact that I try out a lot in normal games and I team up with friends of very different rankings and skills but thinking about it makes me feel bad.

Anyone still need to do 5man tp mission? I need a group, Summoner : Snuffin, ill invite you guys

wait the new champ is a vampire that isnt really a vampire like vlad?

>Two anons arguing about which of their 100% pickban adc is the worse
What the fuck was wrong with the last thread

Watching metatachan right now but I also checked out some raijin guy who was also pretty funny.

Pretty sure it's half meme like how popular streamers use TTS for donations and half so they don't have to look over at their chat when playing in order to talk to chatters.
If a Japanese streamer got big they'd have to turn it off just because of the number of messages that would be coming in.

Shibs here Gangplank's ex-waifu

Where is everyone? Gumi? Graves poster?!

>3 hit passive somewhere in the kit
>uncounterable mechanic that Riot will viciously defend despite it being a massive issue for the game's health
>TRUE DAMAGE or % HP damage, bonus points if both
>100% broken on release that needs to be hotfix nerfed

God I love CertainlyT releases

I'm fairly sure he is being ironic.


I don't think anyone is arguing that.

I'm pretty sure the argument is based on if kalista is stronger but we don't know because she's always banned. Them some shitposter decided to shit everything up

Everyone's dead. There's nobody left but Lulufag.

GP wasn't giving you enough cocks to suck?

What happened to you Shibs!?!
You told me it was canon!

Nobody left but vladfag and lulufag.

Might as well off the general for good.


No shit she's the safe all-rounder of this meta. The problem lies more in saying she's objectively stronger than Kalista who's sitting on a 100% ban rate since Worlds started because "muh results vs speculation" as if pro players just ban on a whim like solo queue shitters.

Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

What are the Official ADC tier lists? I'm getting confused by those two shitposting Kalista/Tristfags?

>God tier - Kalista, Tristana
>Demi god tier - Kog'Maw, Xayah
>Yesterdays news tier - Caitlyn

SoloQ tier:
>God tier - Tristana, Twitch
>Demi god tier - Draven, Kog'Maw, MF
>Good tier - Vayne

what about lissfag

And she's ALL MINE!

Can go suck a dick, but he's not here as much as the other two.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.


they is not even any tiddies

Objectively stronger isn't something I would agree with. I do think in the bigger picture of this current meta, Tristana definitely has more consistent results than Kalista.

Just look at this - leagueofgraphs.com/champions/stats/adc/by-winrate

She's only beat out by Twitch in the win rate percentages despite almost doubling his pick percentage. That's pretty ridiculous, even for SoloQ and then even at Worlds, she's looking like one of the strongest ADCs, even at that level of play. I would say Tristana/Kalista, right now are the two strongest ADCs in regards to potential but Tristana is significantly more consistent imo.

That's too bad, dude.
She already chose to be swimming WITH me forever and ever!

xayah is great in soloq
so is kalista as long as you bother putting the slightest amount of practice

Kill yourself you wretched little bitch.

Why do people pretend that Vayne is bad again and why do people pretend that Tristana isn't completely broken right now?

Vayne - 2nd most played ADC and tied in 3rd place for the highest win rate
Tristana - By FAR the most played ADC and in 2nd place for the highest win rate


Like why couldn't Burch waifu Lulu instead, even he has standards?

No one is saying Trist is bad.

no U!

>lets talk about pro play kalista
>btw here are the soloq win rates because i have no arguments
>now back to the talk about pro play

She's quite good in soloq. Especially since dumb dumbs just love to clutter up before a fight. put in some cc in there for mf like j4, ori, ornn, etc., and mf's ult is guaranteed for a triple kill or higher.

is ornn still shit? riot says they're okay with where he is now so they won't buff him

It literally is ardent censer allowing them to spike faster.

If you want to balance a champion, you balance it at the source. And the source is Ardent Censer, crit items have some influence but ultimately its Ardent Censer.

oh look, the cancer arrive.

vayne is always at t he very least average in popularity, because she's vayne and has her fanbase of braindamaged degenerates, and some players think it's a good idea to pick her when autofilled
her winrate is fine because she's okay
tristana's winrate is underwhelming compared to how S++ tier she is because meta bandwagoning

>"Kalista is great in SoloQ"
>sub 50% win rate at every elo

Ornn is fucking busted right now. Learn to play him and rake in the LP

hes artificially good. his kit is dog shit but he does so much damage that you dont auto lose the game with him anymore

Girls loving girls! Even when they're going through a rough phase in their relationship!

neko dood loloo only loves veigar when will u leaaaaarrnn

he's strong as fuck

>not reading the rest of the sentence

I still think Morde with 200 bugs or Pantheon pizza feet and shit lore deserved the rework more

>56% win rate vs tristana in korean master+ games

kill urself pretend-meriipoop retard